But Ranbir ki dulhaniya Alia stole the show. Her subtle makeup, sheesh-patti-adorned tresses, kaleeres bejewelled with cloud and No 8 charms, and the date she became one with the one she loves beyond expiry date.
Sandalwood Power Star Puneeth Rajkumar's latest release, James, has hit jackpot at the box office. The movie has created a new record in the history of Sandalwood. The film has become the talk of the town ever since it released on the big screens. First time in 88 years in the Kannada film industry, a movie has joined the 100 crore club in the shortest span of its release.
Leader of Opposition in Karnataka Assembly Siddaramaiah has accused the BJP government of pressuring theatre owners to replace Puneeth Rajkumar s last-week release James with blockbuster Hindi movie The Kashmir Files.