A decade after the December 16, 2012 Delhi gang rape incident that shook the nation, the One-Stop-Centres (OSC) or ‘Sakhi’ centres, established with the Nirbhaya Fund set up by the Union ministry of Women and Child Development (WCD) to support women affected by violence, have failed to take off. An investigation revealed several challenges, including lack of awareness, infrastructure, lack of coordination between departments, police apathy and hesitancy among women. At the nation’s financial capital Mumbai, per 110 registered rape cases, on an average annually, only one is referred to OSC.
According to a government resolution (GR) passed in 2017, it is mandatory for DLSA to sanction an amount of Rs 30,000 within seven days of filing an FIR.
One of Asia’s largest red light districts, Sonagachi will next month roll out an experimental project for providing HIV-preventive medicine to sex workers in what will be the first such initiative in .