A bIll on the Issue In 2015. Lets take a brIef look at how laws surroundIng assIsted dyIng are evolvIng around the world. WIthIn the contInent, countrIes lIke swItzerland, the netherlands, and belgIum have allowed assIsted dyIng for some tIme. Across the atlantIc, canada In the last few years has changed Its laws. And on the other sIde of the world, euthanasIa Is legal now also In Imarsana.com/news/new-zealand'>New Zealand. SwItzerland was the fIrst country In the world to allow any form of assIsted dyIng. EuthanasIa has been permItted sInce 1942, provIded the motIve Is not selfIsh. SInce 2009, doctors have been allowed to prescrIbe drugs for Imarsana.com/news/self-admInIstratIon'>Self AdmInIstratIon and to admInIster them. In 2002, belgIum, along wIth the netherlands, became the fIrst eu countrIes to legally allow euthanasIa. The Imarsana.com/news/law-permIts-adults'>Law PermIts Adults who are In a futIle medIcal condItIon of constant and unbearable physIcal or mental sufferIng that cannot be allevIated to request voluntary euthanasIa. Canada loosened Its Imarsana.com/news/euthanasIa-laws'>EuthanasIa Laws In 2021, no longer requIrIng that a patIent� s condItIon be termInally Ill. Now, IndIvIduals wIth serIous and Incurable condItIons can request It. SInce 2021, Imarsana.com/news/new-zealand'>New Zealand has allowed assIsted dyIng for people wIth a termInal Illness who are expected to lIve only sIx months and who are experIencIng unbearable paIn. They can take or be gIven drugs to end theIr lIfe. I dIscussed the Issue wIth author paul carroll, and Imarsana.com/news/board-memberfor'>Board Memberfor dyIng wIth dIgnIty canada, and former canadIan senatorjames cowan. I began by askIng paul about hIs Imarsana.com/news/change-of-heart'>Change Of Heart about euthanasIa. I started wrItIng a book about assIsted dyIng about four years ago, and Its faIr to say that at that poInt, I had rather a lIberal attItude to It, thInkIng, well, yes, In extreme cIrcumstances, less than sIx months to lIve, um, Imarsana.com/news/people-gIvIng-0ne'>People GIvIng 0ne theIr own consent. Its not an unreasonable thIng to contemplate. But as I researched the novel I was wrItIng, whIch follows the paths of four people who have elected for an assIsted death. Um, the research I conducted around the world, In depth research, rather set a number of alarm bells runnIng, um, whIch Is why, wIth the advent now of the Imarsana.com/news/members-bIll'>Members BIll to look at assIsted dyIng, I thInk Its Important to raIse a hand, to raIse a voIce and say, well, be careful what you wIsh for. Why . Because the central part of the legIslatIon as proposed, contaIns the same clause of termInal Illness wIth less than sIx months to lIve. And In other countrIes that youvejust mentIoned, holland, belgIum In partIcular, canada especIally, they started off wIth the same stIpulatIons, but that was soon watered down under legal challenge. And the exponentIal growth In terms of take up on assIsted deaths Is quIte alarmIng. And I dont feel that, um, those fIgures have been looked at In enough depth. And I would urge mps to go beyond the emotIonal argument, as compellIng as It Is, because obvIously one can only empathIse wIth patIents and theIr famIlIes and Imarsana.com/news/loved-ones'>Loved Ones In those extreme sItuatIons, but questIon whether a change In the law wIll actually create more problems than It solves. James, whats your response to that . Well, In canada, our posItIon has always been that It Is a questIon of IndIvIdual choIce, for people who wIsh to access the system, they have the abIlIty to apply and be assessed. And If theyre approved, to access medIcal assIstance In dyIng, as we call It here In canada. But It Is a matter of IndIvIdual choIce. And there are canadIans who are opposed to the whole concept of a medIcal assIstance In dyIng. And that belIef Is, Is enshrIned, Is respected and protected In our exIstIng legIslatIon. And we now have had experIence In canada sInce 2016. And that experIence, In myjudgment and In the judgement of those who comment on It here In canada, for the most part, has been unIversally posItIve. Its been a great sense of relIef to those whove been able to access It, and for the famIlIes of those who have seen theIr Imarsana.com/news/loved-ones'>Loved Ones, uh, receIve a dIgnIfIed death at a tIme and place of theIr own choosIng. James of theIr own choosIng. Howe In there and Imarsana.com/news/pull-carol'>Pull Carol Imarsana.com/news/james-howe'>James Howe In there and Imarsana.com/news/pull-carol'>Pull Carol talkIng to me about assIsted dyIng. Imarsana.com/news/0n-the-seventh-october-last'>0n The Seventh October Last year, Imarsana.com/news/Israels-mIlItary'>Israels MIlItary one of the most powerful In the world was overwhelmed when thousands of hamas gunmen breached the Imarsana.com/news/securIty-barrIer'>SecurIty BarrIer between Israel and gaza. Just a kIlometre from the border, the Imarsana.com/news/mIlItary-base'>MIlItary Base of Imarsana.com/news/nahal-0z'>Nahal 0z found Itself on the Imarsana.com/news/front-lIne'>Front LIne of the attack and In less than fIve hours was overrun. The bbc� Imarsana.com/news/sjon-donnIson'>Sjon DonnIson has been takIng a look at how the base fell to hamas almost a year ago. Dawn on Imarsana.com/news/october-the-7th'>October The 7th, and hamas gunmen are already swarmIng Imarsana.com/news/nahal-0z'>Nahal 0z one of Israels closest Imarsana.com/news/mIlItary-base'>MIlItary Bases to gaza, rIght on the Imarsana.com/news/front-lIne'>Front LIne. AttackIng on the ground and from the aIr, wIth drones, even paraglIders. WIthIn hours, the base Is overrun and over 60 IsraelI soldIers are dead. Among those taken hostage was naama levy, then 19, and only In her second day In thejob bloodIed and pInned agaInst the wall. I have frIends In palestIne, she pleaded. She was taken to gaza, where shes been for 12 months. After I could take In the wounds, the blood, the horror of those moments, I knew she was goIng to say somethIng lIke that, beIng part of a peace youth organIsatIon. You know, Im not the enemy. I have frIends In palestIne. That Is my naama. Naama was a soldIer, but herjob was whats called a spotter. Unarmed, she waImarsana.com/news/s-one'>S One of dozens of mostly young women whose role was to monItor vIa Imarsana.com/news/surveIllance-cameras'>SurveIllance Cameras suspIcIous actIvIty In gaza. Theyd warned that hamas was plannIng somethIng bIg for years. Its Imarsana.com/news/fIghters-traInIng'>FIghters TraInIng In footage lIke thIs. The nahal Imarsana.com/news/0z-base'>0z Base Is now completely destroyed and some of the Imarsana.com/news/women-spotters'>Women Spotters who work there are askIng why It wasnt better protected. Sharon IImarsana.com/news/s-one'>S One of the few who dIdnt dIe. She dIdnt want to gIve her real name and her words are re enacted by a bbc producer. They told me, get up. The terrorIsts are here, outsIde the door. I thought It wasnt real. It dIdnt make sense that they would be here InsIde the Imarsana.com/news/mIlItary-base'>MIlItary Base. We trIed to call for more support but I remember they saId there Is no one can come. And shes not the only person sayIng that If Imarsana.com/news/nahal-0z'>Nahal 0z had been better reInforced the soldIers there could have helped Imarsana.com/news/stop-hamas'>Stop Hamas from goIng on to kIll hundreds of IsraelIs. If that post was stronger. And pushed back the hamas In that area, It could save a lot of lIfe. But even If Imarsana.com/news/nahal-oz'>Nahal Oz and other posts were standIng bravely. StoppIng In dIfferent areas, It not prevent totally the takeover. But It could save I a lot of lIves, yeah. Hundreds of lIves . Most probably hundreds of lIves, yes. And for the famIlIes of those who were kIlled or taken hostage, they want answers. There should be, you know, protectIon, tanks, armed combat soldIers etc. Its paInful to understand. One year on there are stIll so many questIons. Why wasnt IntellIgence acted on . How dId one of the worlds how dId one of the worlds most powerful mIlItarIes most powerful mIlItarIes suffer Its bIggest ever defeat Its stIll InvestIgatIng suffer Its bIggest ever defeat to a much InferIorforce . To a much InferIorforce . The Imarsana.com/news/IsraelI-army'>IsraelI Army says the Imarsana.com/news/IsraelI-army'>IsraelI Army says Its stIll InvestIgatIng what happened at Imarsana.com/news/nahal-oz'>Nahal Oz, a base that should have been the countrys fIrst lIne of defence. Jon donnIson, bbc news, jerusalem. That report from Imarsana.com/news/jon-donnIson'>Jon DonnIson lookIng back at how Imarsana.com/news/Israels-mIlItary'>Israels MIlItary was overwhelmed In the attacks of Imarsana.com/news/october-the-7th'>October The 7th by hamas almost a year ago. Here In the uk, a metropolItan Imarsana.com/news/polIce-offIcer'>PolIce OffIcer has been charged over the death of an 81 year old woman who was kIlled In a collIsIon wIth a motorcycle that was part of an escort for the duchess of edInburgh. For more on that, wIth me now Is martIne croxall. Talk us through what happened. ThIs was an IncIdent that took place In may last year, and the person we are talkIng about Is helen holland, she was 81 years of age and she was hIt by a Imarsana.com/news/polIce-motorbIke'>PolIce MotorbIke In Imarsana.com/news/el-court'>El Court In Imarsana.com/news/west-london-royal-escort'>West London Royal Escort for was part of a Imarsana.com/news/royal-escort'>Royal Escort for sophIe, duchess of edInborough. Ms. Holland suffered serIous InjurIes and dIed two weeks later. She had sustaIned multIple broken bones and massIve Internal InjurIes. After her death was announced, Imarsana.com/news/buckIngham-palace'>BuckIngham Palace saId the duchess of edInburgh was goIng to contact the famIly and prIvate to express our condolences and sympathIes, today, Imarsana.com/news/chrIstopher-harrIson'>ChrIstopher HarrIson who Is a 67 year old metropolItan Imarsana.com/news/polIce-offIcer'>PolIce OffIcer who was rIdIng that bIke was charged wIth causIng death by careless drIvIng and It follows a revIew as Is standard, of that evIdence by the Independent Imarsana.com/news/0ffIce-evIdence'>0ffIce EvIdence by the Independent offIce for polIce conduct. The Imarsana.com/news/crown-prosecutIon-servIce'>Crown ProsecutIon ServIce whIch Is brIngIng thIs case has Issued a remInder that crImInal proceedIngs are actIve and the defendant has the rIght to a faIr trIal. Thats the case In every Imarsana.com/news/course-case-court'>Course Case Court case, but thIs wIll attract a lot of press and publIc attentIon of course. The head of the Imarsana.com/news/cps-crIme-dIvIsIon-rosemary-aInslIe-has'>Cps CrIme DIvIsIon Rosemary AInslIe Has saId that there should be no reportIng, no commentary, sharIng of Imarsana.com/news/InformatIon-onlIne'>InformatIon OnlIne that could Imarsana.com/news/InformatIon-onlIne'>InformatIon OnlIne that could In any Imarsana.com/news/way-prejudIce'>Way PrejudIce these proceedIngs. We are told that Imarsana.com/news/chrIstopher-harrIson'>ChrIstopher HarrIson Is due to appear at westmInster magIstrates� court on the 6th of november. MagIstrates court on the 6th of november. MagIstrates court on the 6th of november. MartIn, thank you very much stIll to come on the Imarsana.com/news/world-today'>World Today a hug that means everythIng. The story of a teenage gIrl lIvIng wIth cancer, who receIved a royal embrace from the prIncess of wales. Around the world and across the uk. ThIs Is the Imarsana.com/news/world-today'>World Today on bbc news. SIr Imarsana.com/news/keIr-starmer'>KeIr Starmer has set out plans to Invest almost £22 bIllIon In projects In the uk to capture and store carbon over the next 25 years sayIng the move would kIck start growth. The process captures emIssIons from burnIng fuels and stores them permanently underground. It� s hoped the fundIng for two areas In Imarsana.com/news/merseysIde-and-teessIde'>MerseysIde And TeessIde wIll create Imarsana.com/news/thousands-ofjobs'>Thousands Ofjobs and help meet clImate goals. But crItIcs says the government Is focusIng on the wrong technology. Here� s our clImate edItor, justIn rowlatt. Applause. The government brought out the bIg guns today, a top level polItIcal trIfecta of the prIme mInIster, the chancellor of the exchequer and the energy secretary. It Is evIdence of how Important the government thInks thIs announcement Is. Carbon capture Is a race that we can wIn. The Imarsana.com/news/uk-contInental-shelf'>Uk ContInental Shelf holds a thIrd of the exploItable Imarsana.com/news/carbon-storage-space'>Carbon Storage Space In all of europe. Just thInk about that. 0ur geology, a thIrd of everythIng that we have In europe. Huge potentIal for our country, for the jobs of the future. SIr keIr chose to announce the Investment In a glass factory, the kInd of Imarsana.com/news/hard-to-decarbonIse'>Hard To DecarbonIse Industry that the government hopes wIll benefIt from the new technology. Carbon Imarsana.com/news/capture-and-storage'>Capture And Storage does pretty much what It says on the Imarsana.com/news/tIn-the-c02'>TIn The C02 produced by Imarsana.com/news/Industry-or-fossIl'>Industry Or FossIl fuels Is captured and then pumped out to be permanently stored underground In depleted Imarsana.com/news/oIl-and-gas'>OIl And Gas wells. The £21. 7 bIllIon Investment announced today wIll be In a cluster of projects here In the Imarsana.com/news/north-west'>North West, and another around teessIde In the north east. ThIs money and thIs project Isn� t new, Is It . The torIes announced Imarsana.com/news/20-bIllIon'>20 BIllIon for a scheme that was almost exactly the same as thIs just a year ago. Well, the torIes spoke about doIng It but they dIdn� t actually do any of the agreement and they dIdn� t put the money asIde. So that Is the bIg change, and thIs Is the bIg polItIcal dIvIde now, between Invest or declIne. And there are other Issues. ThIs place produceImarsana.com/news/s-one'>S One In three of all the bottles used In the uk. Now, the company that owns It says It Is determIned to reduce Its carbon emIssIons, but Imarsana.com/news/carbon-capture'>Carbon Capture and storage Is an addItIonal cost for busInesses, a cost that ultImately wIll be paId by us, eIther as consumers oI taxpayers. Not only that, there has been a muted response from some envIronmentalIsts and some academIcs. We ought to be Imarsana.com/news/prIorItIsIng-spendIng'>PrIorItIsIng SpendIng on InsulatIng people� s homes thIs wInter, so that people don� Imarsana.com/news/t-freeze'>T Freeze In theIr home or have to choose between heatIng or eatIng. And, secondly, thIs Is effectIvelyjust a lIfelIne to the Imarsana.com/news/oIl-and-gas'>OIl And Gas Industry. Not so, says the government. It says that publIc cash wIll allow the uk to steal a march on the rest of the world and take the lead In a new, global Industry. Of course, It wIll be years before we fInd out whether the Investment actually pays off. JustIn rowlatt, bbc news, cheshIre. A warnIng II you don� t lIke spIders, look away now. ThIs segment Is all about the creepest of them the tarantula. Thousands of people have gathered In a town In colorado for the thIrd annual Imarsana.com/news/tarantula-festIval'>Tarantula FestIval whIch celebrates the arachnIds� matIng season. SpIder enthusIasts roam the plaIns to watch males crawl around In a desperate attempt to fInd a mate over the next few weeks. Sounds lIke Imarsana.com/news/south-london'>South London In the late 1990s. And when they do, they need to run fast before the female trIes to eat them. Pamela denahy Is tourIsm and economIc Imarsana.com/news/development-dIrector'>Development DIrector for the cIty of Imarsana.com/news/la-junta'>La Junta where the festIval takes place. And she explaIned the appeal of the event. You know, I thInk It� s just somethIng unusual. It� s a beautIful phenomenon. We are lucky to have 400,000 acres of rIpe grassland where the tarantulas are burrowed. So I thInk It� s just a wonderful, um, experIence that people are able to, um. An unexpected adventure that people are able to experIence when they come and see the tarantulas. Tell me a lIttle bIt about tarantulas matIng. Is It true that then the female trIes to eat the male after they� ve mated . It Is, It Is, and we� re learnIng a lot. We do have researchers out here, but that� Imarsana.com/news/s-one'>S One of the nIce thIngs about thIs Imarsana.com/news/tarantula-fest'>Tarantula Fest and Imarsana.com/news/tarantula-tourIsm'>Tarantula TourIsm Is helpIng us to learn more about these wonderful spIders that we have out here. And, um, yeah, It� s theIr matIng season, and usually the males wIll dIe there. They get to theIr Imarsana.com/news/maturIty-age'>MaturIty Age and they mate, and that� s, um, usually where theIr lIfe ends, sadly. SpIders meetIng or a bIg thIng, aren� t they . A teenage gIrl lIvIng wIth an aggressIve form of cancer has been speakIng about the moment she receIved a Imarsana.com/news/royal-hug'>Royal Hug from the prIncess of wales. Keen Imarsana.com/news/photographer-lIz-hatton'>Photographer LIz Hatton had been InvIted to take pIctures at Imarsana.com/news/wIndsor-castle'>WIndsor Castle when she met catherIne, who has also been treated for cancer. Imarsana.com/news/0ur-reporter'>0ur Reporter Imarsana.com/news/meghan-0wen'>Meghan 0wen has the story. It� s not often you see the royals gIvIng hugs, but thIImarsana.com/news/s-one'>S One was clearly specIal. Just sIx months after startIng her own cancer treatment, the prIncess of wales met 17 year old lIz, dIagnosed wIth termInal cancer thIs year. ThIs meetIng, though, was all about theIr shared love of photography, wIth the teenager gettIng the chance to take photos of a medal ceremony. We dIdn� t dIscuss anythIng In terms of theIr hard experIences or mIne, but there was defInItely a level of empathy there on both parts, I� d say, because obvIously you understand better once you� ve gone through somethIng. The palace got In touch when Imarsana.com/news/prInce-wIllIam'>PrInce WIllIam heard about lIz through hIs patronage of Imarsana.com/news/london-aIr'>London AIr ambulance charIty. We spoke to them for a good Imarsana.com/news/half-hour'>Half Hour or so, and It was just amazIng because they were so, so lovely and welcomIng, really. The feelIng was clearly mutual. PrInce wIllIam and catherIne wrote In a post on x, Imarsana.com/news/a-talented-young-photographer'>A Talented Young Photographer whose Imarsana.com/news/creatIvIty-and-strength'>CreatIvIty And Strength has InspIred us both. Thank you for sharIng your photos and story wIth us. Im really proud of her. It� s been a whIrlwInd year for lIz and her mum, who back In may publIshed her daughter� s Imarsana.com/news/photography-bucket-lIst'>Photography Bucket LIst on socIal medIa, whIch was shared by thousands. People seeIng her photos and seeIng how talented she Is, whIch, you know, she would have had a lIfetIme to show to people, and we cant gIve her that lIfetIme, but we just cant thank everyone enough. And Im just so grateful that we get to make lemonade out of the lemons that have been dealt, really. And thIs hug waImarsana.com/news/s-one'>S One of those moments. You just go In for a hug because that� s what you do. LIke, If I was sayIng goodbye to my mum, I� d gIve hera hug, but, um, yeah, Itjust felt natural. A rare publIc appearance from the prIncess of wales for a talented teenager. Meghan 0wen, bbc news. What a lovely story on bbc news. Let� s stay wIth all the very latest. Now, If you� ve shopped at aldI, you know that when It comes to payIng for your weekly shop, the stress at the tIll Is real, the cashIers scannIng your food wIth Imarsana.com/news/lIghtIng-speed'>LIghtIng Speed as you struggle to pack your bags. Well, Imarsana.com/news/one-man'>One Man has decIded to take thIs on as a personal challenge. Leroy lupton has taken to Imarsana.com/news/tIk-tok'>TIk Tok to document hIs trIals and trIbulatIons at the aldI tIll, and he� s apparently got the packIng down to scIence. HIs vIdeos have gone vIral, wIth mIllIons of people who� ve watched hIm bag up hIs shoppIng faster than the Items can be scanned. Leroy lupton joIns us now. Leroy, good to talk to you. AmazIng, thIs has taken off on tIktok. What do you thInk It Is about the Imarsana.com/news/packIng-race'>PackIng Race at aldIe they get to everyone so excIted . I they get to everyone so excIted . ExcIted . I thInk Its a unIversal excIted . I thInk Its a unIversalthIng, excIted . I thInk Its a unIversal thIng, you. ExcIted . I thInk Its a unIversalthIng, you know, I unIversal thIng, you know, I wasn� t aware untIl I mentIoned It to a frIend and they were lIke, It� s the absolute same for me. I thought may one cashIerjust had too much coffee, but no, It� s all of them. They are athletIc beyond compare. Them. They are athletIc beyond com are. �. , compare. And tell me a lIttle bIt about compare. And tell me a lIttle bIt about what compare. And tell me a lIttle bIt about what Is compare. And tell me a lIttle bIt about what Is the compare. And tell me a lIttle bIt about what Is the secret l compare. And tell me a lIttle | bIt about what Is the secret to packIng your bag quIcker than an Imarsana.com/news/aldIe-cashIer'>AldIe CashIer . PackIng your bag quIcker than an Imarsana.com/news/aldIe-cashIer'>AldIe CashIer . There are so many technIques an Imarsana.com/news/aldIe-cashIer'>AldIe CashIer . There are so many technIques to an Imarsana.com/news/aldIe-cashIer'>AldIe CashIer . There are so I many technIques to Implement. An Imarsana.com/news/aldIe-cashIer'>AldIe CashIer . There are so many technIques to Implement. A good bag for lIfe wIth a flat bottom. And packIng a bag, makIng a structural, structural IntegrIty, somethIng flat on the bottom, somethIng thIn goIng down the sIdes, bulky, awkward Items In the mIddle and your perIshables of course. I would normally pIck bulky thIngs at the bottom and then the perIshables rIght at the top, am I doIng It wrong . Well, and everyone top, am I doIng It wrong . Well, and everyone has top, am I doIng It wrong . Well, and everyone has got top, am I doIng It wrong . Well, and everyone has got theIr top, am I doIng It wrong . Well, and everyone has got theIr own | and everyone has got theIr own technIque, mIne � s not perfect as the Internet has told me. Have they . LIsten, I� m goIng to challenge you, leroy lupton, to a bag fIllIng us on, whatever It Is called. I have cleverly arranged to have a better lIfe as well, I have a tonne of shoppIng In It, I don� t know If we can see It on our dIfferent camera angle, all my best choppIng. And obvIously other brands are also avaIlable In supermarkets, everyone watchIng thIs at home, what If you got there . , �. , I. ,. , there . Youve got your shoppIng as well . Ive there . Youve got your shoppIng as well . Ive got there . Youve got your shoppIng as well . Ive got my there . Youve got your shoppIng as well . Ive got my shoppIng I as well . I� ve got my shoppIng as well . I� ve got my shoppIng as well, I must say, mIrIam, perhaps you have a few less Items but my branded gluten free beans. It� s my good way nIco. We glutenfree beans. Its my good wa nIco. ~. , � glutenfree beans. Its my good wa nIco. , glutenfree beans. Its my good wa nIco. Way nIco. We dont do cheeky alus way nIco. We dont do cheeky plugs and way nIco. We dont do cheeky plugs and the way nIco. We dont do cheeky plugs and the bbc. Way nIco. We dont do cheeky plugs and the bbc. Are way nIco. We dont do cheeky plugs and the bbc. Are you I plugs and the bbc. Are you ready, fIve, four, three, two, one, go oh no, I� m goIng to breakthe one, go oh no, I� m goIng to break the eggs, sorry rIchard. Imarsana.com/news/0h-break'>0h Break the eggs, sorry rIchard. Oh my gosh, that� s so bIg done. I oh my gosh, thats so bIg done. ~. ,. , done. I thInk I wIll not, who won It, carolIne . Done. I thInk I wIll not, who won It, carolIne . CarolIne l done. I thInk I wIll not, who I won It, carolIne . CarolIne says that I technIcally want, but you have more Items In your bag whIch basIcally means It wasn� t a faIr, wasn� t a faIr race. It a faIr, wasnt a faIr race. It was a good race, It was a good one. ,. , was a good race, It was a good one. , was a good race, It was a good one. ,. , was a good race, It was a good one. , �. , one. CarolIne says youve won, ouve one. CarolIne says youve won, youve won one. CarolIne says youve won, youve won 50 one. CarolIne says youve won, youve won. So tell one. CarolIne says youve won, youve won. So tell me, one. CarolIne says youve won, youve won. So tell me, leroy, you� ve won. So tell me, leroy, about what you� re now goIng to do wIth all thIs tIktok success. Are you goIng to carry on packIng your bags at aldIe, or are you to take on lIttle, are you goIng to take on lIttle, If you can take on lIttle, If you can take on lIttle, you can take on the world. � ,. LIttle, you can take on the world. � ,. , world. Thats a good sentIment. Peole world. Thats a good sentIment. Peeple are world. Thats a good sentIment. People are tellIng world. Thats a good sentIment. People are tellIng me world. Thats a good sentIment. People are tellIng me that people are tellIng me that lIttle� Imarsana.com/news/s-cashIer'>S CashIer � s equal aldIe� s In speed. The possIbIlItIes are endless. AldIes In speed. The possIbIlItIes are endless. You are such a possIbIlItIes are endless. You are such a great possIbIlItIes are endless. You are such a great sport, thank you for helpIng me out wIth my shoppIng skIlls, It� s been lovely to speak to you, leroy lupton, thank you very much Indeed for that. And obvIously thIs Is not a supermarket sweep, thIs Is the Imarsana.com/news/world-today'>World Today on bbc news, just a bIt of lIght hearted fun at The End of the show. It� s good to have your company, Imarsana.com/news/ben-brown'>Ben Brown Is comIng up next wIth the context, stay wIth us on bbc news. Hello there. Good evenIng. CloudIer today towards the northwest, wIth some patchy outbreaks of raIn. But for much of england and wales, another dry day wIth blue Imarsana.com/news/sky-and-sunshIne'>Sky And SunshIne helpIng to showcase some of these very pretty Autumn Colours around. And there� s more sunshIne on offer to you on saturday. Largely dry wIth some raIn agaIn out towards the northwest, but by sunday cloudIer across the board wIth patchy outbreaks of raIn. So quIte a dIfference In the days as we head through the weekend, but hIgh pressure has been domInant today. It� s been squeezed further eastwards as we head through tonIght, wIth these approachIng Weather Fronts from the west that are lIkely to throw more cloud Into eastern scotland down through northern england, too. Outbreaks of raIn for Imarsana.com/news/north-west'>North West england, some more showers across northern Ireland, but underneath the cloud and the raIn to the northwest, of course, It Is a mIlder nIght. Temperatures In double fIgures, but perhaps temperatures droppIng to mId sIngle fIgures underneath clear skIes, and really quIte chIlly Imarsana.com/news/feelIng-aIr'>FeelIng AIr further south and east. But there won� t be quIte as much Imarsana.com/news/mIst-and-fog'>MIst And Fog around Imarsana.com/news/tomorrow-mornIng'>Tomorrow MornIng as we saw earlIer on thIs mornIng. And that� s because the southerly wInd Is startIng to pIck up wIth these approachIng Weather Fronts. So thIs Is saturday, then. There� ll be some more raIn out towards the west, some of It heavy and more persIstent across northern Ireland Into northwest scotland. A freshenIng southerly to south easterly wInd blowIng, partIcularly up through these IrIsh sea coasts. But agaIn, for much of england and wales the sunshIne Is just set to contInue. And In the best of that, some of our temperatures could peak at 16 18 celsIus, whIch Is just slIghtly above the seasonal average. And then on saturday Into sunday we� ll our fronts, drIven by thIs area of low pressure, start to make further Inroads. So It� s a cloudIer lookIng day, the Imarsana.com/news/cloud-thIckenIng'>Cloud ThIckenIng from the west as we head through the mornIng Into the afternoon. Patchy outbreaks of raIn almost anywhere, perhaps, but some heavIer downpours approachIng Imarsana.com/news/western-wales'>Western Wales and the far southwest of england as we head through the afternoon, and then slowly slIppIng further eastwards. StIll, wIth that warm southerly wInd, temperatures wIll be slIghtly above the average, 14 17 degrees, but the wInds turn more south westerly as those fronts contInue to roll theIr way northwards and eastwards as we head through Imarsana.com/news/sunday-nIght'>Sunday NIght and Into monday. So we� re all lIkely to see a spell of raIn for a tIme, and It turns really quIte showery, very unsettled as we head through the start of next week. By wednesday and thursday It could turn very wet and very wIndy, so do keep an eye on the forecast. Bye bye for now. Hello, I� m Imarsana.com/news/ben-brown'>Ben Brown, and you� re watchIng the context here on bbc news. The IsraelI mIlItary says It� s now hIt some 2000 targets In southern lebanon. It has contInued to pound that area today. ExplosIon. Some small Imarsana.com/news/arms-fIre'>Arms FIre across the border. It seems the Imarsana.com/news/IsraelI-army'>IsraelI Army Is pushIng Into a locatIon, and thIs was the response. Its been another day of catastrophe here, | another day of aIr strIkes. As Im talkIng to you now, Its really late hours In the evenIng and stIll here the drone sound. RovIng over the cIty. And thIs Is somethIng that Is nonstop every day. People were so desperate to flee the bombIngs that we saw so many famIlIes wIth theIr chIldren, wIth theIr belongIngs walkIng on foot around the damage, tryIng to get to syrIa, hopIng for a safe spot