liamia, where you binge eat and then vomit. france has banned models who are too thin. the issue is that our teens it s the third most common disease amongst among teens. if you are wondering why am i talking about anorexia when last week he was talking about me gaining to much weight. they are connected. the child is, look at the fashion model sayingive got to be thin like this model and then they don t accept their wlait. dr. sammed aadsamadi. how thin is too thin. the bmi should be 18.5, they are telling the companies if you violate, there will be penalties and fines and jail time. what they should be telling children is this is not what you want to look like. anorexia is a real disease. we have treatment for it. and i think you should learn about this and educate yourself.
i ended up doing a score which was really fun. that s a lot of fun. it gives you protection if you control the script a little bit. when i met all these fantastic actors, it made it easy. they are terrific over there. that too. what is wrong? norwegian women are beautiful. it s true. it was wonderful by having it be an original program rather than remade like most are. i m going to binge watch this weekend. start with the first season. i m not going to binge eat, but i will binge watch. going back to south africa, the first time since 1984, my sun city project. i was president then in the 80s
fantasy leagues. good start to the season. looks like the peyton manning of old. if this is what is happening beginning of the season. this is the season to watch. tying nfl records. i m excited. this weekend the nfl s big opening weekend. all things are possible. planning on a football feast this weekend. we have a warning if your team is losing. research from the journal of psychological science find that when your team is losing, we re more likely to binge eat. doesn t surprise me at all. consuming 10% more calories, 16% more saturated fat. when our team wins, 5% fewer calories, 9% less saturated fat. even without the science, you are shouting, winning, having a great time. not sitting looking at the dip going this is terrible. this must be the same thing. if you are watching a sad movie, sobbing, and eating. but if you are watching a funny movie. you are laughing. don t have time to eat. your mouth is busy.
barn bass hospital. thanks for joining us. thanks for having me. patti ann: the drug such as ritalin, they can suppress a child s appetite. they are skinny on the drug. they get off of it and they gain weight. a problem with parents sighing them thin. some sometimes parents may push food and drink on the children as well. patti ann: even kids not on these drugs they can still be skinny because of the hyperactivity. that can taper off in adulthood while the attention deficit remains behind? definitely. what is the big problem they see. because of poor organizational skills of children with this disorder they tend not to have regular eating habits. they may binge eat at times and other times have periods where they go for a while without food and george themselves. that can be an issue, especially if healthy choices are not available and they george themselves on fast-food or foods with high fat and high sugar content. patti ann: the other issue is the planning skills. balanced mea
and potentially altering your body fat compensation, for years. joining us now, dr. marc siegel of the fox news medical a-team i think ate for five when i was pregnant. so, that means that i am in big trouble. you know, and i just went to the opening in giants stadium on friday hey, don t say giant around me. they have an enormous buffet and people are eating like pigs and you couldn t have gotten anyone away from it and this binge eat and the study shows, people they binge eat and people gain 13 ounces on average after four weeks after doing that, like me at the buffet and the next 2-3 years couldn t get the weight off. julie: binge eating for how long a time, binge eating a day or two fair enough point and in the sudden they said twice a day, fast-food for four weeks. and, at the end of four weeks, the majority of the people gained over 10 pounds. gregg: is it the calorie count or are there neurochemicals involved.