reflective of a life of dignity. i mean, when we know that the wages meet the needs of families so that big stores, big companies don t have to have what does that mean? different numbers in dallas than it is well, you know, texas, we re at the $7.25. right. would you like to see it lifted to what? i would like to see it lifted. i think that what we re seeing what number? well, the president has said $10. right. i don t know what the real number should be in our state. but certainly, we know that that s going to happen for our contractors with the federal government. when you raise the wages to a living wage to give people the opportunity, they ll buy more goods and services. i think it s a positive effect for the texas businesses. let me ask you a couple of questions. texas lieutenant governorship in many ways is more powerful than the governorship, and yet the governor s race is going to get allot more attention than your race. that s just a fact.
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don t forget to vote for the next state in our tdr50. up next, chris jansing & company. have a great day, everyone. i m meteorologist bill karins. another chilly cold start in areas of new england. during the afternoon we ll get some sunshine, but temperatures still struggling from the great lakes through the northeast. in the southeast watch out in florida. it s warm, humid and you will have thunderstorms, even a few strong thunderstorms from tampa to orlando all the way down to miami. in the middle of the country, the warm-up is heading your way.
it s@msnbcyourbiz. and don t forget to become a fan on facebook. next week, one business owner doesn t cut his way to profitability. instead, he decides to expand. even though we had a centralized location from the factory, i said we really need another location to try to stimulate sales. we ll explain why the owner of a mattress-making business refused to lie down and take it in the face of economic adversity. till then, i m j.j. ramberg. remember, we make your business our business. i m a hard, hard worker every day. i i m a hard, hard worker and i m working every day. i m a hard, hard worker and i m saving all my pay. if i ever get some money put away, i m going to take it all out and celebrate.
know the next step to take. so we wanted to know whether we should look to hiring people for production, sales and marketing. i ve heard a couple of these questions recently of people who just did not expect their company to be as successful or grow as quickly. you get people who are interested, but if it s not definite, how do you know you have the money to scale up in the way you need to? it s funny. if you asked this a fierce ago, i would say sales and marketing. i ve changed my tune. it is production. production is the essence to build a company. without it, you re not going to keep delivering. marketing is more and more integrated into your product and service. it s the experience people have with your product or service that gets the word of mouth going, gets social media spinning, everything points to production. if they think you think it s a good investment that anyhow, even if the big companies don t pull through and some potential deals fall through yeah, get bet