Representatives of the Belarusian Economy Ministry and the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic met for a working conference to discuss matters concerning the realization of joint projects in the Far East and the Arctic.
Most of the money went into the manufacturing sector. The top 5 kinds of activities that received borrowed resources (repayable and non-repayable ones) also included agriculture, transport, trade, and healthcare.
Representatives of the Economy Ministry took part in a regular session of the interagency working group in charge of working out coordinated proposals on optimizing preferences concerning taxes, duties, and levies.
After four days of negotiations the experts successfully ended negotiations on the essential part of the draft agreement and came up with answers to all the matters of debate.
According to Alesya Abramenko, mutual political trust between Belarus and China has been constantly rising for the last few years. The strategic partnership between the two countries is about to enter a higher and more effective stage.