Alferd Packer survived for weeks in the frozen wilderness by eating his companions this much he admitted. But details uncovered decades later don’t match the official narrative.
friday the 13th muh hahahahahaha.. 33 3((singing)) ((singing)) 3 3 3 3 3 3 police are still gathering evidence this morning after n officer shoots and kills a suspect in baltimore county. it happeeed just before miinight onnhighmeadow road in . reisterstown.joel d. ssithh joins us live on the scene where he s just spoken too neighbors.good morning joel d. d. & (()) 3&p an arrest has been made in outside a carroll counnyy restaurant early this morning. 36 year ood david garrett was killed and another man was injured in the incident in at &pthe harrest inn restaurant an par in westminster.police identified jacob bircher as the suspect. nd the 24 &pyeaa oll tuuned himself in a dog is being nurred back to health this morning. after beiig tossed in the trash. and left to die. this pitbull terrier was bbought to the balltmore animal rescue and care helter mondayy tte dog they re now calling thor is estimated to be about 5 years old, but weighs just 27 pounds.. and has sores all o
-3 3 3 police are investigating a terrible case of animal cruelty in south ballimore.. abandoned in a rash can. caa. joel d. smmth is live at the baltimore animal rescue and care shelter, where tte dog, now named thor is trying to make a comeback.good morning joel d. unbelievaale that someone could be so cruel, but that is exactly what they think &phappened to a pitbull terrier their calling thor . let s takk a look at him. him.theedog is estimattd to be about 5 years old, but weighs just 27 pounds.. he wassbrought in to the baltimore annmal rescue and care shelter jull 9th. he s sores all over his baccside! shelter workers say animal control found him in a trash can in an alley behind cole street in outh baltimore. they re not sure how long he d been in there. but do believe he was too weak o get will be a long time for thor to physically recover but there are signs, his attitude already has. 3:26 even when hh was too weak to lift his head he was still trying to wag is t
starting a fire??wll. sort of.what role the insect played. in sending a house up flamms. 3 3 33 friday, july 13th. friday the 13th! 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 it s believed to be the most recent case of animal cruelty in he city, and definitely one of the saddest. is live at the baltimore ith animal rescue and caree shelter, with more on the case of a dog, being tossed out in the trash to die. good thatts right mmgan. unbelievable that someone could be so cruul, but that is exactly what they think &phappeneddto a pitbull terrier their calling thor . let s take a look atthim. the dog is esttmated to be about 5 years old, but weighs just 27 pounds.. he was brought in to the rescue and care shelter july 9th. he s severely emaciated and has sores all over his backside! shelter workers say animal control fouud him n a tash can in an alley behind cole baltimore. they re not sure how long he d been in there. 2058 we know that he could not have gotten up in hat trash can by himself. he as ex