Aditi Sharma, who played Katha in Katha Ankahee, took to social media yesterday (April 10) to share an endearing video. In addition to her, the video starred Adnan Khan, Samar Vermani, Bidisha Ghosh Sharma, and others. It seemed like the reunion was full of fun and laughs.
One of the most liked characters in the show is Farah, who is played by Priyamvada Singh who is known for shows like Star Plus’ Nazar and Shaadi Mubarak. She was also a part of the film Gone Kesh. |
The role of Teji is played by Bidisha Ghosh Sharma and she is clearly winning everyone’s heart with her performance. The character of Teji is backed by a strong reason, that is, her love for Viaan as a single mother. |
The ongoing storyline of the show 'Kathaa Ankahee' portrays the progression of Katha (Aditi Dev Sharma) and Viaan's (Adnan Khan) relationship, who are looking forward to spending the rest of their lives together, bound by marriage.Featuring .