commission perform a compliance audit of the brookside police department and officers. the town continues to investigate these issues and will take any other appropriate action that may be determined miss. leah nelson with the social justice nonprofit alabama apple seed says alabama doesn t generate enough revenue from taxation to public policy incentivizes cities and counties to get that revenue another way. the path of least resistant is ticketing people for low level offenses. reporter: brookside residents wonder if the new tactics will consider under a new chief. mike jones never got back to us. the town still does not have a police chief but the mayor says he has directed the police department to no longer patrol interstate 22 unless they re responding to accidents. the mayor added he has also met with a representative from the lieutenant governor s office and he is cooperating fully. state lawmakers in alabama tell us they are currently drafting
this is an issue for sure, especially if the laws keep pushing the envelope, even if they don t make it to the supreme court because so many are so similar. democrats are going to be running using pat robertson in their adds saying it s extreme. yes. any law for emotional and purity reform has to strike a balance. i think the heartbeat bills in georgia and other states drive home how early a heartbeat is detectable. so the movement, since it s basically shutdown democratic issue, has to be about public persuasi persuasion. those bills help, alabama doesn t. rich, i agree with you. i think the alabama bill is obviously extreme, it was designed to get to the supreme court and get there rapidly.
part of the argument, alabama doesn t accept what roy moore was standing for and someone accused of these allegations to represent them in the u.s. senate and interesting to see how doug jones wins with a majority, 49%. he mentioned at a press conference after the election he wants to represent all alabamians, even those who don t agree with him and pledged to travel throughout the state to listen to those he doesn t agree with and forge a common bond. doug jones also said in the campaign trail there is more that unite alabamians then divide the that he will try to move that forward. kelly: in doing so he will have to get involved in people who are very adamant about right to life. is he willing as far as you know, to cross that bridge and
and when you have a uniform trend like that, it s enough to overcome a 28-point margin by which the republican candidate won that statewide election last fall. and part of that may be that alabama doesn t like donald trump anymore. they obviously liked him a ton last year, but he was a clear endorser and supporter of the republican who lost the primary to roy moore and then he was a clear endorser and supporter of roy moore last night. the president s white house senior strategist, steve bannon, was down in alabama multiple times, including on election day, rallying with roy moore. moore s campaign was very much associated with trump and trumpism. turns out trump and trumpism are less popular in alabama than they used to be. recent fox news poll in alabama had donald trump less favorable than barack obama in alabama. exit poll data last night showed that the same percentage of people viewed trump unfavorably as they did favorably.
democratic the vote was last night compared to what it was in the trump/collin election in 2016. every single county, right? the remarkable thing about this map is regardless of how each of the two candidates did last night in each individual county, the story is the same overall. in every one of these 67 counties of alabama, every single county in the state voted less republican and more democratic last night. every single one. and when you have a uniform trend like that, it s enough to overcome a 28-point margin by which the republican candidate won that statewide election last fall. and part of that may be that alabama doesn t like donald trump anymore. they obviously liked him a ton last year, but he was a clear endorser and supporter of the republican who lost the primary to roy moore and then he was a clear endorser and supporter of roy moore last night. the president s white house senior strategist, steve bannon, was down in alabama multiple times, including on election