calling names . Hello thats correct again this is truly heading it is the duty item after all the drivers receive a Business Registration obviously form from the treasurer and Tax Collector and we have maybe two or three thousand derivatives are gashthd from packing stoon and other places the form is xhufrg those people dont own computers or have access or knowledge how to work them so at the bottom of page one taxpayers that come to city hall for personal experience my experience long wait times the thing thats funny it appears going go the website is a billing and if feasible as i get older im more mistaken but 91 dollars i filed you out a form and it said circulation they want to know how many times how many times the meter clicked and you find out if it is under one thousand dollars you pay the minimum so the entire experience to generate a billing form it makes no sense and kate to her credit wants to involve the office of Economic Workforce Development im suggesting it is a Bette
On clayton not westbound on 17th. Correct. The concern right now the straight pocket and the right turn pocket so the straight traffic is stuck behind the left turn awhile everyone else is in the left turn. Exactly. So when would you each year this before and after to happen. It should be probably done after School Begins last night in the summer we want to monitor the Traffic Volume before the school ends and monitor before School Starts up again. We have a motion and a second. Second. With that understand i think the director. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed say no the is have. Yes. Mr. Chairman your book to the last regular agenda get to that quickly requesting the board of supervisors to appropriate 49 million for the issuance and sale of the general obligations bond for the Network Project safety improvements and outreach for the better Market Outreach project and save a contribution for conflict for the communication based overly signal system and adapting the transportation effe
Closing and having financial trouble we all deserve information from your staff were not getting it we should have a news letter with links i look at the website and really be great if you have one person as a communication person you hire a second thank you, thank you your time is up calling names . Hello thats correct again this is truly heading it is the duty item after all the drivers receive a Business Registration obviously form from the treasurer and Tax Collector and we have maybe two or three thousand derivatives are gashthd from packing stoon and other places the form is xhufrg those people dont own computers or have access or knowledge how to work them so at the bottom of page one taxpayers that come to city hall for personal experience my experience long wait times the thing thats funny it appears going go the website is a billing and if feasible as i get older im more mistaken but 91 dollars i filed you out a form and it said circulation they want to know how many times ho
Added on caramel street down coal so its seen lots of improvements this is one of them. To staff speakers. Good afternoon. Good afternoon director nolan im a Senior Engineer in the sustainable Street Division i have a drawing that depicts the intersection that is the intersection of kay ton my pen is pointing out towards the north we search warrant two things on the agenda to have a lefthand turn pocket and then the northbound direction we have the recommendation of the no lefthand turn restriction as you can see going in the northbound direction theres only one lane at that intersection when a car tries to make a lefthand turn it ties up traffic and it i think people have been honking their horns and causing a nuisance and 33 bus lion along this street may be one car trying to make a lefthand turn it causes a back up and twin peaks boulevard coming through an this by this clayton street it is a very busy street to handle traffic weve talked about alternatives early on trying to commod
There until active loading on every hotel taxi stand there should be a sign ive got the words here and 0 i dont know if it makes any difference i put something down my handwriting is not particular guy good but the sign should say taxi fairs are metered rate and second got to be big enough to people in the taxi line can see it, and, secondly San Francisco airport costs approximately 45 and then thirdly, the charge can be shared or split by up to 4 people lunge permitting and finally the last thing for other groups transportation or Ground Transportation excuse me. Established the costs first, i think we ought to be fair for people that know nothing people coming out of hotels they know nothing about what is gong it is vuvenlg you have to stand in front of a hotel. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. The last person to turn in a speaker card. Hi ken with the San Francisco cab drivers director reiskin was on the kqed newsroom and was asked my muni on time performa