And secretary will call the roll. [inaudible] singer, here. Chow, present. Chungsanchez. Approval of minutes of december 20, 2016. The minute are before you and motion for acceptance is in order. So moved. Is there is second, please . Secsd. Second. Any corrections to the minutes . Not seeing any all in favor say aye. Aye opposed. Item 3 is directors report. Director. Happy new year commissioners and those in the audience. A couple item, every year the Mayors Office asks for nomination for Good Government awards and we send one so this year we sent the [inaudible] move team and they were selected fl the Good Government award and so we are really proud of them. This recognizes outstanding leadership, creativity and kis tinction in San Francisco government and since the Program Inception more than hundred city and county employees receive the award. Individuals receive the award and glup award so happy to note all the good work that the team did to transition to the new hospital will be
Sorry, it is last item on the agenda, page 6. Page 6, pertaining to the second paragraph which is fine, may not [inaudible] commission period. I also stated after that that director garcia has aurder already reviewed accepted and implemented staff and board protocoles and also said the Commission Rule is clearly defined in city charter section 4. 102. I would like to submit that for correction. Thank you. Okay, so thats a it was deleted out. Right. Its a addition back to the minutes. Without objection well add that as part the amendment. I wanted to also add under page 3 in the fourth paragraph regard thg waiver, i think we should define the waverit says mrs. Wagner says sometimes when a waver and discusses the wavers. Is it accurate to call that the medical waver or is there a section 8just add medical waver because you read it you dont know what waver we are talking about. Third paragraph . Fourth paragraph page 3 in regards to the cost structure and revenue projection about the wave
What page, commissioner . Sorry, it is last item on the agenda, page 6. Page 6, pertaining to the second paragraph which is fine, may not [inaudible] commission period. I also stated after that that director garcia has aurder already reviewed accepted and implemented staff and board protocoles and also said the Commission Rule is clearly defined in city charter section 4. 102. I would like to submit that for correction. Thank you. Okay, so thats a it was deleted out. Right. Its a addition back to the minutes. Without objection well add that as part the amendment. I wanted to also add under page 3 in the fourth paragraph regard thg waiver, i think we should define the waverit says mrs. Wagner says sometimes when a waver and discusses the wavers. Is it accurate to call that the medical waver or is there a section 8just add medical waver because you read it you dont know what waver we are talking about. Third paragraph . Fourth paragraph page 3 in regards to the cost structure and revenue
The motion to send forward. I second that. And as amended . Yes, as amended. And so, movele amendments, and then move it as amended and then as a committee report, for the november, first 2016, board of supervisors meeting. Make the motion. And i will second that. And we will do that without objection. We are done. Mr. Evanthat all. No more items. Meeting adjourned. Thank you, everyone. Good afternoon the commission will please come to order and call the role. Pating, present. Loyce, present. Singer, present. Chow, present. San chez. Motion and is there a second . Okay motion and second the minutes are before you for approval, are there any corrections or additions . Yes i like yes, commissioner sanchez. Just dropped my notes, here. What page, commissioner . Sorry, it is last item on the agenda, page 6. Page 6, pertaining to the second paragraph which is fine, may not [inaudible] commission period. I also stated after that that director garcia has aurder already reviewed accepted and i
All voted this support the cannabis legalization taskforce including the mayor. Lets have you tell us what we should do next. What is the priority. We cant do all of this at once but if you tell us, you know, lets take the low hanging fruit and do the ease astuff first, well do that first and come back with recommendations for regulation and go off the people that know betjure write all the words and go to the committee and debate and make all the presentations. That is the type of thing that will make the taskforce a asset. We have got really smart people on the taskforce. Your Department Heads are brilliant. They are dedicated and show up apet up at the meetings and the citizens you appointed are really good. They email and talk and write and go to constituents. This isnt a sitoon your butt task force so lets use them and push them. I will pish push you to finish the presentation. I am done. I love ending on a high note. I look forward to the update you bring us. This is helpful. Beg