know the next step to take. so we wanted to know whether we should look to hiring people for production, sales and marketing. i ve heard a couple of these questions recently of people who just did not expect their company to be as successful or grow as quickly. you get people who are interested, but if it s not definite, how do you know you have the money to scale up in the way you need to? it s funny. if you asked this a fierce ago, i would say sales and marketing. i ve changed my tune. it is production. production is the essence to build a company. without it, you re not going to keep delivering. marketing is more and more integrated into your product and service. it s the experience people have with your product or service that gets the word of mouth going, gets social media spinning, everything points to production. if they think you think it s a good investment that anyhow, even if the big companies don t pull through and some potential deals fall through yeah, get bet