Google organized their Google for India summit 2022 in New Delhi on 19th December 2022. Rama Devi Lanka, Director of Emerging Technologies, was invited to attend the exclusive Women Will Session of the event. She was one of the 3 "Women in AI" who spoke about Emerging Technologies Wing and various AI initiatives undertaken by the Government of Telangana. Emerging Technologies
IBM to offer free skills training to 30,000 Telangana students
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Tue, Dec 15 2020 0:12 IST |
IBM. (Photo: Twitter/@IBM). Image Source: IANS News
Hyderabad, Dec 15 : IBM and the Telangana government on Tuesday announced collaboration to provide curated online courses for the state s students that will enhance their technical and professional skills.
IBM will work with the Telangana Academy for Skill and Knowledge (TASK) to offer Open P-TECH , a free digital education platform focused on emerging technologies and professional development skills, for 30,000 students over a period of one year across engineering, degree and polytechnic courses.
Apart from providing access, IBM and its training partners will also train college teachers in using the platform, so that they can guide their students and help on-board them onto the platform and mentor students to learn these skills that will enhance their readiness for their future caree