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♪ proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free ♪ ♪ i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me ♪ ♪ and i gladly stand up next to you ♪ ♪ and defend her still today ♪ ♪ there ain't no doubt i love this land ♪ ♪ god bless the usa ♪ ♪ no one better than lee greenwood to bring us in this morning. rachel: never get tired of this song. never. >> november 11th. 2023 year of our lord 2023 so all of our veterans out therewet to thank you and shrewd you we do it every day and grateful for what you've done families so many people that honor and celebrate them we're doing it with them rachel, will good morning. rachel: happy veterans day to you too. will: i feel like i have a -- because three of my boys are in the green room and right now they're being watched by a navy s.e.a.l., and my afghan interpreter he's in the green room currently quizzing them on countries that border afghanistan. >> really? will: they got pakistan, iran, china and a little bit of china up in northeast corner but a warmth in my heart everything is going full circle i'm here. they're in good hands right now. rachel: they're not going to have one chance to be naughty -- and that's great part of the green room. pete: cool your boys are with your interpreter. will: two weren't born when i was there, and one was one and a half, and now they're there talking to him who is now an american citizen. it is kind of the american dream in that way. pete: absolutely. rachel: all in the fox green room. will: thank you for that gift. pete: speaking of geography part of a military veterans and specialof forces carrying american flag 100 miles across carolinas to bring awareness to veteran mental health. will: joining us is green buret fighter pilot lieutenant general ralph i hope i got names right apologies if i did not but gentlemen thanks for being here you spent this past month walking across the state of the south over 150 miles across the state to raise awareness for veterans mental health. if you would let's start with lul why you did and why you did it. >> so this is the enough campaign, and we gathered a team it was eight guys. there's only four of us with us today. we're missing major general tom and ronny garcia are not with us and chris katers but eight of us walked across state of south carolina to raise awareness for veterans mental health, and we used the word enough to signify they matter we want them to talk to us and also we've had enough it is 2023 we know we can do better. so enough is enough. essentially, and we want to fix this problem. pete: we're glad you're out there raising awareness for -- will: lieutenant general talk to us about this role as well. >> a few months ago our son breen who does a video production for these guys and has done other work with them asked if i wanted to be part of this and told me this story and what they were here to talk about and raise awareness for veteran mental health issues and i said of course i want to be part of this. it is a great cause something that we need to bring more and more to light and to make sure that our american public and everyone knows that there are means and methods out there to help all of our veterans no matter what the situation might be. will: i love it 150 miles across the carolinas raising awareness for mental health ralph. thank you so much. pete: if you want to support the team and 50,000 goal go to our website "fox & friends".com, "fox & friends".com if you want to join them and saying enough. enough in 2023 and support vets guys thank you so much. god bless. >> happy veteran's day. >> god bless you. >> god bless. >> enough to all of the mental health illnesses but what's happeninged a border i want you to see this video that is come out this is a crowd of military age migrant men chanting biden in a massive u.s. bound caravan check this out. it's unbelievable. >> biden -- biden, biden, biden. [chanting] [cheering] will: so you know biden administration has become infamous recently for saying don't when it comes to iran right in israel as if that's a big deterrent they haven't mustered up don't when it comes to the border and clear the message across not just south america or central america but across the world is biden's border is open to the point where they're chanting it as a rallying cry in mrks and you look at that crowd. a lot of dudes -- >> what's that on the cross -- >> i can't read that far. rachel: will can you read? >> he's bouncing it too much. rachel: we'll get a shot of that. that shot is too far for me to read. but this is a crowd assuming most from central america and don't forget we've had this year 24,000 chinese come across our border that we know of. we've had the highest number of known terrorists come across, but again, you pointed out so well pete the biden administration saying no border is not open. we're not doing that we're not encouraging these people yet all of them know exactly who opened the border they said biden, biden and you know when joe biden got into office and into office we started seeing people come across border, you know, people started interviewing some of them and say why are you coming now? they're like because joe biden said so and would you have tried this when trump was in office. heck no we never would have tried this and doing it now because we know that -- we're going to be let in and by the way, given a free ticket across, you know, the united states to whenever they want to go this is serious stuff and i had lieutenant earlier on this is what he's saying about public safety in texas because of this. >> we know for a fact those caravans are going to make their way at some point to the border texas, arizona border but the fact of the matter is that video is clearly evident of the fact that -- we have failure in our federal government that are encouraging these mass caravans because there's no deterrence or consequences but there's a welcoming mat and there's no stopping this and states like texas, arizona having to step up and rying to do as much as welcome to try to stop these individualses. >> in most of the images, it is military age males young men coming to the united states. rachel: don't forget that the children are the real victims in this thing and in that interview, we saw human smugglers, he showed me some video of texas dps intervening with these smugglers. the smugglers run off and leave this seven and nine-year-old children in the van that they apprehended again those are not the parents, parents don't run away and leave their kids in the van. so who are the parents? what was going to happen to these children? we know that many of them fall into sex trafficking, into child labor. i mean, this is such child abuse, and the biden administration is heartless when it comes to this. heartless they have no idea who the kids are they don't track them and they wind up god know where is. this is an absolute travesty we're all complicit in it. >> three of them on fox nation post debate special and then after the debate and win when the border is out of control and you have stuff like this where the economy and latest news shows really bad signs for joe biden. the university of michigan's consumer survey says in 2024 consumers anticipate inflation to hit 4.4%. over the next five to ten years, they expect to be at 3.2%. that's the highest reading in more than a decade. pete: yeah. if you were the sitting president of the united states trumpeting something made up name called bidenomics you would be mortified by the numbers thinking about the nation's economy. how would you rate economic conditions today? 2% of americans -- barely the margin of error say excellent. rachel: we say that's the one percent. pete: 1% feel great and 52% say poor and 29% fair add that up over 80.of the population doesn't feel any good about the current economy. rachel: you know this week i went to mime where the debate was, and next day i held we did a diners with "fox & friends" in miami. hispanics are the -- number one issue, the economy and inflation number one. the other interesting thing about it is that they are the demographic that is most dissatisfied with joe biden. more than any other demographic, of course, it is largely because of the economy and because inflation hurts the working class. and if you can define anything about hispanics, they are the working class. and they know that they have less money in their pocket it doesn't matter how they try to spin it i saw joe biden put out some sort of figure that see we're not doing well, well in the figure he put out he took out gas and food. [laughter] so of course that's things that are hurting the working class the most. will: yes. and then what's interesting is there's an ongoing republican primary. right, and to see who will run against that guy right there, and donald trump is running away with it but a lot of big factor in whether you can continue to run whether you have donors on your side willing to write you checks as it goes on and bernie marcus co-owner of home depot endorsed like donors they were looking around seeing what options were and he was on kudlow and decided his choice is trump. watch. >> i watched this guy in the white house, i mean, i can't believe what he does every day. i get up in the morning and i say, what the hell did he do today that's going to destroy america and he never fails to surprise me. he always comes up with something and it is never good. he supposed to represent all people in america and he doesn't. the poor people are the people that come continuously vote that way which is incredible how that happens. but i see them in the last election prove that maybe the american people are that smart. that maybe they're not going to bail us out, and the only one out there that i know has the experience to fix things that's what he does. he fixes things. now, you may not like what he says, he pisses off a lot of people, every time he opens his mouth between the air force one and the helicopter he says something that irritates somebody. but the truth of the matter is, that if we don't change the government and this next 24 election -- >> yes. >> this country is dead. rachel: wow those are dire words from a guy that's optimistic he in the past he has been. he's somebody who believes in the american dream he lived it. he was started off poor living in newark and built this amazing company that -- will: later in life i saw. an inspiration to like if you're a 50-year-old entrepreneur, guess what, it's really cool story later in life. rachel: when you talk to people who live that american dream one of the things i started hearing about frankly after obama was elected and regulations started taking over a lot of those kind of self-made millionaire says i couldn't start a company and do what i do now because of the legal wrangling and regulations and so forth but it's not just -- i think people like him are seeing not just economics going down but so worried about liberty issues and -- pete: culture and schools all of that. a lot of people saying you know what give me the mean tweets back i'll take the mean tweets those are the biggest problem but i had two dollar gas i had a secure border we were not going to war all over the world. by there was pride in our country. we'll take that tradeoff. rachel: he was expressing pessimism that he felt things could change after the last election. will: shocking republicans continue to lose elections. economy, immigration as we lay it out yet 1820, '20 -- can't have a better playing field. pete: '24 will be hate trump and abortion. rachel: unless they figure out a way to do that. pete: anybody is on that it is rachel. rachel: turning now to headlines with a fox news alert austin police officer is dead. an another hurt after a s.w.a.t. situation earlier this morning in the southern part of the city. that's according to a local lawmaker. there are also reports of civilian injuries to word yet if a suspect is in custody. officers are still investigating. right now a massive anti-israel march snaking through streets of london predicted to draw more than 500,000 people. prime minister rishi failing to cancel the rally after calling it disrespectful many of the protesters can be heard chanting cease-fire now and seen waving palestinian flags. to college football unlv running away with a win 34-14 and meanwhile we have big veteran day matchups with army taking on holy cross pete's favorite name for a university. at noon navy facing uab at 3:30 eastern and air force squaring off against hawaii honolulu at 11:00 at night plenty more football on sunday make sure you check it out on fox nfl. sunday that crew broadcastings live at the air force academy in colorado, and those are your headlines. will: all right today is veteran's day and honor partnering with a camo in the news campaign. rachel: camo products are available including shirts, mug, hats, ties and that looking sharp. all right and that is due tomorrow 20% of all proceeds will be donated toward us veterans. >> use the qr code that is on your screen or head over to honor.u.s. forward there it is on the top of the screen to grab any of the great products and your money will go to a great cause. rachel: yeah. that's very nice gear. will: such a blessing to work for a company that's really backs up with a belief. pete: like from tunnel to towers to this. to everything. rachel: absolutely. up next it is official. president biden and china xi jinping will meet face-to-face next week in san francisco. mike gallagher says biden cannot make repeated concessions to communist party and explain to us why and next. pete: live on fox square with veteran made products and that's coming up. ♪ ♪ thousands of quality products from carefully vetted american retailers. shop and save in categories like home and garden food and beverage pets, outdoors apparel and so much more. plus, get great deals on hotels and travel. go to mammoth nation dot com and use promo code fox news to get 30% off your membership. sign up now and save. about two years ago, i realized that jade was overweight. i wish i would have introduced the fresh food a lot sooner. after farmer's dog, she's a much healthier weight. she's a lot more active. and she's able to join us on our adventures. get started at moderate to severe eczema still disrupts my skin. despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch. it disrupts my skin with rash. but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. it's one pill, once a 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near you. president biden set to meet with chinese president xi jinping next week in san francisco. rachel: as their reunion gets closer city of san francisco is getting cleaner, governor gavin newsom admitting that the costly california cleanup is all to impress the world leaders. >> i know folks say they're cleaning up because fancy leaders are coming into town. that's true. because it is true. but it's also true for months and months and months prior to apec we've been having different conversations. pete: at least he's honest about it here with reaction chairman of the select committee on china wisconsin congressman mike gallagher. will: shaking his head. pete: so you have implications of the meeting and playing cleanup for his buddy xi jinping. >> let's start with newsom too ridiculous to let go by and residents had to put up with rampant homelessness, abuse and feces line streets all in the nail of some twisted progression notion of equity and suddenly when a genocide dictator comes to town equity vanish and streets get cleaned up really weird. what kind of message does that sound that means california politicians like gavin newsom know san francisco is an embarrassment and don't care about residents but care about impressing xi jinping and if it weren't so sad it would be funny and newsom went to beijing to preach gospel of climate change and i fear some of the reason we're seeing this softening of biden approach on china is actually because he fears these ambitious progressive politicians like newsom who, obviously, want his job. rachel: nobody has been following china in congress closer to you congressman, i'm curious as you look at what's happening, you know, just internationally, globally, the wars -- and everything else including this visit. if you're xi jinping, what is this moment in time, i mean, don't you need if you're going make your move, and we know they have these kinds of very big ambitious, you know, they want to be the global leader in the world. they want to take on america. is it now the time? >> well i fear we've entered window of maximum window when xi is making a move on taiwan and xi has been trying to make a move as we're getting a meeting sent up. months of high level diplomacy and dispatch numerous cabinet secretary and whatever john kerry and china to beg for this meeting and come at a cost for over two years administration has not sanctioned a single chinese or hong kong official for the erosion of honk con autonomy and down played spy balloon distinct and and no meaningful investigation into the origins of covid. this is all part of a broader trend of the administration delaying, defensive actions covering up human rights abuses, in order to revive diplomatic and economic engagement with the chinese communist party i fear it actually makes war more not less likely because marxist regime get more aggressive more you accommodate them. pete: it seems the approach has been not to seek direct connective warfare with the united states but subvert the united states in every way possible economic, culturally but talk to me about middle east what role is china playing there because that's the most besides taiwan, that's, obviously, the next biggest it is not on fire now -- and i want to talk about china's involvement. >> at the most obvious level china has massive energy needs. and they've been the biggest of iranian oil for a while now, and so having hydrocarbon climates to control is a practical economic priority at a broader goal to undermine american leadership so by not criticizing hamas but driving a wedge between america and our traditional soon arab gulf allies they can undermine our leadership in the region and i think chaos just benefits them and hurts our ability to advance our interest. rachel: we're going to have to bring you back what's happening with china in latin america is another thing that we're just not talking enough about we have to bring you back to talk about that. but always so glad that you're there keeping an eye on things. thank you congressman. will: thank you sir. pete: all right. still ahead lieutenant colonel scott man joins us next. will: brewing up with black rifle company featuring a puppy and dallas cowboy cheerleaders. pete: going for ratings now. [laughter] ♪ ♪ which hotel? [ding] ahh! did somebody say “which hotel?” i'm great at this. [ding] dance to your faves in the spa-like bathroom! [♪] [ding] or enjoy local craft beers, with breathtaking views at the cambria. book direct at ♪ ♪ rachel: we're marking veterans day at black rifle company new store in texas and teaming up for a special you matter shirt and veterans day auction let's bring in joey jones along with rifle company senior marketing manager casey curry and boot campaign partnership manager and army veteran josh parker. joey these boys will and pete are green with envy over, of course, the puppies. [laughter] joey: it was the puppy that was facet what it was had nothing to do with the greatest cheerleaders in the world that were on either side of me and are still there and i'm having a terrible day. but listen casey tell us what is -- what is so special about partnering with an organization like boot campaign for black rifle coffee company? >> i think the biggest thing is they specialize and individual ice care so they're going to come to you and make sure you're getting care you need and it is not just blanket for everybody. joey: josh, of all the partners that you guys go found with boot campaign every profit needs support what makes black rifle coffee company so special? >> black rifle coffee company being american coffee -- right how much more patriotic does it get than a collaboration with boot campaign black rifle coffee, i mean, their message and our message of trying to restore the lives of veterans, i mean, that's the mission. that's their mission that's our mission. it is a perfect collaboration. come on. [cheering] joey: casey tell us about efforts to marketing and raising funds. >> yeah we did a check donation of $500,000 which was amazing we've also teamed up for these limited edition t-shirts online at boot 100% of the proceeds go back to helping veterans. joey: josh i see you're wearing the shirt she was going to hold one up but that was redundant this is a cobrand that aligns two companies together. >> 100% of the proceeds go back to health and wellness program you can see that it is a collaboration shirt with brcc boot campaign, and just know that -- on average 87 cents to every dollar goes straight to the health care plan and 2022 proud to say 91 cents to every dollar went back to the health and wellness campaign at boot campaign that's a pretty big win. joey: listen guys that is a huge win quality nonprofit doing great work and thanks to black rifle coffee company and this is amazing crowd out here today so many patriotic americans. i kopght think couldn't think oa better way than in fristco texas. pete: i can't either visit boot thanks joey israeli forces conducting retaliatory attacks on hezbollah targets idf releasing video of missile strikes across israel and pentagon confirms there have been 48 attacks on u.s. forces in the middle east since october '17. will: bring in former greene bray leader of pineapple. i love to pick up on the retaliatory strikes and i had two unique voices. as part of this conversation i had senator rand paul who lookings at strookes in syria and iraq and says this to him is a trip wire into a larger regional conflict as such america should bring those troops out of syria back home to america. the other voice i had on the podcast was yours. scott mann who says the united states and green buret and special forces in maintaining our national interest. >> yeah absolutely. i mean i understand where senator paul is coming from will. but we have to understand the enemy will and capacity and while china and russia they definitely pose a threat isis, al qaeda, even hamas, and hecks hecks -- hezbollah and wherever they set up shop it is at risk undergovern area and we have special organizations that are designed to either take them out or mobilize locals to make them to be an antibody to them and if we don't do that then we leave ourselves vulnerable at home as we learned on 9/11. will: what do we do with hitting iranian proxy attacks? >> yeah. one thing is we're going to have to harden because these secondary and tertiary attacks are going to escalate and the more the u.s. is perceived as involved in any capacity with israel the more those attacks are going, are going to come their way but i don't think we take our foot off the gas with targeting isis. i don't think we take our foot off the gas with targeting al qaeda but to remember also that it's more than just surgical strike. it is also working with local people to stand up on their own and be an antibody which is what we were doing in afghanistan when we walked away from our allies. will: working with local people for them to stand up on their own that's part of the philosophy i know you believe to your core. not just abroad but at home here as well l you've termed it up a bottom up philosophy i mention you were on the podcast and gotten to know each other and worked together intimately over last couple of months on those exact projects and that's your passion when it comes to veterans and what they're doing in their career post military so what's your message here on veteran's day. pledgets well west virginia been daughterring all over the country with our play last out that's about the long war in afghanistan and talking to citizens at a local level and veterans and here's the thing. the country is in trouble. and nobody else is coming. we saw that when afghanistan collapsed and groups of veterans stood up. our best dates are still in front of us but i think it is veteran and military families that demonstrate what leadership looks like and so many veterans like you want to fade away but what we need veterans to do is step in the breach and lead us into better days. and whether that's at a community level familia level or national level in politics veterans represent moral compass and so do their families and we need they will to lead us into better days. will: there's so much to do. there's so many problems -- and there's no one coming don't count on the government, don't count on some institution, it is you. veterans, and it is -- civilians if like you and me together doing something in the country can be rebuilt from the bottom up. >> absolutely and i've seen it for what it is worth i've seen it these aren't just words pretty muched by scott mann and i'm incredibly inspired i hope you are scott mann really appreciate you. >> thanks will happy veteran's day to our veterans and military families. will: michigan football coach woapght be on sidelines for the season because of sign stealing violations. clay travis reacts next. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪ ) with the push of a button, constant contact's ai tools help you know what to say, even when you don't. hi! constant contact. helping the small stand tall. pete: michigan wolverines jim harbaugh is gone that's the back cover of today new york post and michigan football will take the field in two hours without their coach after the big ten announce it's decision to suspend harbaugh for alleged recruiting violations. here with his take outkick founder travis clay this is about surveillance on the sidelines right break down for our viewers my son is here and he watches espn they said they were cheating what's the reality here? >> this is such a crazy story, pete because the game kicks off on fox in two hours and 20mens. right now in happy valley at penn state and we don't actually know if jim harbaugh will be on sideline because he's suspended by big ten and michigan filed for temporary restraining order which could be injunction producting the big ten from enforcing this suspension. so it's still possible that, you know, at any moment i'm looking at my phone that we're going to get a notice and it is going to be okay this judge in county agreed that this is an overreach and that there's likely to be a reparable harm against jim harbaugh and michigan if this suspension is enforced so he may still jog out on the field i don't know where he is. i presume that michigan football team arrived now or is preparing in near future to arrive from their hotel at beaver stadium there in happy valley. but does jim harbaugh have a special car waiting for him when he gets the notice of whether or not this injunction is going to be granted so this is crazy to the original request and your son the big ten believes they have evidence in connection with ncaa that michigan was engaged in improper and illegal under big ten rules sign stealing of their opponents and as a result they are saying jim harbaugh should serve a suspension. now, the suspension only requires him not to be physically present on game day. he can still coach during the week. he can still be present there and significantly he could also then return for the playoff in the event that michigan goes on and wins the big ten because this only applies for last three games. pete: sign stealing goes on in baseball and football too. what was illegal about what's alleged here and what were they doing? >> yeah. so they say that michigan had an organized sign stealing process where they would go to games that michigan was not involved in. in other words, if you're on the sidelines trying to steal signs during a game that you're involved in, most people say that's common it is why you'll sometimes see coaches hold, you know -- things up in front of them remember they don't have the mic in the headphone like they would in the nl nfl what michigan was doing was sending scouts to games of future opponents recording sideline and trying to decipher what the signals were in games that michigan was not involved in through video surveillance of opponents. >> it's recording of the sideline not supposed -- reporting for games that michigan was not playing in so michigan state playing against somebody else, and michigan is sending someone to try to record opposing signals so they could be prepared for future game to see what they're going to do. pete: got it you introduced drama i was not aware of that jim harbaugh might be on the field in two hours when the game kicks off. it is possible. all right. >> ratings through the roof for this game pete because everybody is going to tune in to see what the heck happens. pete: because of clay travis and check is in the mail. clay you're a hype man and check out and see you thursday, at the patriot awards in our town in nashville, i mean clay has been there longer than me but it is going to be a great night. clay thank you very much. all right let's dmek with senior meteorologist janice dean also be in nashville on thursday for the patriot awards as she always is. >> i'm going to be excited make sure the weather is extra nice. like it here in new york, and we've got the veteran's day parade happening right now. what's your name, sir? >> a you were with the army -- >> with the army for 21 years and some. >> thank you for your service where are you from? >> leavenworth can, kansas originally from the bronx. >> somebody is come over here real quick who's in the parade today? >> our son gabriel is in the parade marching tiger in ohio. >> going to see him? >> absolutely. reporter: thank you all for coming today and happy veteran's day let's take a look at the maps it is a beautiful day for a parade. 4 7 in new york i can hear it coming it is coming up fifth avenue 47th street is the final stop. and there's the temperatures across the country we are watching the potential for a little bit of rain across the gulf coast and up towards the northwest but otherwise a really good looking forecast. this is grand rapids michigan for their veteran's day parade across the country, thank you for your service to everyone who has served and thank you pete hegseth for your service as well my friend. pete: to all of the vets out there. love you too. up next skip adele live on fox square with his favorite veteran made products. don't go anywhere. superzoom. we're told in genesis chapter 1:26 that god is made man in his image and by his likeness has he made him. genesis is a book of fundamental importance for the jewish and christian faiths and a literary masterpiece that has profoundly shaped western civilization. now, in this exclusive online course from hillsdale college, you can deepen your understanding of how this ancient book is essential to you today. sign up for the genesis story. absolutely free at dr. justin jackson, a distinguished hillsdale college professor, will guide you through this fascinating free online course that unfolds the biblical stories of adam and eve, abraham, isaac, jacob and joseph. when you sign up, you'll explore some of life's most important questions, gain a greater appreciation for how the bible confronts pain and hardship with redemption and hope and discover how the struggles people faced thousands of years ago are deeply relevant to us still today. take this six lesson course whenever it's most convenient for you at your pace or in your schedule. signing up is easy and free when you go to today. so the fun thing with the serpent is how does a serpent talk? and not only that, but why is the serpent's punishment to crawl on its belly when that's what it does? join the hundreds of thousands of americans who are enriching their lives through this exclusive online course from hillsdale college and gain access to this premium content today. what i hope you'll get from studying genesis in this course is a deeper appreciation of the biblical insights with regards to the human person psychology, our predilection towards rivalry, but also reconciliation sign up for the genesis story free of charge, at today. glai. all right it is veteran's day what better way to celebrate than with american made products look at this spread. pete: this month wal-mart teaming up with brands to outdo pete's pocket square. will: skip adele here. >> thank you so much for having me again and happy veteran's day and huge thank you, obviously, to all of the members of our military service we owe them a huge debt of gratitude wal-mart i partnered with them to salute and thank our veterans they do all kinds of programs all throughout the year. so if you look on their website you'll find american made products and veteran own products like some of these right here so for example, beaumont products cleaning products air fresheners all great things. these are run by vietnam vets, started back in 1991 located in georgia. this is jeffrey socks so found in 1937 head quartered in north carolina, military approved socks -- you know these. >> these are uniform code. >> approved for combat boots also any kind of boots. they make kids even look at cute baby socks. so also grind this is a great product natural toothpaste focus on veteran access to dental care no fluoride and charcoal great things no fluoride you have to have that. >> i love that. fire department coffee. fire department coffee located here in america. made great quality coffee so this is just a couple of examples some of the stuff that i like but if you shop on products at the apple you have an otion to round up your purchase a button there and that money goes to all of the foundations and helps the vets. so great way to help out the veterans, and tonight guys right here in tampa, florida it is right at the mid-florida credit amphitheater i don't know if you've heard about a massive concert with her, imagine dragons and my favorite chris stapleton a awesome show so viewers and, obviously, if you can't get to tampa you can stream it free at live allows you to see the concert even if you can't get there and donating 4 million dollars tonight for veterans causes a great way to say thank you. >> i love this "unfiltered" raws honey and packets. >> convenient for tea and nate organic coffee and veteran own companies and on the up app or website there's veteran own companies. >> to find veteran products go to skip and as you mention >> this is an amazing con srt guys. you want to check it out. >> skip, thank you. >> thank you this morning. >> thank you for having me. >> more just moments away. my active psoriatic arthritis can make me feel like i'm losing my rhythm. with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, i'm getting into my groove. ♪(uplifting music)♪ along with significantly clearer skin... skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. skyrizi attaches to and reduces a source of excess inflammation that can lead to skin and joint symptoms. with skyrizi 90% clearer skin and less joint pain are possible. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to skyrizi, there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement... and that means everything. ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time to ask your doctor about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. ♪ ♪ we're wrapping up here outside one of frank siller comfort homes amazing what tunnel to towers is doing half a million buckings today. good on frank good on tunnel to towers. will: this bag right here -- that heritage 50% goes to vets causes team red white and blue. rachel: good with this outfit. >> i like that poster girl for that company. >> down with that. also, by the way join all of us in nashville on thursday at the patriot awards. i think you can still have a couple of tickets out it will warm your hearts. pete: we're celebrating vets we're honoring our country and awesome evening. >> thanks for having me today can i come back tomorrow? rachel: we would love that. are you coming? >> coming back tomorrow. rachel: i love it. >> stay on vacation. >> they say like a backup quarterback starter leaves and she's not the backup but starter -- i don't know what i'm saying. rachel: we got the starter. >> god bless you guys. pete: god bless our vets who keep our country safe have a great saturday. >> here we go again you're looking live at thousands converging in london the latest but clearlno

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