maybe stop the bleeding. was he say anything? he was trying to mumble things, but i couldn t make out what he was saying. then i saw the driver get out and wave at another civilian car. then, you know, they we were trying to get the driver was trying to get brent out. i got out of the car, and then they just shoved me into this car and drove me out. but i kept saying, you know, bring brent, bring brent. and i think at that point is when maybe brent was just he was dead already. and i remember just being in that car. i put my hand on the wound, and i was starting to faint. i was like, this can t be. i can t go. we all imagine how would we react in a situation where shots are being fired in our direction, and you think intellectually, oh this is the way it would happen, or this is the way i would do. was it different than you had ever thought of it? i certainly never experienced an ambush like that. but there was a point that i thought, this is it.
irresponsibility of uma abedin to send those emails to her husband to brent out, let alone who her husband ended up being to give to hillary clinton because she didn t like reading off a screen. she preferred to see a hard copy. steve: james comey himself yesterday said no reasonable prosecutor would have brought charges because there was no criminal intent. it was against the law. so, nonetheless, james comey did things that we have never seen from an fbi director before. and that is why judge napolitano said earlier we re not going to run the sound bite but he said james comey should be fired. ainsley: the president should say you re fired. steve: meanwhile let s talk a little bit about susan rice. she is back in the news because the president in the united states in the last 10 minutes has tweeted twice. ainsley: susan rice the former national security advisor to president obama is refusing to testify before a senate subcommittee next week on allegations of unmasking trump transitio
in fact, doug was probably the first pen i had gotten in contact with after i got to the hospital. i didn t know where i was working at the time, you know, when i started really after i saw my family, and that s okay. it s hard for all of you. it s tough to talk about. it s very hard. they helped me out of there. so you heard that brent was down? yes, i heard he was down. the other motor men with us went
back in to help the other men get brent out and because the electrical technician was bleeding, he was injured and he wasn t quite all there, he was panicking, i decided to stay with him and we went to the bridge. i looked up at fire on the rig floor, and it was getting larger, and that was scaring me. it was starting to spread down on to the main deck, and it was actually so bright you couldn t even look at it anymore. it actually started sounding like a living thing because it was hissing so loudly. it was almost sounding like the beginnings of a roar of a creature. the fire actually sound almost alive? yes, and it just continued to grow, and finally the order was given for us to board the life
down? yes, i heard he was down. the other motor men with us went back in to help the other men get brent out and because the electrical technician was bleeding, he was injured and he wasn t quite all there, he was panicking, i decided to stay with him and we went to the bridge. i looked up at fire on the rig floor, and it was getting larger, and that was scaring me. it was starting to spread down on to the main deck, and it was actually so bright you couldn t even look at it anymore. it actually started sounding like a living thing because it was hissing so loudly. it was almost sounding like the beginnings of a roar of a creature. the fire actually sound almost alive? yes, and it just continued to