joe biden is the one that has no idea that it s tuesday. let s j be honest. that s one thing that i nowne i agree that biden has a real problem with inflation and the economy even though the economy is showing signs of life. we o all lost a lot of money in the stock market over the last coupleth of days.the it s very we re worried about covid. we re worried about l we russia and nuclear weapons. there s so many different causes of disquiet. the last thing we need toes be divided about is allowing anyone who wants to to be on the social media platform and allowing people to have the maturity to select whose they want to hearle what voice they want to hear to try out front to limit the information . that s the worst kind of censorship. that s the worst kind of cancelation that i submit is on . americans will give dan the last word tonight and you deserve it because we often give her all the, the last word . no, thank you . just quickly, you know,
0 good. so take heart and above all enjoy the ones you love. a brand new episode tucker carlson say our interview with glenn greenwald tomorrow morning on fox nation g 7:00 a.m. absolutelyle worth it. we will see you tomorrow nightnw . havealx a greatna and welcome hannity. and tonight, coming up,n: a bombshell new report on joe biden s deep involvement in his son s illicit business deals with communist chinaep. th plus, we re going to bring you shocking newly released video r a criminal investigation into alec baldwine on the set with the onset shooting oft that left that one woman deadn and a great one . mark levin is here tonight . he s going to explain why he s back on twitter and how the big tech world is experiencing an earthquake and how america s left is absolutely melting down for freedom of speech. amazing. but firststabso tonight ,ow it f official. twitter is under new ownershipgh soon elon musk will takesk the reins of the social media to improves vowing the platform, he sa
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his policies on borders becauseb of the left. he the can adjust his policies on the ukraine. but we re running out of time.of i agree, t senator , good to see you. thank you . midterm elections are now s lesm than 10 months away and with biden polling now at an all ah time low and multiple polls, democrats are now fearing the worst so far. twenty eight congressional democrats, they have announced they will not be seeking reelectionrano according to 538b that number is likely toe grow. and meanwhile, a stunning new trafalgar poll by our friend robert haleyr showing republicans are now up over 13 percentage points on the generic ballot question. and by the way, they are down a nine points a year ago. a if those numbers hold republican could easily win back the house and hopefully take the senately by pretty wide margins. last night on this program we o had former president trump on . here s what he had to say about the upcoming elections. takeco listen. what do you advise republicans for