PM Modi was virtually addressing an event on the launch of six volumes of 'Shri Dharmajeevan Gatha', a biographical book on the life of Gurudev Shastriji Maharaj of the Swaminarayan Gurukul Vishwavidya Pratishthanam (SGVP).
Prime Minister Narendra Modi said challenges faced by the world like the Russia-Ukraine war and the coronavirus pandemic make it all the more important for the country to become self-reliant, and urged people to promote products made in India.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that challenges like the Covid pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war have made it important for our country to be self-reliant.
India, India news, India news today, Today news, Google news, Breaking news, Russia-Ukraine war, Prime Minister, Pandemic, Narendra Modi, Gurudev Shastriji Maharaj
Challenges like pandemic, Russia-Ukraine war make it crucial for nation to be self-reliant, says PM Modi - PM Narendra Modi was virtually addressing an event on the launch of six volumes of Shri Dharmajeevan Gatha .