According to Poongothai Paramasivam, a resident and member of the Bengaluru Navanirman Party, there is a lack of clarity on the current lake boundary. While the waterbody has been fenced by the BBMP, it extends beyond the fence, leading to confusion.
According to KSPCB officials, under the Bio-medical Waste Management Rules, 2016, every healthcare facility, whether private or government facility, is supposed to hand over BMW to common biomedical waste treatment facilities.
Used syringes, expired medicines, cast-off gloves with blood stains, urine and blood samples, and hospital bills were only some of the bio-medical waste items discarded not just within the lake and its boundary, but also on the road adjacent to it.
BBMP posts home guards at lakes in three shifts. For a standard-size lake, the requirement is a minimum of four to five home guards, all three shifts combined. However, for a big water body spread beyond 60 to 70 acres, a minimum of five home guards per shift is needed.