Into your hands, father of mercys, we commend our brother mario. In the sure and certain hope that together with all who have died in christ he will rise with him on the last day. Merciful lord, turn toward us and listen to our prayers. Open the gates of paradise to your servant and help us who remain to comfort one another with assurances of faith until we all meet in christ and are with you and with our brother mario forever. We ask this through christ our lord. Amen. In peace let us take our brother to his place of rest. Thanks be to god. Our closing hymn is 611. Joyful, joyful, we adore thee hearts unfold like flowers before you opening up to the sun above melt the clouds of sun and sadness, drive the dark of doubt away giver of immortal gladness, fill us with the light of day all your works with joy surround you earth and heaven reflect your rays stars and angles sing around you, center of unbroken praise field and forest dale and mountain flowering meadow, flashing sea chanting a
Peco officials how it could happen, they referred us to city officials saying that the light poles are their responsibility. A Streets Department spokesperson , emailing a report that reads in part we suspect that was a defect in the aging High Pressure sodium hps light fixture, these are typically 240 volts. The the spokesperson, adding that in the past decade, the department has replaced more than 5700 aluminum poles with nonconductive fiberglass poles but more than 6,000 metal poles remain now the worker has been released from the hospital, the Streets Department is telling us that they will be right here tomorrow replacing these lights and poles but coming up at 6 00 whether you see what we have found a short distance down the the street from this pole another one work other potential problems. We will show thaw at 6 00 live from center city, walt hunter, for cbs3 Eyewitness News . Walt, thank you. Breaking news, chopper three over a backyard falling will away in the the delaware r
Im very excited about that but [laughter] i said the but really loud, didnt i . I apologize for that, scared some people. We have to get to the news. Late last week it went down. The white house on the defense over a new smoking gun benghazi email. Some are calling a smoking gun. The smoking gun. Jon smoking gun. [ laughter ] its one of worst kinds of guns. [laughter] a gun that smokes. Its a terrible influence. [laughter] all the other guns that just having a good time. They are not smoking, not drinking and then that gun walks in. Come on, all the cool guns are doing it. [ laughter ] now we went into iraq because we didnt want the smoking gown be in the form of a mushroom cloud. What was this gun smoking . The conservative watch dog group obtained internal white house emails that it claims reveal more about the effort to get u. N. Ambassador susan rice to assert on the sunday morning talk shows that the attack on the u. S. Consulate was the result of a demonstration over an internet
[laughter] a gun that smokes. Its a terrible influence. [laughter] all the other guns that just having a good time. They are not smoking, not drinking and then that gun walks in. Come on, all the cool guns are doing it. [ laughter ] now we went into iraq because we didnt want the smoking gown be in the form of a mushroom cloud. What was this gun smoking . The conservative watch dog group obtained internal white house emails that it claims reveal more about the effort to get u. N. Ambassador susan rice to assert on the sunday morning talk shows that the attack on the u. S. Consulate was the result of a demonstration over an internet video and not a failure of administration policy. Jon huh. That is different. The white house said they had very little to do with changing the talking points. Now it looks like this ben rhodes did add to the talking points emphasissing the events around benghazi were not terrorists but related to a provocative antimuslim video. That video, snow dogs. It ais
Benghazi email. Some are calling a smoking gun. The smoking gun. Jon smoking gun. [ laughter ] its one of worst kinds of guns. [laughter] a gun that smokes. Its a terrible influence. [laughter] all the other guns that just having a good time. They are not smoking, not drinking and then that gun walks in. Come on, all the cool guns are doing it. [ laughter ] now we went into iraq because we didnt want the smoking gown be in the form of a mushroom cloud. What was this gun smoking . The conservative watch dog group obtained internal white house emails that it claims reveal more about the effort to get u. N. Ambassador susan rice to assert on the sunday morning talk shows that the attack on the u. S. Consulate was the result of a demonstration over an internet video and not a failure of administration policy. Jon huh. That is different. The white house said they had very little to do with changing the talking points. Now it looks like this ben rhodes did add to the talking points emphasiss