As the trailer of late Kannada star Puneeth Rajkumar s upcoming docudrama Gandhada Gudi released on Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi shared words of praise for the project and called the actor brilliance personified.
Get latest articles and stories on Entertainment at LatestLY. As the trailer of late Kannada star Puneeth Rajkumar s upcoming docudrama Gandhada Gudi released on Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi shared words of praise for the project and called the actor "brilliance personified." Entertainment News | Brilliance Personified: PM Modi Praises Trailer of Late Puneeth Rajkumar s Docudrama Gandhada Gudi .
Continuing its legacy to laud and celebrate remarkable achievements in various sectors through its flagship property Varshada Kannadiga, News18 honoured exemplary personalities at News 18 Varshada Kannadiga 2022 on 25thMarch 2022, at JW Marriott, Ben
Puneeth Rajkumar's brother Shivarajkumar watched James in the theatres, whereas his wife Ashwini is all emotional as she opens up if she will watch it or not.