If someone whose role involves International travel has a medical condition which makes that travel undesirable in a post-pandemic World, would the capability dismissal process be applicable?
Simona Halep a luat o decizie care poate părea surprinzătoare. Ea este singura sportivă din România care a anunțat că este gata să returneze banii pe care Comitetul Olimpic i-a cheltuit cu pregătirea ei.
Academia Oamenilor de Ştiinţă (AOSR) protestează faţă de calomnierea şi discriminarea instituţiei şi transmite, pentru că toate acestea se fac în numele unor instituţii politice.
PAF celebrates 2nd anniversary of Operation Swift Retort at AHQ
In case of any misadventure, our response would be swift, resolute and unwavering, says ACM Mujahid Anwar Khan
The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) celebrated the second anniversary of Operation Swift Retort today at Air Headquarters (AHQ) to pay homage to the valiant pilots and all those involved in defending the motherland and shooting down Indian aircraft in 2019 on this day.
Addressing the ceremony, Chief of the Air Staff Air Chief Marshal (ACM) Mujahid Anwar Khan said the PAF would thwart any misadventure by the enemy and was ready to respond with full force as per the aspirations of the nation.
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