<p><span>The Financial Conduct Authority has published a Decision Notice against BlueCrest Capital Management (UK) LLP (BCMUK) setting out its decision to impose a financial penalty of £40,806,700 on the firm.</span></p>
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SEC Fines Investment Adviser $170 Million for Multiple Disclosure Failures. UK-based investment adviser BlueCrest Capital Management Limited (BlueCrest) recently agreed to return $170 million to former investors to settle charges levied by the SEC involving disclosure failures, material misstatements, and misleading omissions. The SEC found that BlueCrest quietly transferred its top traders from its flagship client fund, BlueCrest Capital International (BCI), to an internal fund and left trading for the client fund in the hands of a trading algorithm that was set up to replicate some of the trading activity of BlueCrest’s live traders. Unfortunately for BCI investors, the algorithm, by and large, underperformed and resulted in inferior returns.
This Week In Securities Litigation (Week of December 14, 2020)
The exit continues at the Commission. This week Director of Enforcement Stephanie Avakian announced her departure from the agency at the end of the year. She has been preceded by the Director of Corporation Finance and the General Counsel. The Chairman previously announced his departure at year end.
Last week Enforcement filed a series of cases. Two were based on false statements tied to financial issues, one against GE and another involving CheeseCake Factory. The agency also brought two offering fraud actions, a case involving digital assets and another tied to share class selection conflicts.