All the truth from all the people by independent investigative journalist then what we re left with is to make decisions about what is right who is right who is wrong what we should believe or not believe from all the partisans involved but here s what s crucial at no time has the identity of the whistleblower who supposedly held this damning information who is a person of high attics who just seemed to have one day said enough s enough and I m going to go to Adam Schiff which he denied then he acknowledged Here s what we can tell you and we want to thank Lawrence Oman Selman for this information we re going to quote December 2015 was a pivotal month in many respects during the 1st month week of December 2015 Donald Trump began establishment stanch lead over his Republican primary opponents by Spirit Joe Biden travel to Ukraine to announce on December 7th one $190000000.00 program quote to fight corruption and law enforcement and reform the just are secular and quote the behind the sc
Maine Senator Susan Collins says she won t be project prejudging the case I have not bait up my mind and I think of would be inappropriate for me to have made up my mind but for I hear the presentations from both sides Collins is a moderate Republican one of a closely watched few who have broken ranks on key votes in the past in a blistering letter to House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi today Trump condemned the impeachment process calling it a perversion of justice and abuse of power and part of a Democratic effort to remove him from office the House of Representatives has approved a 1.4 trillion dollar spending package to keep the government funded N.P.R. s Claudio go Salish reports the measures were approved along a bipartisan vote House lawmakers approved 2 massive spending bills to fund the government through September 2020 the government is operating off a temporary funding measure that runs out of money Friday night the Senate is now poised to vote on the measures later this wee
He abused the power of his office for personal and political gain and has refused to cooperate with a co-equal branch of government this is a vote for our constitution setting the precedent for all future presidents Democrat or Republican Donald Trump must be held accountable for his actions today we send a clear signal to this president and all future presidents no one is above the law I yield back the gentleman from Georgia. Thank you madam speaker at this time of year the minute after the gentleman from Kansas Mr Marshall Genzer recognize him and half I rise today in opposition to the impeachment of the legitimately elected president of the United States enough madam speaker for the love of this country enough as Roger Marshall this congressman from Kansas enough of these sham which guns I m voting no because the president has done nothing wrong the only thing the President Trump is guilty of is doing the things he said he would do and if my Democrat colleagues were honest they tel
I mean Democrats and Republicans and g.o.p. Congressman Doug Collins slamming the process the majority will get what they want and that s fine but is is that they will in the long term benefit not only to what they want to accomplish but also the bone for benefit of this body I would have to say no Democrat Jamie Rouse can we have a unanimous agreement among our academic scholars that if use of power is an impeachable offense there s nothing vague or nebulous about it abuse of power meant something to the framers No we ve got to wrestle with the facts that s our job President Trump slamming the House impeachment probe and accusing Democrats of trying to overturn his election only 3 u.s. Presidents have ever been impeached presidents Bill Clinton and Andrew Johnson were formally impeached President Richard Nixon resigned before that could happen and the presiding judge on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Slamming the surveillance of a truck campaign aide by the f.b.i. This
18 primary a conservative group brought suit and a state trial judge agreed that state law required deactivation within 30 days but in subsequent review the commission deadlocked along party lines preventing the purge from going into effect the case is expected to end up at the Wisconsin Supreme Court with its 52 conservative majority for n.p.r. News I m my own silver in Milwaukee advocates for the homeless are cheering the Supreme Court s decision not to hear a case in an appeal by the city of Boise Idaho it could challenge the city s ticketing of homeless people for sleeping outside even when there were no shelter beds available N.P.R. s Kirk Siegler reports major West Coast cities was soaring homeless populations had back Boise and its petition the Supreme Court s denial upholds a lower court ruling that put severe limits on cities ability to enforce anti camping ordinances on streets and in public right of ways Los Angeles attorney Theon a evangelists is representing Boise in the