friday the 13th muh hahahahahaha.. 33 3((singing)) ((singing)) 3 3 3 3 3 3 police are still gathering evidence this morning after n officer shoots and kills a suspect in baltimore county. it happeeed just before miinight onnhighmeadow road in . reisterstown.joel d. ssithh joins us live on the scene where he s just spoken too neighbors.good morning joel d. d. & (()) 3&p an arrest has been made in outside a carroll counnyy restaurant early this morning. 36 year ood david garrett was killed and another man was injured in the incident in at &pthe harrest inn restaurant an par in westminster.police identified jacob bircher as the suspect. nd the 24 &pyeaa oll tuuned himself in a dog is being nurred back to health this morning. after beiig tossed in the trash. and left to die. this pitbull terrier was bbought to the balltmore animal rescue and care helter mondayy tte dog they re now calling thor is estimated to be about 5 years old, but weighs just 27 pounds.. and has sores all o