Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said that for a developed country, trust and credibility are critical, noting that the earlier governments failed to earn people's trust.Addressing a programme marking the vigilance awareness week of the .
New Delhi, Jun 24: Tapan Kumar Deka, the “crisis man” who was put in charge of the counter-assaults during the 26/11 Mumbai attack, was on Friday appointed the Director of the Intelligence Bureau (IB) while the tenure of Samant Goel, who has been heading the Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW), has been extended by one more year. Deka, who has been handling the operations wing of the IB, takes over as the new chief for a tenure of two years, […]
The government today appointed Tapan Kumar Deka, a 1988-batch Himachal Pradesh-cadre IPS officer, as the Director, Intelligence Bureau, and extended the tenure of Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) chief Samant Goel, a 1984-batch Punjab-cadre IPS officer, till June 30 next year.
The Central government on Friday gave one-year extension in service to RAW chief Samant Goel and appointed senior IPS officer Tapan Deka as Director of Intelligence Bureau.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. The Central government on Friday gave one-year extension in service to Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) chief Samant Goel and appointed senior IPS officer Tapan Deka as Director of Intelligence Bureau. India News | RAW Chief s Tenure Extended, Tapan Deka Appointed as New Intelligence Bureau Director.