FCB Shout has launched RHB Bank’s latest Eid/Hari Raya film, titled ‘Sama, Bersama’ (All the Same). The film tells the tale of 27-year-old activist Arissa Jemaima Ikram Ismail, who, through the NGO she founded, provides free lessons to the thousands of illiterate refugees living in Malaysia.
Titled ‘The Inner Light’, RHB Bank’s latest Deepavali film, which was conceived and created by FCB Malaysia, tells the true story of Dr Nisha Thayananthan, who is not only the reigning Miss Earth Malaysia, but also a selfless doctor who fought on the frontlines to help the nation battle the Covid-19
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FCB Malaysia’s film centres around a father s lifetime of selfless dedication towards his daughter, who lost her mobility to Spinal Muscular Atrophy at a young age
Titled ‘Love Carries On’, RHB Bank’s latest Chinese New Year film, which was created by FCB Malaysia, tells the true story of Ngu Ee Kiong, a father from Sibu, Sarawak, who went through great lengths to keep his daughter, Ngu Nyok Ping’s dreams alive.
The film centres around Mr Ngu’s lifetime of selfless dedication towards his daughter, who lost her mobility to Spinal Muscular Atrophy at a young age. When Nyok Ping faced difficulties travelling to school due to her disability, coupled with the poor road conditions, Mr Ngu took the responsibility on his shoulders and carried her to school every single day, so that she could continue receiving the education she needed.
The spot tells an incredible true story of perseverance.
RHB Bank launched their latest Chinese New Year film, ‘Love Carries On.’ The short film which was created by FCB Malaysia, tells the true story of Ngu Ee Kiong, a father from Sibu, Sarawak who went through great lengths to keep his daughter, Ngu Nyok Ping’s dreams alive.
An emotional rollercoaster would be an apt way to describe the spot. The film jumps through time as Ngu Nyok Ping narrates her own life story. We see both the happy years of her childhood and the challenging years of her adolescence when she develops spinal muscular atrophy.