least. i'm not saying she's going to get away with that. but she's trying to wear it as a badge of honor. when she brings up 11 hours of testimony. democrats cheer her and say you withstood the scrutiny from the republicans and you've turned the beige. that's why this story can be so big. the email server, the fbi investigation lurking, that could blow anything positive for her on the benghazi testimony, out of the water. >> everybody who has a top-secret clearance is watching this very carefully. they were held to a different standard than she's been. thanks, ed, we appreciate it. next a "south park" show of support for police in america and the trump skit you did not see on "snl." and something ironic you might enjoy. phil! oh no... (under his breath) hey man! hey peter. (unenthusiastic) oh... ha ha ha!