The Amathole District Municipality’s staff have been battling to find parking for their private vehicles since they moved to their new premises in Quigney, East London.ADM previously operated from Chiselhurst, where its lease expired in February 2023.
To reduce the scourge of initiation deaths, the Amathole District Municipality has embarked on a campaign to provide water tanks to some initiation schools that admit hundreds of initiates.
What started as a good year for the Amathole District Municipality, having finally appointed Dr Bhekisisa Mthembu as its new municipal manager, quickly went south over the appointment of the district’s second most senior official, the chief financial officer.
Eastern Cape transport MEC Xolile Nqata has appealed to taxi operators to end their deadly factional fights and diversify their income streams so that they not only rely on commuters for sustainability.Nqata said relying on commuters only has seen taxi operators killing each other and anyone who wants to step in that space.
Amathole District Municipality spokesperson Nonceba Madikizela-Vuso, who died in a car accident, has been described as a highly driven and result-orientated communicator with passion.