joy lepola ffx 45 news at 5:00 a.. baltimore county .police officer. was indicted lasttmonth. in. the death of .a. prndallstown teen. teen. james la-board. facesscharges. of. voluntary áandááinvoluntaar manslaughter . in. the death. of. 17 year old say. la-bbard. chassd .. - after. some teens. who.. threw a rock. at his front door ./ each. count .carries a aximumm.. of. 10 years in ppison./. la-board. was. off duty at the time. last month. a baltimore man. was. in. intensiie care./ after . county police arrested him./. loved-ones. of. davontae nichols. bblieve. the officer. struck nichols in tte heaadwith a officer says .ittwas. accidental./. police. charged nichols .with several charges. including resisting arrest. for. the second less thaa a week, . city police. are dealing with violence. in thh central park heights neighborhh/ neighborhood../ a. man died .earlier this weee . after e was founn shot and sttbbed .on. spaulding avenue sundayy../ n thursdaa,. anoth
3 3 3 p, 3 ásomeá -g-e customerr could get a slight break on their bills next month. s a resuut of the reeent devestating storms. storms.unfortunately. áallá b-g-e ratepaaers could soon be electricity.megaa gillilaad is downtoww with the hard numbers. nummers.good mooning guys,lets for all of you left in he dark. dealing with thhs mess. thhre is a light at the end of the tunnel. went without power customer went without power during the ssorms. the greater the credit will be on their bill. this was aa order from maryland s public service commissioo.the monthly distribution charge vvries depending on how much energy you use. (gould) to find the balance between allowing the utility at the same time, not putting it in a position where it s using the evenue that it would be bringing innto &preinvest in the system. system. but customers would still have to pay a distribution fee for the first 24 hours of a power outage. so. now for the bad news. this is for everyone. your
guys.we re going to use them 3 could you guys practice ? just say, you re watching fox45 good day baltimore. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 p, 3 on the heels of closing twoo baltimore city fire companies..the mayor is proposing to giie the fire chief a raise.the board of estimmtes is expected to vote onnthis plan today. today.tom rodgers ii here with more on the controversy it s igniting plus your other top stories.hey tom. good mmrning,mayor stephanie chief james clack a two ng - percent raise. and plans to 20-18.he currently earns more than 161-thousand a year. but at a time when fire companies are closing because of buuget cuts. and fire fighters aren t seeing any increase at aal. theeunion representing them. wants to knowwhow this is fair. (campbell) we were told to live with zero percent, i don t have a problem with that if everyone s going toofeel the pain, everryody feels thh paii i don t have an issue with it, and aa far as i m fire departmmnt should just turn the raise down and
,33 3 3 a conttoversial raise will come before the board of estimates this morning.they ll have to decide if baltimore city fire chief, james claak deserves a raise. as the city is struggling financiaaly.megan gilliland is here with more on the fire sttrm it s creating. p3&good morning guys,this week reported that two baltimore closing. because of budget fighters aren t seeing any raise at all. but now, mayoo stephanie rawlingssblake is offering chief clack a wo percent raisee.. and plans to extend his contract. ttrough 20-18. &p161-thousand a year. while. more for the success he s had on the job.some local fire fighters say the timinn is just wrong. (hoffman) if we re all asked to take a hit and we have been, we just closed two falling at truck 10 in raise is way too much. rcent - much. in a staaement..chief clack says he s very honored chief. and is happy that the mayor has asked him to continue serving. coming up next haaf hour. what the fire fighters union is h
3 3 3 3 3 first on fox. prosecutors cut a deal with four defendants in the beating of a tourrst on saint patricks day.we ve been following this &pcase ssnce this ideo first appeared on ine. on-line..egan gillilann is plea and their sentencing.good morring megan. good morninggguys, this video. of a tourist being punched. robbedd.. and stripped naked. on the streees of downnoon baltimore. it was videotaped and posted on youtube. shocked almost everyone who watched it.. and led police to four all fouu plead guilty to ay. - assault. and in some cases. robbery. in exxhange for their pleas. prosecutors agreee to drop several charges. but according to one defense atttrney. the judge had some harsh words before sentencing. 10:28::0 this was reprehensible it was demeaning pt was illegaa and it did a negative light around theein - &pexpressed the displeasure and anger that many many many people felt when they viewed this videe :31 seen unccing the tourist in thh face. recei