Gujarat Congress MLA Virji Thummar on Tuesday alleged that more than 30 lakh litres of adulterated milk is being consumed everyday in the state. Thummar was speaking in the state assembly."I have got solid evidence in the form of reports .
PM Modi was virtually addressing an event on the launch of six volumes of 'Shri Dharmajeevan Gatha', a biographical book on the life of Gurudev Shastriji Maharaj of the Swaminarayan Gurukul Vishwavidya Pratishthanam (SGVP).
Prime Minister Narendra Modi said challenges faced by the world like the Russia-Ukraine war and the coronavirus pandemic make it all the more important for the country to become self-reliant, and urged people to promote products made in India.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that challenges like the Covid pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war have made it important for our country to be self-reliant.