Sponsored by supervisor wiener who will be here in about 30 minutes. Item 4 is an ordinance authorizing the Municipal Transportation Agency to include in any contract with Security Services it executes within the next year after issuing a competitive solicitation reviptions that require payment of prevailing wages by both the contractor and subcontractor to any individual providing Security Services under the contract and transitional employment for the prior contractors employees as set forth in administrative code 21c. 7. We have cis from mta on this item. Supervisor avalos, cis cabot, security enforcement at mta on behalf of my colleagues at the agency i am grateful for the opportunity to address this committee about the importance of partnering with a private company. With a ridership of over 250 Million People annually and billions of dollars in assets the mta has much to protect that is vital to the people of San Francisco and the region. That duty is undertaken with the utmost s
Into the digester, the bacteria that we typically use for the digestion process has an easier time to consume it. And so that it makes it easier for the digestion process, therefore, making the digestion process more efficient and more effective reducing the over all size of the digestion that we need and reducing the over all product that they have. And emissions. And emissions yes. And the bacteria that is used in this process and that is similar to the bacteria that is used in the oil spilled consumption. I do not know sir, i do not know what is being spilled. But the bacteria that we do use, in the digestion process which is a mesofile is a very, standard, type of bacteria that we use in the industry and i have an example and in los angeles and chicago where they use the digestion, they use the same type of bacteria. Commissioners . Commissioner vietor . So, food waste . The. Does it have the capacity . The technology, that we are building has full capacity to handle the food waste
Of selly. Right on. We like. I am joined by supervisor john avalos, we will be joined momentarily by supervisor eric mar items acted upon today will appear on the november 25th board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Items 1 through 3 are sponsored by supervisor wiener who will be here in about 30 minutes. Item 4 is an ordinance authorizing the Municipal Transportation Agency to include in any contract with Security Services it executes within the next year after issuing a competitive solicitation reviptions that require payment of prevailing wages by both the contractor and subcontractor to any individual providing Security Services under the contract and transitional employment for the prior contractors employees as set forth in administrative code 21c. 7. We have cis from mta on this item. Supervisor avalos, cis cabot, security enforcement at mta on behalf of my colleagues at the agency i am grateful for the opportunity to address this committee about the importance of
One in ireland, where it first went in ten years ago when it went in it had the challenges and the company that owns this technology came back in and modified the plant and to the own satisfaction everything from on door control and maintainbility. And we also visited, londons crio plant and manchesters yets room plant, and the other major thing and then finally we ended the tour, actually going to oslow where this technology exists to meet with the ceo and the chief of this particular technology to go over the companys due diligence, and one of the things that i will say and i was impressed with is that the company has clearly taken its profits and put them back into the research and development and they continue to make the product better and we continue to make it more affordable fbility to the point that washington, d. C. If we did decide to go with it and it took two years to construct the thp part of their four billion dollar expansion, at blue plains in washington, d. C. , and t
272 million up to 326 million but the portion in waste waters budget is going down because of the refunding. Why is it from accountability departments and its the timing. I mean with the bonds were issued. Thats right. Thank you todd. So this is a higher level of looking at the our Capital Expenditures for the next couple of years. As you see and todd will be going over those slides. What we plan to finish with the next couple of years is the conceptual is the digest facility and the cbs i p the improvement project. Also begin to cabin the review project and complete construction of all the e i ps that karen has presented and complete our upgrade side with the Water Assessment weve been talking about. So those are the sources of fund as you see the majority of increases are in the backs of our rates and were conscious of that. Very little bit coming from other sources. Mr. President. Commissioner torres going back to the f y the conceptual bio solids digestive some people think thats t