The drama that began on Sunday morning when seven-time Kerala lawmaker P.C. George, called as a witness in a conspiracy case, was arrested in a case filed by the solar scam accused for outraging her modesty, ended in the night when a court here granted him bail.
The drama that began on Sunday morning when seven-time Kerala lawmaker P.C. George, called as a witness in a conspiracy case, was arrested in a case filed by the solar scam accused for outraging her modesty, ended in the night when a court here .
The police prevented Union Minister of state for External Affairs V. Muraleedharan from meeting former legislator P.C. George, who is in police custody at the Kerala Armed Police camp at Thiruvananthapuram. George was arrested in the early hours of Sunday from his residence in Kottayam district. The arrest followed a reported hate speech that he had delivered during
The police prevented Union Minister of state for External Affairs V. Muraleedharan from meeting former legislator P.C. George, who is in police custody at the Kerala Armed Police camp at Thiruvananthapuram.George was arrested in the early hours .
Top brass of J&K Police, intelligence agencies, and officers of central forces to attend today s meeting in Delhi to discuss the security situation in the Valley.