tom moore. honour of the fundraiser so captain tom moore- honour of the fundraiser so captain tom moore. and the ancient trees that have been growing since the middle ages, campaigners say we should do more to protect them. welcome to bbc news. the mother and stepfather of a five year old boy, whose body was found dumped in a river near his home in south wales, have been given life sentences for his murder. cardiff crown court heard that logan mwangi was dehumanised during months of abuse at the hands of members of his family. his mother angharad williams was told she must serve at least 28 years. john cole will serve a minimum of 29 years. a teenager was also convicted of killing the little boy, tonight he can be named as craig mulligan, after a judge lifted an anonymity order. he will be detained for a minimum of 15 years. this report from our wales correspondent hywel griffith contains some distressing details. a mother distraught, a son missing. he needs me. he needs war
president of the confederation of british industry, lord bilimoria, and the former mayor of baltimore, stephanie rawlings blake. welcome to the programme. the nato summit wrapped up today in madrid, with the alliance stronger than it has been in decades. leaders committed more money to ukraine and more troop numbers to the eastern flank. and in the face of russia s agression they reaffirmed their core commitment to each other under article five an attack on one, is an attack on all. we face the most serious security situation in decades. but we are rising to the challenge with unity and resolve. together deploy more assets and capabilities to both our alliances across all domains, land, air, sea, cyber and space. we have reaffirmed that our article five commitment is sacred. an attack on one is an attack on all and we will defend every inch of nato territory. if you want proof that nato i is a purely defensive alliance, you could have no more eloquent testimony that the acc
including in the republican party, is in favour of a strong american presence in the world, and the isolationists will find themselves isolated. if it fails to pass, that will be a real blow for biden and i would say for the united states more broadly. again, we can all see that this is a quite pivotal global moment in terms of the different conflicts that are going on. so, is the us facing an alliance set on destabilising the west or are these three independent conflicts, each of which happens to involve us interests? of all the areas funded by this bill, the largest and most urgent is ukraine. a severe lack of artillery shells, ammunition and air defence missiles have cost lives and territory. speaking to the bbc this week, the country s prime minister was in no doubt about what was at stake. if we will not protect, if ukraine will fall, there will be many conflicts, many such kind of wars. and in the end of the day, it could lead to the third world war.
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