prosecuted clear cases of self-defenseel. defend you you can t defend yourself. the people who areor favoreded by the regime can do howeverpr they want. you can dor nothing to protect your life, your family, your property. burglars broke into the arlington smoke shop in march 2020 mill the night a store employee who was sleeping in the store because there are soo many break insor shot at the robbers as is hispp right, in fact his duty. and he should be applauded for that. but no, he was prosecuted. we o spoke to the store owner about what happened, but they broken into the store three men with masks on .ighbora the neighbor upstairs said when they brokeir bro the window, it sounds like a car smashing into the store. humzare, the employee, he said t sounded like a shotgun. and when he woke up, he said he just reached for the pistol and opened the door and shot three times to scare them. on and one of them hit the suspect. and what happened after that?wh whenen the police we thought wee
the lowest. is it possible for the public, which i think deserves it to get a precise accounting of whatever pharmaceuticals he may be prescribed by the white house physician? there s a long history of presidents getting doped up by the white house doctorssi. can we get an answer on that? doe you think i think we should demand an answer on that. look, we have a long history of being full of being hidden. woodroww wilson, who had the spanish flu and famouslyyc led the treaty ofli versailles going awry. we ve had so manyiv problems over the course of the years and all they did was attack president trump who did takee cognitive tests. and by the way, a neurocognitive test here , n neuropsychological testing would show exactly what s t goig on here. we need to demand that and yes, any medication he s on should be open. we o have to have a fitness test to anyone that s a leader of any time over a certain age, certainly close to 80 years old . certainly all of that we demand
car because by then they re reliableyou know, not as you know. and we h can do better. we shouldn t be having to go to venezuela and actually saudi arabia on our knees k begging fr oil. this is americaca and the president and the vice president, the administration yelling especially inflationlen the border. n, i mean, we could go on and on . we got to get our act together here. so, you know, i m hopefuloi that they wake upng somehowow and it s going to be in the next election cycle. i hope so. that s coming soon. the nextoo two election cycles actually matter the most. monica, thanks you. y that s and stop listening to see whenk, we come back , john solomon haso an exclusive investigative report that will chronicle allrt the failures of the capitol police made on january six . also cash patel will chronicle all of nancy s ash pelosi s failures that day as we o continue news, i promise you won t get from the mob. thanks for being with you. i was a part of
0 news channel. that s it for us tonight. by the way, we are for privacy.. we don t like buggingbut peoplt home. but when kid rock says, hey, swing by my house, we could nota resist. and the commentariat , which ise pretty greatat on fox nation .cm right now. we hope you ll watch it.or we ll see youro back here tomorrow night. at 88:00. the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. that s sat our show. that s i m going to have and welcome to hannity. mus and tonight, a bombshell report that you won t t get anywhere but right here on this show definitely not t the sham democratic fundraiser that s masqueradingmo as themm january committee. and coming up tonight , an investigativeto report john solomon will reveal what actually went wrong inside the capitol police department during p the january six . well, incursion in twenty twenty one along with shocking new details about speaker pelosi s epicith fail during that fateful day. also tonight , we ll turn to d a somethin
difficult to do. right? we o have a number of claims in the suit i think in some ways the most interesting points areay not the state actor claims those are difficult to prove. unlike harmeet, i m very happyar twitter is headquartered in california because california has very strong free speech protections and it also f has a section of its civil codeh that essentially makes clear that twitter should be defineds as a common carrierar for the purposes of california law. so i have protections c under california law that if enforcedo would essentially force twitter to allow me back on the platform. priva twitter is a large privateteor company and california courts have said before that shopping malls, for example, must allow people to speak even if their speech is not what the malls want. twitter is much more powerful than a shopping mall and i want to see something else. ttucker , which is there s this notion on the left that somehow if you first of all,on i never harassed anybodyh