Cspan. Org. Right now to the senate floor as they gavel in. On the agenda judicial nomination. Live coverage now on cspan 2. The president pro tempore the senate will come to order. The chaplain, dr. Barry black, will lead the senate in prayer. The chaplain let us pray. Loving god, sovereign of our nation, keep our frailty before us that we might set our hearts on you. Today, let your peace go with our lawmakers, guiding them in their work and protecting them from lifes storms. Lord, remind them that those who trust you will not lack any good thing. Though our senators face many challenges, rescue them from each difficulty. May they remember that they live this day only once. And should, therefore, strive to bless all the people they can in every way they can. Give them the wisdom to be receptive to your guidance, always trusting you to direct their steps. We pray in your great name. Amen. The president pro tempore please join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance to our flag. I pled
Bblg of. Mr. Sanders mr. President . The presiding officer the senator from vermont. Mr. Sanders thank you, mr. President. Mr. President , as everybody knows, the Republican Party now controls the u. S. House, the u. S. Senate, and the white house. We also know that unless a budget agreement is reached by december 22, the United States government will shut down, which will cause serious harm to our country, including the men and women in the armed forces and our veterans. Mr. President , i do not know why the Republican Party, which controls all the branches of government, wants to shut our government down. I think thats wrong. I think a shutdown will be very hurtful to people from coast to coast. Now, President Trump said earlier this year, he tweeted, quote, our country needs a good shutdown, end of quote. I strongly disagree. I dont think we need a good shutdown. I think we need to reach an agreement on a budget which works for the middle class of our country and not just the wealth
Sec. Devos thank you so much and welcome everyone. It is great to see you all this morning. Todaysu for attending first of two summits on individually on innovation in education, and a special thanks to those who will present this morning. We are grateful to have so much knowledge and expertise in one room. We are eager to hear from all of the. Before we begin, i want to say a word about innovation. Barked on a am school tour i embarked on a school tour. Continue to travel the country to see the work being done, and i have been inspired by the innovative educators and administrators i have met. There is still not enough. We need more. The reality is that there are a number of challenges and opportunities facing Higher Education, and washington, d. C. Does not have all the answers. Government is not the best at finding new solutions to tough problems. Government isnt the best at being flexible or adaptable to a changing environment. Government isnt the best at questioning the status quo
The huge chaos in terms of turnover terminology and if youre looking at the finance market, 162 designation for a financial advisor, so no idea which this means any standard, so i see two bigger challenges are quite as the Education System and what we need to do to make sure of industry requirements, but also think outside the system like certification. How to we bring them all together so that as users as students, employers have emphasis on the quality aspect of this. I was interested if any others have any comments. Hello. I just wanted to bring a new type of vision we brought, so eight no formal chair and by practicing and collaborating with peers, one of the most important measurement for success is getting jobs and so we dont we build projects, so students are learning instead of being regular education there is content learning and in two weeks we have examined we are like here is the exam make it happen, so we designed the project with industry leader. The second thing is this
Benefited their students, online courses and their benefits to nontraditional students such as members of the military. Thank you for attending the summit on innovation in education and thanks to all of you who will present this morning. Were excited and grateful to have so much knowledge and ek per tease in one room, and i know were eager to hear from all of you. Before we begin, i want to say a quick word about innovation, about the focus on innovation. This year, i embarked on our rethink school tour where we visited learning environments and institutions that are taking creative approaches to education for students of all ages. I continue to travel country to see the great work thats being done and ive been inspired by the educators and administrators ive met thus far, but theres still not enough. We need more like them and like you. The reality is that there are a number of challenges and opportunities facing Higher Education, and washington, d. C. , does not have all the answers.