The controversy erupted after the Canada-based Indian origin filmmaker took to Twitter to share a poster of her film which depicted a woman dressed in a costume portraying the Goddess and smoking. A flag of the LGBT community is seen in the background.
The controversy erupted after Leena Manimekalai took to Twitter to share a poster of her film which depicted a woman dressed in a costume portraying the Goddess and smoking. A flag of the LGBT community is seen in the background.
Kaali movie poster controversy: Mahua Moitra indirectly made a comment to the huge controversy that erupted over filmmaker Leena Manimekalai s film poster.
Members of Breaking the Shackles, a local nonprofit organization committed to bringing awareness to modern slavery and sex trafficking, came to Tate Plaza on Feb. 25 equipped with red sharpies
Breaking the Shackles - Everybody has fear in their life but some people are in denial and don't accept it. It is like a stigma in our society to admit that you are feeling sad or.