Sandhya Devanathan, Head and VP, Meta in India, said the company sees business messaging as a key growth driver of its business in India. “We see it in terms of consumer behavior on our platforms, in terms of people using messaging to communicate with businesses, and we see that given the size of the WhatsApp platform and what users are asking for. 60% of the users of WhatsApp in India message a business every week,” she said.
Gen AI: Sandhya Devanathan, Head and VP, Meta in India, said the company sees business messaging as a key growth driver of its business in India. “We see it in terms of consumer behavior on our platforms, in terms of people using messaging to communicate with businesses, and we see that given the size of the WhatsApp platform and what users are asking for. 60% of the users of WhatsApp in India message a business every week,” she said.
The study surveyed around 7,800 end users (consumers) and 150 enterprises, along with interviews with over 25 senior executives across numerous verticals in India.
With generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) emerging as a top-of-mind priority for businesses, over 80 per cent of Indian enterprises are planning to invest in GenAI within the next 1-2 years, a new report said on Thursday.New Delhi, May 23 .