and potentially altering your body fat compensation, for years. joining us now, dr. marc siegel of the fox news medical a-team i think ate for five when i was pregnant. so, that means that i am in big trouble. you know, and i just went to the opening in giants stadium on friday hey, don t say giant around me. they have an enormous buffet and people are eating like pigs and you couldn t have gotten anyone away from it and this binge eat and the study shows, people they binge eat and people gain 13 ounces on average after four weeks after doing that, like me at the buffet and the next 2-3 years couldn t get the weight off. julie: binge eating for how long a time, binge eating a day or two fair enough point and in the sudden they said twice a day, fast-food for four weeks. and, at the end of four weeks, the majority of the people gained over 10 pounds. gregg: is it the calorie count or are there neurochemicals involved.