Good afternoon. Irans Supreme Leader has defended his Countrys Missile Attack on israel earlier this week as totally legitimate. Leading Friday Prayers in tehran for the first time in five years, Ayatollah Khamenei said it was the minimum Punishment Israel deserved. Overnight, there were more israeli Air Strikes on lebanon, including one near a Border Crossing which israel says targeted a tunnel used by hezbollah. Our diplomatic correspondent, caroline hawley, has the latest. This was designed as a show of strength from a regime deeply humiliated by a series of devastating blows to its allies, hezbollah and hamas. Supporters commemorated Hassan Nasrallah killed in an israeli Air Strike a week aGo today. Free transport was offered to those who came. And then the Supreme Leader appeared. Those who came. And then the Supreme Leaderappeared. Last those who came. And then the Supreme Leader appeared. Last friday he was reported to have Gone into hiding. Today he came out in public to delive
A bIll on the Issue In 2015. Lets take a brIef look at how laws surroundIng assIsted dyIng are evolvIng around the world. WIthIn the contInent, countrIes lIke swItzerland, the netherlands, and belgIum have allowed assIsted dyIng for some tIme. Across the atlantIc, canada In the last few years has changed Its laws. And on the other sIde of the world, euthanasIa Is legal now also In New Zealand. SwItzerland was the fIrst country In the world to allow any form of assIsted dyIng. EuthanasIa has been permItted sInce 1942, provIded the motIve Is not selfIsh. SInce 2009, doctors have been allowed to prescrIbe drugs for Self AdmInIstratIon and to admInIster them. In 2002, belgIum, along wIth the netherlands, became the fIrst eu countrIes to legally allow euthanasIa. The Law PermIts Adults who are In a futIle medIcal condItIon of constant and unbearable physIcal or mental sufferIng that cannot be allevIated to request voluntary euthanasIa. Canada loosened Its EuthanasIa Laws In 2021, no longer
Contagious virus in devons water. As hundreds fall ill and schools are forced to shut. I want to know, are we living in a third world country . It feels a bit like it. And a wall of silence. Well, thats what former home secretary Suella Braverman and our very own Patrick Christys were greeted with as they confronted pro Palestinian Protesters at cambridge. Lets take a look. What are you here protesting about . About . Might not get a better opportunity than this to talk. Whats your message to the Palestinian People . Whats your message to hamas . Whats your message to hamas . And if you missed that last night on patricks show, a sensational and really quite sad bit of television, Suella Braverman, the former home secretary going toe to toe at these camps down at Cambridge University. What do the students do . Theyre mute. They dont talk. Later on, later on in the show. I dont know if you saw nana. I did suella going head to head with another student in the studio asking her to explain