A bIll on the Issue In 2015. Lets take a brIef look at how laws surroundIng assIsted dyIng are evolvIng around the world. WIthIn the contInent, countrIes lIke swItzerland, the netherlands, and belgIum have allowed assIsted dyIng for some tIme. Across the atlantIc, canada In the last few years has changed Its laws. And on the other sIde of the world, euthanasIa Is legal now also In New Zealand. SwItzerland was the fIrst country In the world to allow any form of assIsted dyIng. EuthanasIa has been permItted sInce 1942, provIded the motIve Is not selfIsh. SInce 2009, doctors have been allowed to prescrIbe drugs for Self AdmInIstratIon and to admInIster them. In 2002, belgIum, along wIth the netherlands, became the fIrst eu countrIes to legally allow euthanasIa. The Law PermIts Adults who are In a futIle medIcal condItIon of constant and unbearable physIcal or mental sufferIng that cannot be allevIated to request voluntary euthanasIa. Canada loosened Its EuthanasIa Laws In 2021, no longer
Now its time for click. This week new ways to measure your vital signs to the doctor. Hey, welcome to click hope youre well. Hope youre coping ok with the not going out, the not seeing people, the Home Schooling and that long wait for the vaccine. Theres a heck of a lot going on at the moment, isnt there . Lara, it looks like youve been keeping busy. Youve been decorating look i have i hope you like them ive got to keep myself busy in lockdown. Absolutely no, they look lovely thank you i tell you, its the most exciting thing to happen in the lewington household for months now, of course, we are being encouraged to stay at home as much as possible, except in particular circumstances and that includes if you need medical attention. That said, at the moment in the uk, most Gp Appointments are happening remotely, so that may be by telephone or online. But, of course, there are some examinations that really need to take place in person, so ive been looking at some of the technology that aim
Now on bbc news, its time for click. This week new ways to measure your vital signs in Intensive Care, orjust to save you a trip to the doctor. Hey, welcome to click hope youre well. Hope youre coping ok with the not going out, the not seeing people, the Home Schooling and that long wait for the vaccine. Theres a heck of a lot going on at the moment, isnt there . Lara, it looks like youve been keeping busy. Youve been decorating look i have i hope you like them ive got to keep myself busy in lockdown. Absolutely no, they look lovely i tell you, its the most exciting thing to happen in the lewington household for months now, of course, we are being encouraged to stay at home as much as possible, except in particular circumstances and that includes if you need medical attention. That said, at the moment in the uk, most Gp Appointments are happening remotely, so that may be by telephone or online. But, of course, there are some examinations that really need to take place in person, so ive
plus community over the last 50 years? get in touch with me on @annitabbc or using the hashtag bbc your questions. and, two british hopefuls, cameron norrie and heather watson, will both be in action today at wimbledon. the mp chris pincher has resigned as government deputy chief whip, after a newspaper alleged he groped two men at a private members club. he has apologised to the prime minister and said he had embarrassed himself and others. the role of the government whips is to enforce party discipline. our political correspondent jonathan blake reports. chris pincher had been deputy chief whip, responsible for discipline among tory mps, since february. but now it s his own conduct that has fallen short. there were complaints about his behaviour on wednesday night at the carlton club, a private members club in central london, where he is reported to have groped two men. in a letter to the prime minister yesterday, mr pincher said. as things stand, chris pincher won t face