Locally produced comedy series, Moku Moku began filming its first season on Tuesday in Makawao after a pilot test launch earlier this year. The show is now producing episodes 2-6 following a blessing at the production basecamp Upcountry.
Director Josh Goldman announced today the World Premiere release date of the EP for the Hawaiian Heart movie, in it’s entirety, is Friday March 24, 2023.
Four of our very own island artists compete against names like Michael Bolton, Sisqó and Jewel in the new NBC show. American Song Contest is an American music reality competition television series based on the Eurovision Song Contest. Artists from all 50 states, five U.S. territories and the nation s capital perform original songs across different genres as they compete for America s votes in an eight-week live event that will crown one grand prize winner. Amoung the competitive contestants is Jason J of Guam, Bronson Varde of Hawaii, Tenelle Luafalemana of American Samoa and Mathew Sablan of Northern Mariana Islands.