i frankly predict he ll end up with 1320, 1350 which would be 200 more than he needs. i know he got most of the conservative vote possibly for the first time and he also gained on married women on rick santorum in the midwest. tea party. and the tea party as well. but does the voter turnout down 24% despite the biggest, most significant illinois primary since 1988 disturb you? well, i think that a lot of the people who would have turned out to vote for santorum or gingrich stayed home because they felt that they did not want to prolong this nominating battle and it was one thing to vote for a candidate who is not their first choice but was able to come out essentially and vote for a deadlock convention. anybody voting for santorum is to have this nomination stay open until the convention and i think they probably agree with me this would be a disaster and might re-elect obama. so i think it s fully understandable they stay home.
this procedural this procedural mechanism to i saw one headline today said that democrats plan to pass the healthcare bill in the senate without anybody voting for it. i just think that s the kind of politics as usual that has so many americans frustrated. when i was home this weekend i heard overwhelming opposition to this government take over, the mandates. the bureaucracy. up heard almost as much opposition to the way they are ramming this through in a sense of desperation. it s amazing that the people back in indiana and i think around this country are frustrated with the abuse of the process as they are with this massive government expansion. megyn: the democrats maintain even if they deep it passed in the house and push it through in the senate on reconciliation. at end of the day the american people will have the good
forward. you made that clear. there is a growing discrepancy between the to democrats on capitol hill about whether they have the votes. but let me start with robert gibbs left off. deeming it passed. the house members who want this bill wouldn t vote up or down on it, but they would deem the senate bill passed and they could avoid actually having to stay they voted yes on the senate bill. is this irregular? the democrats say it s not. megyn, everybody knows, occasionally they used a deeming procedural vote on debt ceiling increases. but i don t think anybody thinks there has ever been an instance where major social policy has been passed out of the house of representatives without anybody voting for it. that is what this deeming is all about. the truth is that nancy pelosi doesn t have the votes in the house to pass the senate bill. so they are just going to bring
to entertain and bond with and not whore myself for money. if all of the other comedians would know that. like how a tv show is meant for news, but you use it to plug your book. good point. homerun derosa. let s do the first story, shall we? could you have a beau who supports ho? politically-minded singles would not consider anybody voting for, quote, the other guy, end quote. according to the wall street journal , being a member of the opposite party trumps religious differences, unattractiveness, low education and your stinking job. explains one match maker, people now say i don t even want to meet anybody from the other party, even if it is somebody perfect in every other way. as for a couple who doesn t let politics get in the way.
he i lived in this area for 40 years now. i know so many people who lived over in arlington, northern virginia, bedroom communities, they work in washington, a lot of them are single. they re very keen on knowing this stuff. that s why the obama ad is brilliant to call him out on it. it assumes you re incapable of understanding the words. it starts with somebody going to google and trying to find his positions. i hope women go to google and find his positions. he wants to sign a bill that would overturn roe v. wade. he s on the record because he says so. anybody voting out there, man or woman, who cares about these rights issues, you don t vote on somebody s right. you ought to know these things. everybody i think will by the time we vote.