In April 2022, Darlie Malaysia kick-started its ambitious year-long project with FCB Shout, titled #SemangatTogether, with Semangat Hari Raya, a musically driven piece that displays the spirit of Malaysians in conjunction with the Hari Raya celebrations.
FCB Shout has launched RHB Bank’s latest Eid/Hari Raya film, titled ‘Sama, Bersama’ (All the Same). The film tells the tale of 27-year-old activist Arissa Jemaima Ikram Ismail, who, through the NGO she founded, provides free lessons to the thousands of illiterate refugees living in Malaysia.
Inspired by the resilience of Malaysians, Darlie Malaysia decided to embark on an ambitious year-long project with FCB Shout, called #SemangatTogether. The premise of the campaign is simple yet timely and much needed: now that the nation is on the road to recovery, Darlie Malaysia wants to play a pa