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I mean Democrats and Republicans and g.o.p. Congressman Doug Collins slamming the process the majority will get what they want and that's fine but is is that they will in the long term benefit not only to what they want to accomplish but also the bone for benefit of this body I would have to say no Democrat Jamie Rouse can we have a unanimous agreement among our academic scholars that if use of power is an impeachable offense there's nothing vague or nebulous about it abuse of power meant something to the framers No we've got to wrestle with the facts that's our job President Trump slamming the House impeachment probe and accusing Democrats of trying to overturn his election only 3 u.s. Presidents have ever been impeached presidents Bill Clinton and Andrew Johnson were formally impeached President Richard Nixon resigned before that could happen and the presiding judge on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Slamming the surveillance of a truck campaign aide by the f.b.i. This court operates in almost total secrecy so this public order from the presiding judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court is not only rare it could lead to sweeping changes in the relationship between the Pfizer court and the Justice Department judge Rosemary call your call the F.B.I.'s handling of the application to surveil former Trump campaign advisor Carter page troubling judge Collyer now wants the d.o.j. To explain by January 10th the steps being taken to prevent this from ever happening again Fox's stories Gallagher and stocks keep their winning streak go wane and the higher Tuesday for a 5th straight session America's listening to Fox News. I quit such as we revel animal and people would want to pet him and they'd come out and they'd get close to him and it would be in. My dad didn't want to touch it it's like you get the stinky dog away from me and even after we give her a fair all she would still stink very stinky both bad breath and bad gas I asked of that and he said some dogs just think she does your dog scritch stink or should like crazy come to darn a bite for help the arrow. Back out of the omega 3 fatty acid waxy think I'll fill the digestive enzymes that are cooked out of regular dog food being greedy and convince me that it was definitely worth trying after about a week he started snowing normal My husband and I were really kind of gone a guy and a fight is a tradition they tried for 2 week one follow the arrow. That kept him. Us Space Force gets the go ahead the Senate voted overwhelmingly to pass a $738000000000.00 defense policy bill that will create president from Space Force now it heads to the president's desk and he said that he will sign it immediately the way this is going to work is that this new space force is going to be housed within the Air Force similar to how the Marine Corps resides within the Navy and that's different from what the president trying to rigidly proposed in fact much of the personnel within the Air Force who currently work on space are simply going to be transferred to this new space force foxes Julian Barbour judge orders the Saudi student held on a federal gun charge until his trial prosecutors say the student illegally obtained the gun in the u.s. And then told someone he wanted to kill a professor and others a judge in New Mexico saying that Hasan in the poses a danger and should be kept in federal custody awaiting celebration turns tragic in Southern California. Happy day turning into a violent murder investigation then hours after being married a groom was allegedly beaten to death by 2 Wedding Crashers armed with bats police responded to a fight in Chino California east of Los Angeles early Sunday morning after the 2 uninvited men were asked to leave the backyard reception authorities found 2 victims with minor injuries a 3rd the groom a 30 year old Joe Bell goes found a block away with severe head trauma 2 brothers ages $2819.00 have been arrested on suspicion of murder charges a Go Fund Me page has been set up to pay for the groom's funeral and support his 11 year old daughter Kevin battled Fox News and Pope Francis abolishing the Vatican's highest level of secrecy in sex abuse cases a move applauded by victims and advocates a decision opens up lines of communications between civil law enforcement and the victims of pope making that announcement amid calls for transparency in the countless church I'm Harmon Robertson this. Please show on Hannity show I will tell you the Wall Street Journal just nailed it today in a Washington pylons are never pretty this week's political set up of the Attorney General William Barr is this reputable even by built way standard Democrats media turning the a.g. Into a fill in for doing his duty making the hard decisions that special counsel Robert Muller abdicated. This whole report is a shock to their system to ask for a pulse to 2060 election results because they really thought he had a they thought they had him and now the only thing they've got to do is to floundering with noise allies and more to Thursday's rather the maybe turn a little bit introspective and say we messed this up we lied they saw 7 out of 10 Americans think they lie regularly they do Sean Hannity weekdays at one on the news 149-8103 point 5 f.m. K.y. Ca. I'm Job Out sure this is the job outs are so good evening to you I welcome this page as a columnist at The Hill and Fox News to comment on the roaring a column a how Rory Quinnipiac poll is telling us that when the American people are asked about how the trumpet ministration and the president in particular are doing with the economy 73 percent respond that the economy is doing great a really great and there has never been to my knowledge in the history of the United States 73 percent defeated at the polls however there are many months to go things can go wrong but right now I would say take home pay the pocketbook is dry. Having the conversation about 2020 Liz a very good evening to you that 73 percent it approaches Soviet nose bleed territory I don't know that we can get people together 73 percent of the people together on any other issue but we've been reporting and your guidance these last months is that the economy is doing well despite the doubts in Washington the reason I can give for this 73 percent in these last days could be external could be the China trade announcement phase one could be Breck's it in the overwhelming victory of Boris Johnson how do you account for the American people all going in one direction at the same time Good evening T.L.'s Good evening and isn't it great news that in fact so many Americans are feeling good about their prospects by the way that's a high over the last 18 years so it has been a long time coming and the main thing of course is job availability we saw another indication of just how plentiful jobs are this week with the new jolts report which talks about number of people quitting number of job openings and it kicked up in this last month up to 7300000 jobs out there looking for people so you know that's just an extraordinary number obvious they way more than a 1000000 people more than the number of people looking for jobs and what happens in that kind of environment obviously wages are kicking up probably going up faster than we know I'm I'm guessing over the next several months we're going to see that wages have accelerated a little bit and while that might lead down the road to some inflation what it leads to right now is tremendous optimism on part of the American people and John it's not just consumers we've seen industrial production turn around the last months reading on that was quite strong the purchasing manager index all these things that began to look sort of sloppy during the summer months have moved higher and I. Think you've seen now increased headlines from the journal from Even Bloomberg which is pretty negative on everything because here so desperate to promote Mike Bloomberg everybody's talking about the fact that we could see an acceleration of economic growth into 2020 and there are bunch of reasons for that but just as a sort of side note the Atlanta Fed which as you we've talked about before tracks current estimates of g.d.p. Growth based on all kinds of incoming data and it's very much of up to the moment today they raised their g.d.p. Forecast for the 4th quarter of the quarter were in to 2.3 percent from 2 percent that number had been steadily drifting lower over the last couple of months as we saw manufacturing dip down and optimism be a little bit less positive but you know starting with that blowout jobs report a week ago and consumer sentiment going through the roof and manufacturing beginning to take up everything is looking pretty darn good and here's the final element which you and I have talked about housing which has been you know kind of a disappointing sector homebuilding of the economy and as and obviously back at the time when the housing surge led to the financial recession housing was a huge part of the economy it isn't so much now but it does look like it's going to be a positive factor because of lower mortgage rates going into 2020 and that's something I think could be sort of an engine of acceleration in November housing starts were up 3.2 percent month over month that's a big number various surveys are showing. A similar kind of read that that the housing industry is becoming pretty optimistic about growth of 4 or 5 percent year over year so there's just a lot. Good news out there and you know to your point it's all translating into the American people who are not stupid about this stuff realizing that they're just a whole heck of a lot better off than they were a couple years ago I want to speak to manufacture in particular because we've had a theme these last years that manufacturing a manufacturing in general and especially manufacturing jobs are in a recession what is surprising about these numbers published in these last hours u.s. Manufacturing out rebounded more than expected this is a consistent theme Liz yes more than expected more than expected Who are these people say. That manufacturing production rose 1 point one percent last month after a downwardly revise point 7 fall in October this is November numbers a a 12.4 percent surge in the production of motor vehicles and parts of November now we're filling the amatory that's what we're doing that's exactly right that's exactly right and we knew that was coming how come they didn't we. You know sometimes it just seems like a lot of the prognosticators don't use common sense the idea that we were going to see continued strong consumer purchasing and that manufacturers were going to let their inventories go to 0 which just and shops and and goods producers were going to let their inventories disappear it didn't make any sense you knew there was going to be a manufacturing turnaround at some point we got to have goods to sell so I mean it really was kind of boneheaded But anyway and by the way I think you're going to see the same kind of all the sudden you know wake up moment about housing but I totally agree that the story that everyone wanted to go with because I think it was considered a. Sort of negative outcome President Trump trade wars is that the manufacturing sector was really struggling and the reason why. Of course care of that had been placed on some goods but I think we're kind of getting through that at least that's my impression and I think industrial production has picked up I think all of that kind of makes sense. I'm sure that if you were a manufacturer and all of a sudden all the things that relied on in China in the way of sourcing became more expensive you're sort of casting around what to doing it maybe took some time to move some of your production of Vietnam or Thailand or whatever all of that probably did cause some problems but as you pointed out we have resolution at least partial resolution in prospect and I also just think that companies have begun to move through this hazing kind of figure out what they need to do and getting it done it's 2 years since the tax cut and jobs act of 2017 we talked about this last week. The hold on that was the reservation about capital investment that is companies investing in larger factories a larger workforce more inventory and more experimenting because of the China trade dispute which was an aspect of the whole trade dispute we've had the u.s. M.c.a. The updated NAFTA we've had conversations with China that are going to start on phase one it's in the right direction it's not what we want but then again the Chinese business model cannot be fixed by a China trade deal with the United States they've got problems that are profound and they'll settle themselves and then we have Europe and I want to mention Europe because Boris Johnson the exciting hair the other leader was exciting here Boris Johnson won one greater than expected victory let's put it that way sound like economists he stomped labor. With one claim I'm going to get Bracks it done they gave him a strength that a prime minister has not had since Margaret Thatcher and maybe not since Baldwin in the 1930 s. And that has to be a positive for the u.s. Not because there's dollars and cents in it but because it's the end of the European Union's foot dragging about growth there their problems are not ours but there are trade partners and so we want them to do well. Yeah and for sure Europe has been in a complete stalemate and and Brecht that was part of the issue there you know they have had some negative fallout from our trade dispute with China but a mug much bigger issue looming for the e.u. Has been whether or not the e.u. Is going to remain intact Boris Johnson's victory was a huge won a landslide and we could we could talk about that all mix I think is pretty fascinating that Labor put up a candidate who didn't just do what he had to do which was to say I'm the remainer remain or candidate he completely blew that position and instead tacked on a huge amount of really sort of wild eyed socialist programs reminiscent of what we might find from Bernie Sanders or Lizabeth Warren and you know them British people obviously got scared decided that was a crazy thing to do but I think also I did think that there were a lot of parallels between Boris Johnson's election and what might happen next fall . You know once again the common sense British voters said no we like our sovereignty we like nationalism we are tired of being told by the elites that opening our borders and allowing just anyone to come into our country is good for working class Brits it's not and they know it there were a lot of kind of similar echoes of what is going on in our country and by the way one of the upshot of his big victory without a doubt is going to be his ability to engage with Donald Trump and do some sort of bilateral trade agreement with the United States that could be very big for Britain and very big for the United States I think the e.u. Is going to and look up and up looking kind of stupid for having pushed this to the brink and ending up with a pretty un satisfactory resolution from their point of view Liz a final detail about the economy the market is behaving. Very excitedly I always have doubts you remember a year ago the market was creating the conditions that were in keeping with the end of the world you were called December to try to date it's now creating conditions in which earth is going to take over the solar system now we're supposed to ignore both but I'm wondering if this is a snap back from a year ago they overdid it a year ago and so there's a lot what appears to be a lot of make make good going on in the purchasing especially in the the big tech stuff. Well yes I mean we talked I think last week about the enormous amount of money that it's paying taking out of equities I over the last couple of months those people are now looking at their portfolios and they know they have to present those portfolios to their clients at the end of the year and say you know and their clients are say wait a minute why aren't you invested in these companies that are up 50 percent like Apple or you know 18 percent like Netflix or whatever people who have been sitting on the sidelines reading the liberal media and worrying about a recession don't look so smart right now and I think they are trying to get back into the market and that's kind of what we're seeing here right now. We have you know a darn good outlook for possibly accelerating growth and earnings and also the diminished prospect of a recession and don't forget a really important element in this which is so far no inflation mean literally no inflation so if the Fed is going to be accommodative until they are in till the inflation hits their 2 percent guideline you know I think we have to kind of count on a neutral fed at the least and if we begin to see growth slow down again it looks to me like you know the Fed could cut rates because the good news is they are not in negative territory they haven't gone as far as Europe so they still have some room left let's pick for the hill and for Fox News when we come back impeachment rallying the markets question mark I'm John Bachelor This is John Besh on. This corporate Wildman it is brought to you by Cardinal resources limited and emerging developer with a top tier gold deposit within a massive 900 square kilometer land package in a rich gonna cardno. 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The site of my son's growing up without me inspired me to quit smoking I talked to my doctors and then I threw away all my cigarettes Astra's and lighters I started exercising and set of still. Ok getting support from friends on line kept me on track staying away from alcohol when I was 1st quitting whiskey instead of smoking after I ate I get up and take a walk I miss having a cigarette in my hand so I hold a pen are strong anything and so I knew I wouldn't give in to temptation I spent more time with my friends who didn't smoke I went to places that were smoke free I didn't stay quit the very 1st time I tried I kept on trying and I learned something each time do whatever it takes no matter how many times it takes I quit I quit I quit we did it so can you you can quit for free help call 1800 quit now a message from the u.s. Department of Health and Human Services and c.d.c. . Palosi now she's deciding impeachment isn't going to work Rush Limbaugh the only way to do it she said is to defeat him in 2020 by a margin so big that he can't challenge the legitimacy of a Democrat victory do you realize what an earth shattering thing it is for the Democrats to think that the only way they can win an election is to win the election. It's Rush will. Rush Limbaugh over humanity am having more fun than human beings should be allowed to have all at the same puncturing rush if we get is we discussed serious issues of the day and explore them with irreverent who are being with us next time we own or up another Rush Limbaugh program a package not available anywhere else in the major mainstream American radio wanted only Rush Rush Limbaugh talent on the road from. Rush Limbaugh with kids at 10 on the news 1490 You're listening to the john buckler show. I'm John Vause and this is the John boxer so listen. To calm the city as well as at Fox much on Fox Business we turn from the boring. To. Impeachment breaking news on that list the FISA court has ruled that they want an explanation pronto about the errors revealed by the Horowitz report I'm being diplomatic you are there only more to learn about that because false owed was maintained before a secret court and there will be answers demanded in addition to reforms we also have the news that the. Democratic 1st term representative from the state of Maine north around Bangor Jared gold has announced that he will vote for one article of impeachment that is abuse of power but not for obstruction this is a way of being on the fence and having it both ways but in any event it's another gulp by the Democrats the impeachment story has been a puzzle for all of us for kind of some time because there's no crime that's ever been discovered and yet Mrs Pelosi has gone ahead with it what do you make of these doubts that the Democrats are now evidence saying and not all marching to the same tune Well I'm surprised there aren't more defections frankly because what have what real data do we have about how the American people is looking at this impeachment process 1st of all we have polling which shows very clearly that. He has them for impeachment has greatly diminished ever since the process began Republicans did a good job of pointing out how unfair and partisan Adam Schiff investigation was the Judiciary Committee did nothing to improve on that image and so you have not only voters in those critical swing states definitely underwater on impeachment that is to say more favoring dropping the whole thing than. Getting rid of the president you also have independents and countries across the country turning against impeachment that is what all the pain hearings and testimony and. Partisan bickering has brought Democrats is that people are less on board with this idea than they were a month or 6 weeks ago when it all began the 2nd thing which I think is even more telling is that the g.o.p. Is taking and have money hand over fist because supporters of President Trump are outraged and they are wound up about this they don't like what's happening I think that Trump White House reported or the r. And c. 600000 new donors just in the past month I think it was maybe is the past week and an enormous amount of money coming and that's really telling because that is not happening on the Democrat side so I think this has been a total bust I watched some of the committee I mean I've watched the committee hearings as much as I could tolerate including today and honestly there is no new information there's no factual stuff that's going to really change anyone's mind at this point Chuck Schumer has come out and made the case that they should have new witnesses and lots of new documents for the Senate trial and I think that's a totally bogus position on the part of Schumer he is wanting to simply say to basically make preempt if you will Mitch McConnell's. Likely position on this which is the quicker this is get gotten rid of the better voters are Where are are ready to move on no one is talking about this on the campaign trail no voter has asked any candidate what they think of impeachment people don't really they're not focused on this they're focused on their own lives and their benefits and their welfare and all the rest of that sort of thing not impeachment so the longer this drags out and Schumer knows says he just wants to kind of get the high road for saying yes yes we need a really sincere trial let's have new witnesses because let's let's this think about this Does he really want Joe Biden. Under oath what could be a more catastrophic possible appearance for the Democrat's front runner than Joe Biden trying to answer questions about his son Hunter Biden that is just going to be a complete calamity for Democrats so I don't believe Chuck Schumer I think Mitch McConnell will expedite this trial and he should do that mainly because there's just nothing there there's really. You know there just isn't enough there to warrant impeachment and I think most of the country knows that let's take identifying the Seinfeld of impeachment. Is at the hill and Fox News I'm John Batchelor. We're here early before they wake up. We stayed we stay informed we invest in the latest technology. We take the time to train the next generation of doctors and nurses. Who work together to make sure we keep bodies and. We do this not because it's our job but because this is our veterans and. This is our mission. More than 300000 of us working as. Together with families and loved ones. No matter where they live in this country we'll be there we all. Stand together to serve. We stand strong united. Stand with us and cheering for our veterans. We're here early before they wake up. We stay informed we invest in the latest technologies. We take the time to train the next generation doctors nurses. And we work together to make sure we hear that box and. We do this not because it's our job but because this is about our veterans and. This is our mission. More than 300000 of us working as. Together with families and loved ones. Who matter where they live in this country will be there we all come together and stand together to serve. We stand strong united. Stand with us in caring for our veterans. Did you know there are other signs of Rose Aysha besides facial redness bumps and temples and visible blood vessels other signs include burning stinging or swelling of the face even enlargement of the nose Rosie she can also affect the eyes causing a blood shot appearance and irritation that could lead to vision loss if you have any sign of or is a shock see a dermatologist and ask about advances in treatment or visit the National Rose Aisha society at Rose Aisha dot org looking for future leaders we can believe in look no further than the high school student athletes here in Arizona school sports teach young people how to believe that. Includes learning to listen except in responsibility being a good role model and disavows respect the result it transcends sports it gives us hope for the future this message presented by the Arizona Interscholastic Association and the Arizona Interscholastic Athletic administrative services. This is those savage nation this was intentional there's huge war going on it's interesting to me that those liberal city on Earth Paris is now the soft the city on earth for the Islamist Beast The softer the. The bigger the target who did it I don't know but we do know ISIS of a try to blow up Notre Dame is a symbol of western civilization and the Christianity for years some people probably did something here celebrating 25 years of those savage nation. This is the Savage Nation here is your favorite Congresswoman on Omar who was asked about 911 she said some people get something while she will she won't even say Muslims conducted 911 all of these new ones these new Democrats are Communists and Terrorists affiliated every last one of them we could call it Mogadishu Mary if this woman is not connected to the Muslim Brotherhood I don't cook by door credits and I don't need a whole Michael Savage like the other weeknights at 7 it's Michael Savage on the news $1490.00 and $1.00 of $3.00 f.m. . You're listening to the John Bachelor show. I'm John Bachelor Los Angeles within these next hours Los Angeles the scene of yes of course the debate over the Hollywood. Awards ceremonies Yes of course I understand Mr terrine Tino is not going to make a Star Wars movie what what the cling on without Mr Sharon to now add and the Democratic debate I welcome Bill Whalen he is the host of area 45 is a fellow at the Hoover Institution my colleague from long standing area 45 is Bill's conversation with his colleagues about American politics and American policy we're discussing American politics right now because I set the stage for Los Angeles in these next hours Bill a very good evening to you Joe Biden former vice president at center stage by himself to Mr Biden's right Elizabeth Warren senior senator from Massachusetts to Elizabeth Warren's right Pete voted g.h. Mayor from Indiana and Andrew Yang business back to Mr Biden's left Bernie Sanders senior senator from Vermont to Mr to Senator Sanders laughed Amy Kluger Shara senator from Minnesota and billionaire philanthropist I'm quoting Tom Starr an odd number. The man who is not there Bill a very good agent you where's Mike Bloomberg his ads are everywhere they're clever they're expensive Why isn't he on stage Good evening to you Bill good evening John he's not in the States simply because of the rules of the Democratic National Committee supposed which is a combination of both where one stands in polls nationally but also how many quote unique donors people are coming to your campaign and the way the Bluebird campaign is operated John is just throwing a huge amount of money into media doing ads it's not spend any time going on the Internet trying to to tropical about it as unique donors which is that hard as $1.00 copper donation so because he doesn't have the donors he doesn't qualify for the stage I guess of course will be John of the vehicle park ads during the 3 hours that it's on auction it's on p.b.s. I guess it will be no air but my Boomers have to watch it from some location but Bill this tells me that the Democratic Party did not think this through the d.n.c. Did not think that so Mr Perez did not think about a Bloomberg candidacy Mike Bloomberg does not need to demonstrate to anyone satisfaction that he's a major candidate is not just his money he's served these many years and talked about how he is looking to the presidency possibly he spent $100000000.00 we're told in 2018 he spent more of that in 2016 keeping him off stage seems a strange way to treat a major candidate Bill. It does trump those of the rules they set up and it's you know Bloomberg has not really cried foul about this you have other Democrats most of Cory Booker the senator from New Jersey and and who in Castro the congressman from Texas crying foul over this because they can't get on the stage which is the catch was for us secretaries from brothers of Congress when they claim the rules are unfair they want basically affirmative action for these debates but here's one thing with Bloomberg is testing John do you really need to be on the debate stage and let me further add to that you really need to be on a debate stage on to some for the 1000 John the Thursday before Christmas a lot of people are shopping going to holiday parties but I want Americans know there's a debate on Thursday night well I did because I knew I wanted to talk to you about it but I it's a fair question let's press this the Democratic Party is not just on the eve of the eve of the debate is saying on the eve of a vote to remove the president of the United States who's polls are doing very well surprisingly and fact Bill I just discussed with my colleague Liz pate how the president in the Quinnipiac poll has approval for his economic policy 73 percent do we do we see that as a problem for the Democrats on the stage Thursday night Americans care about the pocketbook or today. They do care about the pocketbook John and you know the December jobs report was a tremendous gift for the president Democrats have several problems at this hour one problem is that you look at polls a book preachment the president's approval rating which is never terribly gangbusters has jumped up about 2 or 3 points so he is not really bled through this Secondly you look at the battleground polls of Trump versus candidates quoted Biden satyrs more and were drawn Trump is now ahead whereas before impeachment he was behind so he's down move and then to 3rd problem John I think this is a really no one look for him Thursday night regular. Who really kind of has the most going in this debate and I think it's probably Bernie Sanders if you look at the polls around the country Sandra says on the book it's for after it's term. After warning to judge and others had their turn so it's his chance to be in the spotlight and this is the nightmare scenario for the for the Democratic Party a lot of Democrats eyebrows will be idea of listening more and being that often by boy Bernie Sanders is just the absolute last person what running against all of trucker now you proved to be surgery and he's searching a part John because impeachment is just cast a pall It's just frozen this race these candidates can't get a word in edgewise So really people who judge was have a pretty good motive for impeachment started you know appears to be stuck I have a conversation running conversation after coffee with a Bernie bro maybe twice a week and I talked with him knowing I was going to talk to you tonight Bill he's extremely confident and says that he's known Bernie since the Vermont days that Bernie is extremely confident that he's a warm and affectionate personality a manage but at the same time his themes are very clear and he have tracks the younger voters the Democrats boast about he also attracts minority voters who understand about redistribution it's not just that he's having his moment Bill he's survived a heart attack he's surviving impeachment better than anyone else. Yeah that is all true John but if you ask any Democrat who sensibly most selection looks where they need to go to win in Ohio and Wisconsin and Michigan in Pennsylvania Bernie Sanders is not the answer and so what to do with Bernie this gets us back to Michael Bloomberg this gets back to Joe Biden it gets back to Hillary Clinton still kind of hanging over this campaign like a vulture if you will what will the Democrats do if British standards were really getting ahead here but what is Bernie Sanders when so I one cover the 3rd what if 8 days after that he will still have her history tells us John that any candidate Republican or Democrat and once those 2 states he or she is on their way to the nomination what will the Democrats do a burning one so states I think that is panic time play to simple Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are 2 sides of the same argument and putting those 2 together they're posed together they easily best Joe Biden is it enough to go into the 1st ballot with 50 percent is Bernie Bernie on that kind of a track I'm being theoretical here but what the heck let's look ahead to California where you are drawing but here is the challenge really winning the Democratic nomination would be like immigrants like Donald Trump winning it and that he wouldn't walk away each week with the majority when he was just one of one a bruising plurality right good trumpeters also 2016 that's what he did week in week out of 40 percent here 40 percent there but John the Republicans play by different set of rules when it comes to delegates one or take all in states like California the Democrats to a proportional a so you could have a 2 or 3 way split among delegates and yes we talk about this every 4 years in fantasy but if there was ever a scenario where the Democrats could have an open convention in a fight on the floor it would be one in which Bernie Sanders went into a walkie with the most delegates but not enough to get the nomination the question the Democrats only try to figure a way to take away from him where within days of Jeremy club and burning down the Labor Party of the United Kingdom is that a problem for Bernie Sanders Well I think so I think if you follow politics over in the u.k. And look at what happened here concerted a very very big win and Germany Corben is a very unpopular. I mean corporate is basically pretty standard in the u.k. So again if I'm just a Democrat so I just be uneasy you know discovered I t. It was a debate of the debate on December 19th 2019 December 19th 776 John was the day that Thomas Paine issued his 1st chapter of the crisis hit which he was trying to rally the American citizens he recognized with the revolution struggling he also recognized that the that the colonists to be right of why they were in this fight I think the Democratic party that started a crisis right now is suited to one song Thomas Payne like that you're going to figure a way to rally that Corey Bill Whelan Hoover Institution area 45 is the podcast highly recommended I'm John Bachelor. 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All of these Democrats has to be miserable wake up every morning for 3 years still trying to find a way to win the 26 needle I shouldn't rush limbaugh and then Mahler presents a report finding no collusion and an inability to find any obstruction and they just haven't the reason for getting up every day for 3 years just snatched right out from under them. But wait there's more. Commit this style position to memory or have folks test the water differ little toe in there come on it because this is where you hear Rush Limbaugh Rush Limbaugh all day walking up hustle of truth not only do I know I'm right I love hearing myself say I believe what I say and I like myself when I say it through anybody thank you. Rush Limbaugh weekdays at 10 am on the news 149103 point 5 f.m. K.y. Ca. You're listening to the John Bachelor show. I'm John back to John that was my colleague Joe puppy lotto for Popular Mechanics the author of spaceport earth with an update Joe chronicles the creation of the commercial space enterprises all across the United States and now around the world as we begin the 3rd decade of the 21st century and look back over the 2nd decade for achievements Joe a very good evening to you you're well you've been very busy with your new book I spaceport earth is your old new book you've got a new book that returns to your roots as aeronautical. And engineering critic However I want to apply you to astronautical engineering critic right now because your your new Popular Mechanics piece has highly suggestive space x. For a horror a horror a and what comes next now Joe space x. Deserves the most credit because of costs not just the reusable not just the bold design for a starship but also the idea of cutting costs by reusing 1st stage boosters and the fairing said Everything else was I remember being told this was something NASA considered and by passed in the 20th century and now it's back not only at commercial enterprises but also at the European Space Agency also I believe that other big space organizations are talking about real usable as a way to lower cost because the marketplace is now driving innovation so Joe It isn't some gizmo that we can talk about in 100 years it's cost accounting rockets come down to how much it cost to get off the earth could even to you Joe. I don't even know you can talk about the gravity well and how much thrust you need to get off the planet everything you need money to fly and and you decrease the price that it takes to get a pound of anything in orbit and everyone's going to take notice and China in particular is taking notice not just of the usability but the innovation that comes with smaller firms and they're going there they're actually fostering smaller companies that are doing innovative things sort of picking that space x. Model and if they call this space x. If the true reason the price to orbit is gone down when the price to order goes down new opportunities open up all over the place and you can pretty much directly trace that just space x. Being disruptive and that's the stock and that's not even anybody's Mars. And or that starship or any of his other higher even not even startling I mean we're just talking about satellite launch year and then also possibly human launch coming up pretty soon but in the last 10 years Basic has really changed the way that we get into space as that's humans and that's that's an achievement that you don't have to be an eon must fanboy to take a moment and say we watched that happen over the last 10 years the date that turns everything to a new direction is June 4th 2010 when Falcon 9 1st launch Well Joe you covered this what were the expectations for Falcon 9 a novelty. It's a tense on who you ask that. The industry behind the scenes that spaceports were rolling their eyes and they flat out would say the economics don't work it's too experimental but the fact that he's promising these price reductions is a chimera certainly once the actual satellite starts flying especially for the government and the safety restrictions or accidents happen the price is going to go up the price is going to go up it was the montra these are illusionary the prices at the base crept up a little bit but they are by far cheaper home with unbelievably cheaper than the alternatives and that turned heads and they were did it while demonstrating it just wasn't something on a whiteboard these were spacecraft in space and it was a real paying customers and these are not people who enjoy taking risks with their space hardware so this this is a disruption that really changed everything and that's the Falcon and when it when it really came of and came of age and started taking these paying customers it wasn't a one time thing it was an assembly line and that was a real threat to the market and they had to respond at that point it became real and those are roles you didn't get but you still see them but at the same time you're seeing them from people who are officials and companies that are putting a lot of money into your usable part of rockets the other competitors in commercial space you list and then you're Popular Mechanics piece Richard Branson who's a disappointment to me Jeff Bezos who get to be saying get to be seen this stuff testing new shepherd new glasses being built you will lay Joe I'm glad you mentioned you ally because that was essentially an arm of the federal budget and it's had to scramble to change as they have a very reliable rocket but they're not what they say they were 10 years ago. I know they're not the monopoly that they were 10 years ago and they're forced to make some very serious changes they have a very able man at the helm now and Tory Burnell he's he's putting that company in an innovative footing and is getting involved in a lot of these new interesting space missions in the sort of reinvigorated NASA environment and he and his companies in the middle of it so they're they're making a lot of great strides Jake they've been involved in a lot of great programs and their their record is pretty much on parallel for reliability they cost a ton of money but they're coming up with new hardware as well and flexible. You know more flexibility on the launch pad and then again this is in response to the market pressures and. We call it the magazine was trying to do you know the last 10 years and name it after things we call this basics decade you really didn't disrupt things there were reacting to this that disruption so despite their very good record there it's not their decade it's their was their decade to respond and moving forward they're in a pretty good position but you know the last 10 years I think they got caught off guard by these massive changes that hit the space industry February 28th and Falcon Heavy which is a bigger faster a mighty a version of Falcon 9 the one I want to mention show is Starship not because it's performed yet because it how how cool it looks on the pad they put fins on the challenge the 159 Cadillac for Mars. Somewhere Robert Heinlein is smiling by that that and yeah that the work that's being done now all the work that was hit to the space x. 2 efforts underway one was in South Texas one was in Florida and they tested one in Texas until it exploded basically and they're now moving all that work down to south Texas so that little spaceports is going to be very busy as they're testing this mass and that piece of this massive rocket you know when you when you get up close to it was down there for the unavailing it really does seem like something out of a 1950 s. Book and it's made to land on an alien world it's it's it's a it's a versatile Trafford that it can land on the moon or somewhere where there where there's at Mystere it's a it's an amazingly audacious thing and you know when you're looking at space x. And you look at these more advanced concepts and these sort of pie misguided kind of ideas coming out of Musk said you can lose sight of the fact that there's a very able launch company that's doing real work launching real manifest for government civilian customers all over the place so you know I like the hype because it gets people interested in space but sometimes the space x. Effect is the celebrity effect and you lose sight that there's a lot of really great engineers and good executives like when Shotwell right in the middle of this revolution and some of the people in the government too who fostered not early days and still are those those are the people should be commended for the patches that we saw over the last you know developing over the last 10 years and really really mad at the city now it's really exploding citing space flight coming up in the next 10 they act out is that when Henry Ford was asked was asked what people want he said. They want a faster horse but we're going to give him something else he didn't actually sab but everybody gets the idea. When they ask you on Musk a lot of people really want he goes I don't do market research but it would be a bigger stronger starship that would be you know one that would take me there and back however Joe your piece of Jess that the future is not space x. What is the future can we see it now as close as we are to the next decade. I'm hoping we see it now because right now the hopes are running very high there are more companies that are developing spacecraft more space ports being founded than there are missions to to fly and there are markets to service them all but at a time of great innovation and the door that space x. Kicked open other companies large and small sometimes large and small companies banding together sometimes space x. Band together with larger companies to get these really big government missions done and the what that it's going to do what a lot of the new moon shot would do is open up the lunar landing for example to commercial industries you could get the price down all this and you could ride share and you would have university sponsoring their own moonshots companies if they saw a financial angle but that's a little more that's farther out so when in the near term you time a bunch of launch companies not just space x. Using all their new rockets glargine from new space ports in a wholly new ways it's too much for one company to handle all of that even if they could. Space x. Has a lot of stiff competition internationally and domestically coming for everything everything that can be bidding for However they're market leaders now so they're going to be in a good position it's just not going to dominate the not going to be if they're going to be disruptive it will be a completely new new ways like human spaceflight and space tourism with that Japanese businessman going around the moon and things like that but but his bread and butter stuff and he's going to he and his career going to be facing a lot of stiff competition coming up because that innovation wave happened over the last 10 years and now it's hitting the marketplace and going to be our To my mind it's going to be great I never want to see one person or entity dominate that's what happened while it's you know well and it led to a lot of stagnation Joe Pappalardo is the author of Space part earth with an update to the moment of the Falcon Heavy launch looking to the next 10 years. And who will weigh praise in 2829 I'm John basher this is the John that session. This is the show on the Hannity show what if this caravan of 12000 maybe they don't go to a port of entry like the last time or they don't go to an area where there's a wall what are they going to open an area and what have some people say Ready 123 go 12000 people right marching across the border but we do this this is protecting people on both sides of the border that nobody wants to stop immigration. This is what the radical Democratic Party wants to do physics they are the party of late term abortion this is the party of redistribution this is the party of high taxes this is the party of open borders and crime that's pretty much it. And now they're trying to out they're becoming more overt about it where they paid their real positions in 2080 what you've missed last week the best of Sean Hannity on the news 1490 k. Why ca. I think this is the news 1490 and one of the 3.5 f.m. K y c a press kit and k 278 c and Prescot It's 12 o'clock. Republicans appear united against impeachment Tom Carmen Roberts Fox News however some Democrats have not announced their decisions New York Democrat Hakeem Jeffries says Leadership is not forcing its Democratic members to vote yes every single member is going to have to make that decision as they have been doing anchored in principle the House Rules Committee prepared the 2 articles of impeachment for the House floor chairman Jim McGovern a Massachusetts Democrat on Capitol Hill Mike Emanuel Fox News well the full House will get 6 hours wins day for the historic debate over impeachment such a starter on 9 am Eastern Time votes likely to come after 6 30 pm and appears Democrats have the votes to impeach the president firing back Tuesday telling reporters at the White House we look forward to getting on to the Senate. We're not entitled to lawyers we're not entitled to what they're saying is we're not entitled to anything in the house it's a total sham but in the Senate he likely won't get witnesses either Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell seems he's not interested in calling them the Senate is not to act as judge and jury to hear a trial about to rerun the entire fact probably goes to go from a president will be far away from Capitol Hill when the state plans to rally supporters in Battle Creek Michigan the House passes a $1.00 trillion dollars spending package to avert a government shutdown at the end of the week the Senate is expected to approve it and the president to sign it a New York City police are searching for a 14 year old boy who's a suspect in last week's killing of college student Tessa majors the teen jumped out of a car as a family member drove him in for questioning a 13 year old is charged with felony murder in that case and stocks keep their winning streak going ending higher Tuesday for a 5th straight session the Dow rose 31 points America's listening to Fox News. Download Fox News Channel's the final.

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