what is going on here? has america gone mad for the movies? apparently, some of us have. they were buying bat shirts, bat hats, bat anything, and the movie hadn t even opened. what s new with tim burton s movie batman is that a marketing machine markets it a year in advance. i m seeing a poster out there on the street. it freaks me out. the movie s not done yet. for me, batman is the root of some of that imagery was more horror than comic books, so i liked that about it. and i like the kind of split personality, nature, the light and the dark. for me, it was definitely my favorite of all comic book
what is going on here? has america gone mad for the movies in apparently, some of us have. they were buying bat shirts, bat hats, bat anything. and the movie hadn t even opened. what s new with tim burton s movie batman is that a mechanical marketing machine begins to tease this movie a year in advance. i m finishing a movie and seeing a poster for it out there in the street. it kind of freaks me out. it s like, the movie s not done yet. for me, batman is the root of some of that imagery was more horror than it was like comic books. so i liked that about it, and i like the kind of split personality of the light and the
what is going on here? has america gone mad for the movies? apparently, some of us have. they were buying bat shirts, bat hats, bat anything, and the movie hadn t even opened. what s new with tim burton s movie batman is that a marketing machine begins to tease this movie a year in advance. i m finishing a movie and i m seeing a poster out there on the street. it s like the movie s not done yet. [ glass shatters] for me batman is the root of some of that imagery was more horror than it was like comic books. and so i liked that about it. and i like the kind of split personality, nature, the light, the dark. for me it was definitely my
what is going on here? has america gone mad for the movies? apparently, some of us have. they were buying bat shirts, bat hats, bat anything, and the movie hadn t even opened. what s new with tim burton s movie bat emergency man is thatg machine markets it a year in advance. i m seeing a poster out there on the street. it freaks me out. the movie s not done yet. for me, batman is the root of some of that imagery was more horror than comic books, so i liked that about it. and i like the kind of split personality, nature, the light and the dark.
what is going on here? has america gone mad for the movies? apparently some of us hood. they were buying bat shirts, bat hats, bat anything, and the movie hasn t hoped. a amongstal marketing machine gets to tease this movie in advance. i m seeing a poster for it on the street. the movie s not done yet. for me, batman was more horror than comic books. i liked the split personality facher. it was my favorite of those characters bauds of those