Questions previously postponed. Votes will be taken in the following order. 4739 and 4761 and h. R. Agreeing to the speakers approval of the journal if ordered. The first vote will be conducted as a 15minute vote. Pursuant to clause 9 of rule 20, remaining votes will be conducted as fiveminute votes. The Unfinished Business is the vote on the motion of the the gentlewoman from new york, ms. 4761. To pass h. R. The clerk Union Calendar, a bill to ensure u. S. Customs and Border Protection officers, agents and other personnel have adequate opioid detection equipment and has a process to have opioid detect capability and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a 15minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings
Tremendous. We are strong, we are doing well. We have our problems as other later this week the house will consider legislation that will force tiktoks parent companys of face of ban. Houswill be in order. the chlays before housea commune speaker. Therk thepeakerooms, waington. C 11, 2024. Reby app theonorle clifnt to act as eaker prmpore ons d. Sign, mike jns speaker of the house of reprentiv of t of reprenta therder o theouse oft january 4,024, thehairill majority and minorit learshe anminority wp limed to fi mutes but in no evt shal date continubend 1 50. M. The chair recognizes th gentleman fennsylvaa,r. Joyce,. Joyce mr saker, i 2 moren00,0 americans losttheir ls nearly 7 of those deathsnvolved se of illici fen thes dgs, which are c china, and theac mpoued inexico, a the trficked acrurn sout border toohe l of eugh amecanso fil Beaver Stadium apennte unersity. Theseas a test of asohe thrown on to cartels and their fuseso enforce o laws. By invitil imgrion, President Biden a sey may
are we using power tools? will: i get the power tool thing. i want someone to show us, this is what i want some tips on, how about cleaning the pumpkin out? everybody shows you how to to make the designs, my least favorite art e part, the kids don t like the part of scooping rachel: really? my kids love that. will: getting it scraped so there s no strings on the edges. everybody likes to do the cutting and the designs, nobody likes the actual manual labor rachel: i bet if you went online, you could find the hack yesterday there was a hack about opening it from the bottom up. will: yes. rachel: i m going to try that this year. kids do love it. will: they don t finish job. i guarantee you sean finishes the job. todd: so this is what i have to look forward to with the little ones? will: you re super excited, and you will do rachel: most of the work. will: 70% of the work. todd: sort of like yesterday. yesterday all about the ponies, i can t wait we take her to the
proud to be an american where at least i know i m free i won t forget the men who died who gave that right to me and i gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today there ain t no doubt i love this land god bless the usa no one better than lee greenwood to bring us in this morning. rachel: never get tired of this song. never. november 11th. 2023 year of our lord 2023 so all of our veterans out therewet to thank you and shrewd you we do it every day and grateful for what you ve done families so many people that honor and celebrate them we re doing it with them rachel, will good morning. rachel: happy veterans day to you too. will: i feel like i have a because three of my boys are in the green room and right now they re being watched by a navy s.e.a.l., and my afghan interpreter he s in the green room currently quizzing them on countries that border afghanistan. really? will: they got pakistan, iran, china and a little bit of china up in
Good afternoon it is sunday november 19th im nydia han with jeanette ray necessary for gray hall. Here are some of stories we are following on action news three people including an 18 yearold was critically injured during a shooting outside a north philadelphia sports bar. And days after a devastating fire, in west chester an update on the challenges investigators continue to face. And our viewing area is under a wind advisory this news, causing some chilly conditions out there. Meteorologist chris sowers is outside with the exclusive accu Weather Forecast. Wind is how long, chris. They are but everything has quieted down out here this afternoon. Im finally catching i break. Earlier this morning i was standing out here winds whipping around 40 to 50 miles an hour. There tree branches every wher avenue. Wind add triedry continues until 4 00 this afternoon. So from this point on we should see gusts, ranging between 30 and 40 miles an hour. So things are starting to ease up a little bit b