Nearly 200 people from 10 countries across Europe convened in Amsterdam from 30 May – 2 June for the annual event for the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences’ European network of universities of applied sciences, U!REKA. This event focused on the shift needed for a sustainable future and drew some high profile attendees, including the Deputy Mayor of Amsterdam responsible for Sustainability, Circular Economy, as well as representatives from EURASHE and UAS4EUROPE.
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) has opened the doors to its future-proof and most sustainable teaching facility. Jakoba Mulderhuis on Rhijnspoorplein is the Amstel Campus’s grand finale, situated on Wibautstraat. The building will accommodate some 6,000 to 7,000 students from the Faculty of Technology, encompassing approximately 25,000 m2 worth of teaching programmes. It was officially opened during the opening ceremony for the new academic year on 1 September 2022. Integration of Amstel Campus from an urban planning perspective