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Tremendous. We are strong, we are doing well. We have our problems as other later this week the house will consider legislation that will force tiktoks parent companys of face of ban. Houswill be in order. the chlays before housea commune speaker. Therk thepeakerooms, waington. C 11, 2024. Reby app theonorle clifnt to act as eaker prmpore ons d. Sign, mike jns speaker of the house of reprentiv of t of reprenta therder o theouse oft january 4,024, thehairill majority and minorit learshe anminority wp limed to fi mutes but in no evt shal date continubend 1 50. M. The chair recognizes th gentleman fennsylvaa,r. Joyce,. Joyce mr saker, i 2 moren00,0 americans losttheir ls nearly 7 of those deathsnvolved se of illici fen thes dgs, which are c china, and theac mpoued inexico, a the trficked acrurn sout border toohe l of eugh amecanso fil Beaver Stadium apennte unersity. Theseas a test of asohe thrown on to cartels and their fuseso enforce o laws. By invitil imgrion, President Biden a sey maykas has strched their deadly ugs withso move munity. It isimeoass a border bil that wilfully fund t resources tt our br patrol it is te to rurnoy need. Re in mexico polic and it te to put a stopo the ftanyloisonings tt ak far tooany american lives. Mr. Speaker, lt wee duringthe es the acan peoe saw a Campaign Speech. Notlan to fie econy that presint bensailed in t first t years ofis dirous administration, President Biden passed reckless ding bills ttent flationng b 17 . Toda a motheising the grocy store will find that the pre of juicis up 30 the cos of beefs u 10 . Vetabl, up 5 . Ultimately these costs addp. D over the couf a yea th amerin fily is ying a aitional 11,0 ju afford theasics they need. Nnsylvanians can afford the gornment red tap inpendin thatas caud this r awa inflatn. Nnsylvaniansnd allmecans certaiy ot afford the bupriden biden i whichld o amounto yet anotr yearf run spdi. Mr. Speaker, as cmes contie tourge inities aoss the u. S. , it hasecome clear that call to dund theolice and attets to interith law enrcemt he putur dang. Nities and ouramils in across 32ajor cities, car theftsave increy 33 an he washington d. C. , rjackingsre up neay . Sadly, preside bidenas redhis crime wavd has oworry abo living in victims thr ownomes surging vlentmes in our cities makes all americans vuln and it is time for radicalmbersy show their sup ofolice always stand with the men a won in bl. Ank you, mr. Speaker the speaker pr tpore theecogzen from connectic, m couy, fo f mines cney thank you, mr speaker. L 15. The tilindeadneyonarch 11,m hay event, butt iortant to ackwledhat i. R. Cently reported th 85 o ams payir tes o me. Fo mostther eenons are tedue toaperwo delays,llnessor oth edge tencie which is proofhe vas majorimericansstan eir civnd legal duty to le a rur tw wee ago the i. R. Announced anstonishing new iniave to chase down 125,000higt this, have faileoenophe a etur since 2017. Thatsight, 125,000 cases havebh come or 0, per year inhe las six y. Ed nreturns indials with income over 1 its hard to believehat anyone with that level of iome wld file a retand get away th it. Th i. R. S. Has reported in a rm fm emdh as w2d rms from financial institions that cle indite these peoeceidcomen thesr led n return. And neverailegallrequired tahow i it psiblehat such flrantargant behavior wen unticed y mht a . Because congress, mt notably congress, for decadesav willfustarve the. R. S. Aff andecology to track su freel re tecord, from 14 to 2021 the workforce o t i. R. S. Has beenut by republicans in waington bynehi. At the sam te, americas population has grown by one third. As a resul ofefun i. S. , the i. R. S. Beeble to r nonfiler program only sporadically since 2016. Because of thi tax cheats he gotten bolnd morbrazen. Th good news the i. R. Commissier reported two w ago bause infla reductioact whic passed in e lt democicle congress wut a republicantehe iu antechnogy to pursue sh platant tax cheats. He eathis nonfil iactof more than ised on 100 billion. Since the efrttart t s ago,ts uncar exactly faure to file penales are 5 per moh onaxwed, conserve eimatre in the hundreds of millions of dollars wi b recovered past yearsnd even more f future complianc want to b clear this effo not auditg the ctentf ese are cases o hh income earners wh had the gal not even tfile return. Mr. Sak, this bavior is an americans w obe theaw a ill their civicutand at the end of the day bthe financial cosf this despicable misnduct. Eaking mide cla, he madet car that this new income taxheats. Imeatigh thats in accornceith the easury dectly b secry yellen tould b noew hanc ait ofmericans. The nionaleau of economisearchas med at the t of amicans genere 12 of renue forveryspt. At proportion deines atical with lowome firs. I a good thing that the 2022 flreductn t isow alf e rich aually feur tha the res d theirai s a goo thing tt democrats ve blocked republicansef to one lastr and a half. G o inpendt anasts shs ngressional bunt office do off flaill cutherack inde t. S annoued t willng in 561 billion newdoars. The5 of americansho wod and play by the rules, achers, cs, nses, facry workers,ice workers, retiesitary service erso name a few, who p theiraxes with each ycck, making sure tha the wealthy is fundameal to a fair ando just soc. The ilation reducon acts doingxactly that. As this apri approaches, the ssage now for thewetdo dinen. You haveo obey law a evernelse. Rn just l no mor freelrs. I yield bac e spear tempore the chr recnizes gtlewan from iow mrs. Ilrmes, for fi minutes. Mrs. Leeks thank you, mr. Peaker. Nce presidt biden tofce there h8 millionlleg crossings the total nber illegalimmiants d 36tes, ing iowa. Rn border iseatf la weekhe repcanle useook a stand andd theakiley act, lon introded byresent ke c. Passed h. R 2orderecurity andmmrationill. Is legislationonors theif an memy of laken rilnd administs openorder liciesnd eorce secretaryf mela reires security to take i custody aliens whoave bee crged wi theftn thunitedtas. Edorhe lat o vot in honor ohecountless vicr the falies. Like Molly Tibbett 20yearoliversityf ia student w w kled by a lel immigrant from mico oived the unitedtes several yearsefor muerinher aike lenle w out for g these heartbrking stories are cstant reminr t our imgratio syste is brokenthat bis rsenin by tine. It was president bas secret homeland security, johon, who sdore an border is a crisis. In iowa, acct c. D. Drug overdose mortality reco hh of 4 oveosd a deaths. In san francisco, during cov, there we more deaths fro du t president s state of thUnion Address st week,e delivered a lacklter Campaign Speech masked as a state o union aresshat wiv counted pty policies, and epthe say chaost southern bor undhe r while putting blame on seb se instead o where it resides, thas with bribe iled toon the oaheimurprised tht ourat b im ppointed. The hah realities that manyg erans face. This aggressive orrea of the biden admintration and the mounting borde crisiue hi overturni ofolicies and enforcing immrationaws. I will n ignore theunting crisisnd ue my colleues to m toork to keep our border crisis andhe ftanyl an Illegal Drugs crossing o bord. K you, mr. Peaker, i ris toyongrulio latthe basketballm. Dayhencredie team won thr trd conti big hawkeyes bt nebrask i the teamid an outstanob. Hannah h nine rebounds, cin registed third strai 10oint performce a second careeroubleub d with 11 pointsnd tm bes 11 bounds. Gabby and kat were instruntal in getting us tovertim g tenournamen. V. P. Asamed the the t csecutive tourname. Li is only sondplayer sin 1995. Hono in re consecutistight trna. Brki sean. Rfoan and rordheir b weone an congratutionso t ersity of iow woms basketballeaon winning the big ten tournament. And go, h. Wi that, mr. Speaker,. E spr pro tempore air reczes thgentle from tenneee, mr. R f veinut. Mrro mr ser las week prident ben deled hopey his final sta oth union addss that included healyective statiscshatainted a our economy. F t state i r to add som impornt contextha ges a better apshotf the ecomic conditions facin working. Ennessee. Epsentn moh than thr y a00e p to get by. Is mea theyayg0 more for necessities lik food and ren and nearly 30 o pornd heat their hes mr rose ts staggering 11,400 mor every yeaust on the basic the average mly on idwas 1,74 befors no the age morag a ne home i 3,322 every month. Thats at double. Interestat which are due to r or reckls and runaway spendinghis ainistration. Believe i wouldnt he bee this w if esent bid had heed aice of economists from both parti a fisl cotives like m disarous spendingills wch paed on a mostly ptisan si t enomy would not ve orheated tthet the 1. Trillio stimulu packag that the psi prosed andd ear in his thoaring ion thats t imdiately follo it waso beected. In fact, formeremratic trar sersredict secrery larummers mentioned the ballosadnistraon y naonal dtch now approaes 34. 5 triion. In the First Quarter of this al year, theal goment spent hf a tion mo thant collected. Is i simpl unsustain. Alsoeard the president t unemployment. Wth and l th speech,owever, diot arou the countrynde beuse of his ainistrios to datheiden adstration has faled 838ne regue a pjected negativ economic pact of 470lion annuall and 29 million 291illion hoursdditional per for amecanor. Th only 3 voters approvews handng of the economy. More tha halff tho polled increase prilone t i agree. Ths justne of the reasons why i ammitted to suprting pocies foster economicgrth, unbb eators and ehe rkless and unnecesry deficitding. Our chiren,y children, cannordhe reckles spenngics of this everhing in my power to ensure theill for thiso foot administtion mkes and misgded policies. Thankoumr. S. Ield back. Eaker pro tempore the ew yk. Recogzethe gelewoman ms. Eny imendiann a loving wife, mother and greatgrandmother who passed away. Throughout her lock and admirable life, she made a significant contribution to her family and community in historic auburn, new york. Im so grateful i had the honor and privilege to meet marianne. Her kindness and love shown through her gleaming and welcoming smile, and i also want to welcome here in our chamber today her son, john, and her grandson, anthony, as they sit and actually get to witness a beautiful memory of their great mother and grandmother. Marianne was born in east ro rochester, new york, on august 28, 1929. And moved to auburn as a child. After graduating from auburn central high school, she worked at central Clothing Stores and went on to manage Stevens Department store. Marianne married Professor Joseph in 1955 and eventually grew their family to include children, joseph jr. , marianne, donna, john and lisa. Learning on her Good Business sense, she earned a small fortune and was able to send all of her children to college. I can say from experience that marianne raised her children to be kind, tenacious and communityoriented, as her son, john, who is here today, john has become a good friend and is a leader in our community. Marianne was also a respected Community Leader herself. Being part of the Italian Heritage Society and a patron of the auburn civic band, she continued her civic duty as an election inspector for the board of elections and participated in elections serving as the county on the county republican committee. She was known for her flair for design, which she took to create a beautiful home for her family, to host parties throughout the decades in the community. Marianne led her Community Based on her faith. Having served as a parishioner of st. Frances church and serving as a minister and on the school and parrish communities. Shes served with distinguished humility and graciousness, having put faith and family ahead of herself. For fun, marianne enjoyed the classic movies and music such as Frank Sinatra jr. She was instrumental in bringing musicians to auburn. Her joy in life was helping others and her family, all while keeping herself humble and committed to embody her faith outwardly. As she was a woman of strong faith and devotion, its heartwarming and maybe not coincidental that she passed away on all saints day. But not without waiting to be with her family one last time during her final moments. She parted her family with one last piece of advice. Which is to never give up hope, no matter how difficult life may be. Today we honor and remember marianne and her wonderful family. She is an inspiration to all for all to strive to maintain the values of compassion and commitment to our communities. My sincere thanks to marianne for her wise advice. May god bless marianne, her family, and her community. We are grateful that she lived in this wonderful and this wonderful soul was part of our community. With that, mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to clause 12a of rule 1, the chair declares the house in recess until 2 00 p. M. Today. Cspan, your unfiltered view of government. We are funded by these Television Companies and more. Including midco. Midco supports cspan, as a public service, ong with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. Here is where we aren capitol hill, the house comes in at noon eastern today and the senates and at 3 00 p. M. You could watch on cspan is cspan2. Tomorrow we will peek at the biden administrations fiscal 2025 budget plan sonali young will be before the Budget Senate committee at 4 00 p. M. You can watch that on cspan org or the free cspan at. There is still a budget deadline for fiscal 2024 hanging over this congress. That deadline next friday night to fund a half dozen agencies and departments in the senate and house working this week and next to possibly come up with a Budget Proposal for that or another potential shutdown. It is open for them now on the washington journal asking for your calls on any public policy, political issue it is 202 7488000 for democrats, 202 7488001 for republicans, for independents 202 7488002. We start in durango, colorado, brent, independent. Caller i just wanted, the last person who was on. Did of valid voting because there is too much cheating going on . I think that is why they want open ballots because they can cheat. Otherwise, why did they get rid of it . We need one day voting, sameday voting. Honest voting. Lets see an honest president and there. Host not sure about french elections but heres a new book about voter, the hunt for voter fraud in 2020. It is by can block, a paid expert for the Donald Trump Campaign in 2020, his reelection campaign. It is being released tomorrow. In the months after election 2020 it was tasked with it provides an insider account of the Desperate Measures the Trump Campaign took to pursue allegations of voter fraud and how quickly they concluded it was a valid even if the president tried to rile up his voters that the election was stolen. The preview of tomorrows release. From new york, you are next. Caller good morning john. I am calling because i want to make a plea to gen z, millennials, muslims, arab americans, africanamericans who are upset and voting and committed in saying they will set out the election because of the gaza situation. I just want to say that if you dont vote and you dont vote provided, you are going to end up with donald trump. In donald trump is bbs best buddy. If you think things are bad, trump will be with israel 190 . You have to think about that. And not set out the vote or not vote no labels person. Host biden drawing a red line from netanyahu saying the war against hamas in the treatment of palestinians has hurt israel. Warning netanyahu against an attack of the city of rafah. That red line drawn in an interview with msnbc over the weekend. From austin texas, a republican. Caller good morning how are yall doing . Host good sir. Caller i have a real issue with one thing he was talking about. I have a problem when anybody makes a hero out of a criminal. I understand it was a tragedy that george floyd died. If he had complied he would not have died. I am sick of everybody making heroes out of people not following the law. As far as a stolen election. I have participated in 10 elections and participated in 12. I have never watched two men brought for an office, gone to bed with one man with a commanding lead woke up six hours later to have another man in the lead. Something was wrong with that election. Host tennessee is next. Rich, an independent. Caller hey john, its been a few months. One quick point before make a comment. Is it not Kyrsten Sinema and not kristin . Just checking on pronunciation. Host did i say kristin . Caller i believe you did, i am not positive. To be honest, ive listen to cspan for entertainment. Ive given up on politics. Listening on a daily basis, i think we are on the downhill slide. What i would really like to see on cspan is more of an inside cspan daily operation. I know youve done that in the past, a day in the life of cspan. What goes on behindthescenes and all that type of thing. Interested in that, curious and that. I was listening february 24 had Khalil Mohammed from harvard and you made a curious statement about, he said something about Race Relations talking about the intimate relationships between blacks and whites and he mentioned lots of rate. Thats a curious way to look at intimate relationships. I checked back and listen and i looked at the transcript and the transcript omitted that word. How does that work was cspan transcripts . Do they do and he censoring . How do you work with that . Host i believe it is an automated transcription that is ai that does it. Its not the actual people writing out the transcription. I can do more research on how close captioning works. Caller just really interested in the behindthescenes work and how you operate. Everything from the editorial offices and how you pick topics and everything. Host one way we pick topics, we said here and we listen to you in the open forum segments, its a good segment of what people are interested in and helps us to booking down the road. We know some people will be in town and we booked weeks or months in advance knowing they will be in town but a lot of them is what is the news of the week and getting guest as we go. Some guests dont get booked until the day before. Caller sure. I do wish you wouldnt round up the usual suspects. I get a little tired seeing, i know is probably proximity and lobby is to live in washington. Being able to zoom in remote, there are so many people out there, such good information i hope you reach out and get some diversity. Host i promise you we do that and we have a guideline here of three months of booking the same guest. So i dont have the usual suspects and try to mix it up. Its another thing we do to try to follow, to get the diversity of voices are talking about. Host this is bill and millers creek, north carolina, a republican. Caller yes, good morning. I was calling, i wanted to touch base on the Michelle Obama thing. I think she ran the government while barack obama was president and i think she has run at the same time as biden was president. Host what leads you to believe that . Caller its because if you read between the lines, they are trying to figure out a way to take obamas place, i am sorry i bidens place in the election. A lot of stuff ive been hearing through yall, through the news. Host you dont think itll be joe biden on the democratic line in the election come november . Caller no i dont. I dont think he wants to be to be honest with you. Host you heard him speak on thursday and the state of the union do you since he doesnt want that nomination . Caller i dont believe he wants to be president again. I believe he wants his party to keep running but i dont believe you personally wants to do it. Im just a normal guy, i read a lot of stuff and come up with my opinion. All of this is leading back to Michelle Obama. Host where do you do your reading . Caller anything, i read anything. Newspapers, online articles. I read anything. I will read the cereal box. Host this is nick and california, a democrat. Caller i want even bother talking about the last caller because everyone has the right to their opinion. I will comment on a couple of other things. Election fraud, i recently saw on tv republicans ballot stuffing and as far as i know, that is the only fraud that has been revealed. Host what do you mean you saw that on tv . Caller there were two gentlemen, one was at a mailbox and ballot harvesting dead people and whatnot. I dont know if theyve been convicted yet but they have been charged. I will more, to make about the supreme court. They recently came to the decision, i havent read the decision. To have donald trump remain on the ballot in both Mitch Mcconnell and the former speaker , you know the former speaker. Yes, mr. Mccarthy. Both of them said donald trump was responsible for what happened and turned around for political reasons decided to endorse him. That is the typical republican representative today. I am not saying that is all of them but a vast majority of them. I disagree with the supreme courts opinion. I dont think he is been convicted yet of what happened on january 6. He certainly should be. I believe leave it at that. Host michigan this is john, and independent. Caller i am a younger tendency, i am 26. I am a veteran to swell and recent College Graduate i have a history degree in michigan. I guess i wanted to call because the collar earlier wanted to make a pleaded agency about voting the Democratic Party and the selection. I want to ask if they are putting gladback in the pipes. Liberals we will only have more genocide if we dont vote and if we dont vote democrat everything will get worse. And the conservatives are still mad about the george floyd murder. We have completely lost ourselves in trying to figure out the soul of who we are. It has become extremely frustrating to many young people. Host where did you serve . Caller i served in korea and the middle east. Host just serving in korea in the middle east teach you about the soul of who we are . Caller it really taught me we are only serving the apparatus that keep the corporation who make the weapons alive. Host why did you join in the first place . Caller i had no Better Options as a Young American. Host do you have Better Options now as a Young American veteran . Caller i do actually, i am thankful for that. But im held back by this country and is extremely frustrating. Host how are you how back . Caller no matter what the American Military does overseas and the fact we come home and say this is bad, this is wrong. We come home did things for your service not even knowing what were doing up there. Not knowing whats going on. Host you think theres a better sense of whats going on around the world from your time in korea in the middle east . Caller i have a better sense now that i have a history degree. Host what is that teach you . What did that teach you . Caller i learned about Global Political structures in the world the world is operated since the 1950s and the unfortunate extending cold war we will never get out of it seems like. Host what are you doing now as a veteran with a history degree . Whats your day job . Caller im an esl volunteer. While i was serving korea they give us opportunities to work outside of the base at of those opportunities was working at a kindergarten with Korean Children and helping them learn english and that inspired me a lot. Host thank you for the call, thanks for chatting. This is jeff in ohio, a republican. Caller good morning and thank you for taking my call. I just wanted to share with you how i feel this morning. I saw on another network, joe biden apologizing for calling the migrant illegal. At the same time i thought, why did he apologize for the murder was committed by that illegal because of his policy . He had a great opportunity to be forthright and honest about his poor decision to open up our borders. Im just ashamed of joe biden this morning, that is all they want to say. Host last caller and open forum from arkansas. The light is open, go ahead. Line is open. Caller on your automated closed captions, i no longer get cable. Im not going to support them. I realize they support you and i do appreciate the opportunity to college. So much of your closed caption will leave the word out like n otor it will overstep what is said and forget about it. More importantly, host i will report it to closed captioning. Caller people making pleased to gen z. They need to realize the Democratic Party panders to where they are going to get votes in order to maintain power. There are a lot of factions of this world and if they think they can import new voters thats exactly what they are going to do. Your previous guest insist we need mailin ballots. Why dont you let me print my own lottery tickets . With no chain of custody and with democratic operatives like mark elias making sure there is no signature verification. You have no vote it doesnt matter what color you are. You have no vote because your vote will be canceled out by one of the 501 c 3 companies ballot harvesting for the Democratic Party. I wonder if the new book that you get up about here is going to explain how in northern michigan, 30,000 registration forms were dropped off at one time in a county that doesnt have 30,000 people in it. The state police were called in the governor said and the fbi took over and nobody ever heard it again. If you want to know things go to gateway pundit and look other places than the washington post. They will never tell you the truth. The New York Times will never tell you the truth and as long as cspan promotes those papers, they will never tell you the whole truth. They will let someone come on and tell you and the next day they will go back to the same light. Host how do you feel about the wall street journal, the times . Caller i dont get either. Ive seen stories in them and there is a faction of big business in this country that doesnt like maga. Look how much money was transferred from the middle class to the rich during covid. Host how do you feel about breitbart, i am trying to go through the sources i look at before i get on the show . We try to bring a variety of sources. Caller i dont have access to papers and i no longer have access to cable. I do have a roku and apps like pluto where you can get free tv in real american voice, turn on steve bannon if you want to know what is going on in this world and how they are stealing your money and you want to know why were 30 trillion in debt with the new trillion in debt added every 30 days. If you want to know that and you want to know why republicans cant get their stuff together. Turn into some different news sources. Host area you live. Good morning. You can start calling ahead now. Many americans identify as independent. Getting the view on campaign 2024. Having this conversation the lake of Kyrsten Sinema announcing last week that she would be retiring at the end of this year. Here is part of that announcement. [video clip] i promised i would do my best to fix it, to protect and defend our constitution. To focus on what unites us. Through understanding and compromise. Despite modernizing our infrastructure, delivering good jobs and safer communities, american these solutions are considered failures because they are too much or not nearly enough. The outcome, less important. The only political victories that matter are symbolic these days. Compromise is a dirty word. I believe in my approach, but it is not what America Needs right now. I am so proud of what we have delivered. Working together to get stuff done. Host christensen about. That is part of her retirement speech. The have lagged, christensen relative attire. It is not me, it is you. Getting a sense of the Congressional Elections and the president ial election. Where do independent voters and . What are they looking for . If you are an independent in the pacific, you can call 202 7488001. We will start with bill from alabama. Caller thank you for taking my call. The politicians, the news media, im just very concerned about the legality of this coming election. Host what is it independent looking for in this election . Caller a fair and balanced coverage from the media. I just want a fair election. Host this is john and morristown, tennessee. Though had. Caller yes. I was calling to comment on the state of the Union Address. I have been in practice for 40 years and internal medicine. He has had Progressive Development of sleep apnea, which is disruptive to sleep patterns. Host before we diagnose people over the television, are you an independent . Are you an independent looking for a more vigorous performance on the campaign trail to move them over to be electing him . Caller well, in a manner of speaking, yes. His performance with counsel for was pretty much negative. Given the fact that it occurred before the addition of cpap and the resolution of what is generally seen of usual sleep patterns, individuals perform much better like an thesaly a, who had cpap for a number of years before he passed host . I. When it comes to special counsel , you will be able to see him this week. Hell will be on capitol hill this week. The wall street journal points out, attempting to turn down the temperature after being accused of mishandling classified documents. The job would not be easy. Noting that they said that the president at any trial, if you went to trial for mishandling the description certainly an egg a nerve. We will talk more about that hearing and look ahead towards this week in the next halfhour. Giving you a chance to talk about campaign 2024. This is james and pittsburgh. Caller thank you for giving me a voice. I am from pittsburgh. We have no rights in pennsylvania. We had to get more signatures than them. It has been so corrupted that we only have a two party system. Host how do we fix that . Caller we get together and say this is not a twoparty system. This is america and we need to make some changes. Host is pennsylvania one of those closed primary state . Caller i got on the ballot for mayor of pittsburgh and they kicked me off. And i would have one and i wouldve made a difference. Host what you run again . Would he out again . You run again . Caller i could be president of united states. Host that is james out of pittsburgh. States that have closed primary systems that voted on super tuesday saying it makes super tuesday not so super for many voters in those states. The primary process continuing. They have essentially turned fire on each other and are focusing on the general election. 238 more days to go. Asking how independents feel about it, this is alan. Caller i will like to say that one of the most indecipherable mysteries of our time is how such a large percentage of the electorate is still going with this man. I could create a College Course of everything he did right. Im talking about donald trump. He spends almost all of his time putting down, blocking, criticizing other people. That is my first red flag. Do not tell be how horrible this guy is. Tell me how good you are. He never explains anything, like the iran nuclear deal. I thought, i man is a volatile place. W said the agreement was perfect, but isnt it a good idea to trace the try to stop that . It is a disaster. He never explains why and he spends too much time criticizing rather than doing anything. Host as independent, deep think divided is doing enough and that state of the Union Address . Host i was on his side caller i was on his side anyways. Everybody knew there was going to be some kind of invasion. He goes over and says, you have to say that you are investigating. He was more concerned about himself than world affairs. The other thing. How can somebody people still support him . Host that is alan id in new york city. Donald trump finance won independence president ial winners have prevailed amon independents since 1976. And is per the exit polling data. This is from wedo, nevada. Caller i have a question for you. I do not understand why ron desantis that he would go all the way, running for president , then nikki haley was right behind him, and now they are not running. I was waiting to vote for ron desantis as president and nikki haley as Vice President and now i do not have those choices anywhere. Now i have to vote hes speaking at the national pan had a Hellenic Council black voter summit. Live here on cspan. Good afternoon. Its always a blessing to speak to someone who has a plate in front of them. My job this afternoon is to bring the occasion. Increasing the number of people that vote in each election means better representation, more funding to our communities, and a better quality of life. Politicians listen to two things. Money and votes. If we Work Together as a community and increase voter turnout, then our state and National Legislation will listen to our needs. Education, health care, immigration, infrastructure, the economy our veterans, are all affected by our vote. We gather in this place like so many of our ancestors before us to plot a course and a path forward. But we are doing it together. We are sending a message to the world that we will not allow our voices to be silenced, and that we will stand together as brothers and as member for our communities. On this occasion let us be reminded that the work we do is hard. And that the battle for justice, for all, is fought at the ballot box. I will see each and every one of you at the polls because we will continue to Work Together. Thank you. [applause]

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