senate intelligence committee on the russia investigation. this is going to be one of those historic moments where the country stops and watches. like the mccarthy army hearings in 1954 which stepped from joe mccarthy s historic witch hunts or oliver north s testimony or anita hill sexual harassment charges in 1991. and of course former secretary of state hillary clinton s benghazi testimony just last year. we ll be right back. for an exy fresh feeling choose philips sonicare diamondclean. hear the difference versus oral b. in a recently published clinical study, philips sonicare diamondclean outperforms oral-b 7000, removing up to 82% more plaque and improving gum health up to 70% more. its sonic technology cleaning deep between teeth. from the most recommended sonic toothbrush brand by dental professionals. switch to philips sonicare today.
a run on pitchforks by the media at home depot? first question. second one, we talked about historical firsts, black president, female president, could we have the first president under white house arrest? she could wear orange on her inauguration? answer those questions. the new black. i don t know anything about that. next question? all right. what about the first question. what was the first question? pitchforks. you can t win a pulitzer when you re chasing after someone you admire. wow, poor election, ed. that s ed? i thought it was carl. maybe we can talk about carl instead. i m not sure where your questions are going. his questions made perfect sense to me. his man bun. i feel like we have to give julie the last word here. are the hillary people going out there and saying she spent 11, 13 hours testifying about all this nothing to see and let s move on. is that the narrative coming out of the campaign? that s their feeling. i ve been out on the trail sin
least. i m not saying she s going to get away with that. but she s trying to wear it as a badge of honor. when she brings up 11 hours of testimony. democrats cheer her and say you withstood the scrutiny from the republicans and you ve turned the beige. that s why this story can be so big. the email server, the fbi investigation lurking, that could blow anything positive for her on the benghazi testimony, out of the water. everybody who has a top-secret clearance is watching this very carefully. they were held to a different standard than she s been. thanks, ed, we appreciate it. next a south park show of support for police in america and the trump skit you did not see on snl. and something ironic you might enjoy. phil! oh no. (under his breath) hey man! hey peter. (unenthusiastic) oh. ha ha ha!
you start figuring out what else to do. jeb went after rubio, it didn t work for him. maybe everyone who is not donald trump starts to focus on something else, hillary clinton is a great place to start. at this point dana, i don t think that jeb needs to hit back on any of them. focus on his campaign, trying to move forward. donald trump is taking it to carson, rubio. the only one he s not saying anything about is cruz, come to think of it. it will come. wait a couple days. but what krauthammer said is true. if you look at hillary clinton s biggest weakness, it s trustworthiness. of the entire candidate field, she s second to last on trustworthiness. how did that happen, over the course of six months, hillary clinton was absolutely pounded by not just republicans, but different groups and also because of her own problems with the emails and the benghazi testimony, which proved that she
clinton in the new monmouth university poll in new hampshire, and she is now in front of bernie sanders and back in september she was behind but now she is ahead within the margin of error, and she is doing better. and looking at women n september, 42% to bernie sanders at 48% over sanders at 45%. and older voters vote better than younger people, and now she is ahead after being behind, and so she has come through as a a result of the presidential debate, on the benghazi testimony, and biden not running, and doing well in neighboring vermont, new hampshire. and also picked up on one of the weakest points with the democrats, and that is the gun control issue. she is also playing that as a