VAN HORN, TEXAS - O bilionário Jeff Bezos, homem mais rico do mundo, decolou nesta terça-feira no seu foguete, o New Shepard, acompanhado de mais três tripulantes. Foi o primeiro voo tripulado a ir ao espaço sem piloto.
Viagem da Blue Origin durou 10 minutos e 18 segundos. No voo, o bilionário Jeff Bezos levou o irmão Mark, a pioneira espacial Wally Funk, de 82 anos, e Oliver Daemen, de 18 anos
O voo decolou às 10h12 de uma base no deserto e voltou à Terra em segurança cerca de dez minutos depois. A espaçonave chegou a 100 quilômetros de altitude, passando a chamada linha de Kárman, considerada a fronteira entre a atmosfera e o espaço.
rocket in 2015. this day is long awaited. the idea of turning this into a routine thing where paying customers $250, $1,000 more a ticket you increase your risk doing that frequently and that s a step that will take bezos and richard branson a couple years to get to. to that point, scott, spacex has more of a relationship with nasa. to your point on the idea of scientific exploration being one of the more viable paths for blue origin, how does bezos try to close that gap? playing catchup. 3 billion in contracts have gone to spacex, half a billion to blue origin. my friend, brad, really summarized it perfectly. space tourism is, virgin wants to put 400 flights of four people each at $1600, want to do $4,000 apiece, that s $64 million on a company valued at $6.5 billion. that doesn t make any sents.
of your screen and now that jeff bezos is back from the final frontier, we re looking at the business of space, what this means from a corporate perspective on space travel. we ve been talking about this billionaire space race between him, between virgin galactic s richard branson, elon musk s spacex and today bezos playing catchup. elon are flying astronauts into orbit, not suborbitally. you have branson who got into space first before jeff bezos earlier this month. now that bezos is taking this step, is this bet on space tourism going to pay off? i want to bring in scott galloway, marketing professor of business and co-host of the pivot podcast and brad stone author of amazon unbound: jeff bezos and the invention of a global empire. scott, morgan stanley predicts the space market could be worth
astronaut oliver. oliver, sound check. oliver. copy astronaut wally. wally. got the astronaut demo. astronaut demo behind me. copy. astronaut bezos? it s their mission control checking in with each of the four passengers on board. they are now strapped back into their seats and they are now descending back to earth. the booster rocket is also descending to earth. it is going it should actually land shortly in a